African American


Donald C.

Hello Ambers:

I don't know whwere to start. Yes I do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
We are talking about major transformation here. Several years ago I decided to put my life together. I was a teacher in the Siuth Bronx strugling to make it happen. I guess that is why I love the D.R. so much it brought my package of human experiences completely together. I removed the ego and replaced it with compassion for my fellow man. Your email message showed me how far I have come. Thank you so much. I will continue to live my life in such way. I have to agree with you on every point you made. It is always tough when you are from one country and trying to make a living somewhere else.Lack of resources will alwasys create hostility and tension among nations. I hope that People regardless of where they are from will understand that there are common things that drive us and to respect the next person for trying to reach their goals.If only we can be honest and respect each other. It is no differnt in the U.S.A. Everybody goes through it. When you are on the other side you would hope others make it also. Once again thanks a lot.
You have given me a tremendous boost .
