Evictions in Cabarete?

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On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Our gardener and house cleaner just told me that they had to get to their homes in Cabarete because several homes have been served eviction papers and the houses to be destroyed. Our gardeners? Uncle is an attorney so they will have some legal aid.

I don?t know what area specifically. Does anyone know what is going on?

Thanks, Ringo


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
No further word on this? Where does your gardener live, Ringo?


Thanks for asking Lindsey. I was hoping that others would have heard something. Keep in mind that I'm getting information from our gardener and house cleaner but I do respect them both and they have never lied to me.

Our gardener and house cleaner showed up on time this morning and I asked if they still had homes. From what I gather from them:

An Attorney (known to be scum to them and myself personally) with 400 eviction notices for being on private land in the Lagoon area. The Attorney came with a lot of armed uniforms. The action was started by a Dominican using this Attorney and had to be signed off by a Judge in the Land Court.

The “leaders” of this community had their Attorney show up with the papers proving that the Dominican Government had given this land to “the people”, complete with surveys and Deslinde over 45 years ago. They showed the Attorney and his “crew” the boundary markers and it was noted that 3 or 4 houses are outside of the survey area. The troops started thinning early and by the end it was only the Attorney and his staff. He then wanted everyone to pay him to drop the whole thing. I think that the whole thing is over but some shattered nerves will be around for a while waiting to see if this ****** comes back.

Our gardener is just starting to build his own house in this area on land his father gave him. His mother and brother have also lived there for over 25 years. Our house cleaner for over 45 years.

This type of land grab scam seems to be the newest way to make money. As I recall, the El Choco area was hit last year. I see that some Punta Cana hotels are getting hit. Myself and wife have had some try it on us.


May 29, 2004
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3a7RmXbBGY0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bajo el Oficiio No. 000560, El Teniente Coronel, P.N. Lic. Juan Bautista J?menez Reynoso, y el Lic. Nelson Henriquez Castillo, Alguacil. Actuaron sobre la Parcela No. 48 para desalojar varias propiedades de los moradores del sector Vera Larga en Villa Islabon, Cabarete. La justicia del pa?s tiene que tener cuenta porque en Cabarete es una de las zonas donde m?s le gusta aparecen varios titulos de propiedad y los pobres no tienen quien los defiendan.

Los oficiales y el alguacil echaron manos a la obra, luego de exponer ante las c?maras el documento, con que alegan la orden del desalojo, en manos del Abogado del Estado Licdo. Ram?n Jacobo V?squez Almonte de la Oficina del Estado Jurisdicci?n Inmobiliaria del Departamento Norte.

Las cosas tomaron color hormigas, cuando el Alcalde del Distrito Cabarete, Gabriel Mora ?CANOA?, los enfrento, haciedole saber que esos terrenos estan ocupados por familias pobres hace m?s de 50 a?os, y que si el deslinde esta hecho ante de la fecha que esos terrenos han sido ocupados por esas familias, el deslinde es ilegal y que deber?n demostrarlo con la ley para apoderarlos.

El sindico le puso claro a las autoridades presente en el desalojo que ?l, es el alcalde y autoridad competente de esa comunidad y que debio ser informado al Cabildo y a dichas comunidades, para que esas familias de escasos recursos pudieran enfrentar tal problem?tica.

El desalojo se llevo a cabo a las 11:00.am horas de la ma?ana de este jueves 19 de mayo; actuando bajo la ley No.108-05 Sobre registro inmobiliarios.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Thanks for posting CFA123

Too bad that the video did not have sound other then the music.

I also apologize for injecting my own personal opinions. I was not there and was reacting to the distress of my employees and ... friends.

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