Judy's Pet Lodge?


Sep 20, 2009
What happened to Judy's Pet Lodge?

I have friends who had two puppies dumped in their garden, they took them in for the night but cannot keep them because they have already four dogs of their own.

So they called Pet Lodge and got the answer that they are no longer a pet rescue center but are now a charitable veterinary service.



william webster

Jan 16, 2009
We picked up an abandoned puppy on the road and tried to shelter it there..

Same answer - No - they bathed it, sprayed it and sent it on its way with us.
We arranged for a home for it...

Whats up ?


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Could be faced with a harsh reality: Charity isn't free.


Apr 25, 2006
Has anyone looked at the website for Judy's Pet Lodge? or the AAAS Sosua? It does explain exactly what the goal of each are.
Before anyone asks what happened, it might be good to check out what is able to happen and why. Just saying...


Nov 1, 2003
AAAS has never been an animal shelter. If you check out their mission statement at AAASosua.com you will see that. They currently have approx. 30 dogs and numerous puppies they are housing and taking care of. As cobraboy said charity isn't free. William how far do think fifty dollars lasts with a sick puppy?? Food, shots, deworming, bathing, debugging and your fifty dollars and than some are gone in the first few days. AAAS runs strictly on donations and volunteer workers - if you think you can help make it better than I encourage you to give financially or with your time as I know AAAS could use both.

Grandma Jen

New member
Jan 16, 2008
I don't very often post on here, however, when I saw this post, I felt that some clarification is required.

Judy's Pet Lodge, as the name suggests, is a place to board animals and is a family run business

The AAAS, to which I hope the poster was referring to, is a not for profit organisation that helps provide a spay/neuter programme for the local community at low cost or not cost, depending if the animal meets qualifying conditions

The AAAS has never been, and will never be, a dumping ground for people who do not know what to do with puppies that they rescue and then expect other people to take care of

If your "friends" are dog lovers, then perhaps they will understand the time, effort and commitment that is required to look after animals - not to mention the money it costs. AAAS is funded totally by donations of caring thoughtful people who want to help the animals of the North Coast and particular, Sosua and the immediate surrounding area's

So I respectfully request that your friends try to find a home for these puppies - maybe a post on this forum or Dominican Central will turn up with some prospective new homes

I sincerely wish you and your friends good luck in rehoming these animals

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
We picked up an abandoned puppy on the road and tried to shelter it there..

Same answer - No - they bathed it, sprayed it and sent it on its way with us.
We arranged for a home for it...

Whats up ?

Before everybody kills me...... I did my part and kicked in money...

Grandma Jen

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Thanks for the clarification. I am sure my friends who are real dog lovers will find a good home for those puppies.

I am so pleased your friends are real dog lovers - they should find no problem in finding them a home


New member
May 17, 2006
Before everybody kills me...... I did my part and kicked in money...

I have personally volunteered for every surgery there to sterilize dogs in the last five years, many volunteers come and go but there are a few who if they wern,t there from day to day in the general running and care of these dogs you would see a totally different storey on the North Coast. And while I,m at it I am sick of the people who bring there dogs to be stereilised and give us 500 pesos if we,re lucky, that doe,s not even cover the cost of the medications that they receive let alone the rabies vaccine that if they havn,t had it they get as a matter of course. At the vets now ( where they should go if they can afford it ) it costs anything from 4,000- 6,000 . Phew I feel better now!!


Nov 22, 2007
William, I LIKED your post just to counteract the dislikes. I don't understand how people who claim to love animals and rescue them because they want to (because no one forces them to) then want you to pay an arm and a leg for them to cover their costs. No one forces them to rescue the animals, they do so because their hearts tell them too. So why the snubbing when the payment isn't what THEY want.
It's like if I took in 10 orphan children and someone came to give me some clothes for them and I snubbed them because the shirts weren't HOLLISTER or AMBERCROMBIE and FITCH
Good Grief.....
Go ahead, bring on the dislikes.



Apr 25, 2006
Not the case, as I know it to be. If you have recently tried to adopt a pet in either the United States or Canada, I think you will find the shelter costs much higher than you expect. Neither they or AAAS can provide any type of treatment or vaccine for free.
All pets have been spayed or neutered, given all shots and preventative measures taken to prevent fleas, ticks etc. No one forces anyone to do anything, but if you adopt a pet you should be prepared to shoulder some of the costs and have the financial resources to provide for it in the future. If you cannot do the first, then it is quite likely you can't do the latter, or would choose not to.
In the 4 years of being on the North Coast I have witnessed the benefit for the dogs who have no "real" homes. They are healthier, better fed and a lot less of them, thanks to the volunteers, both in time and finances.
In case you haven't guessed, I am an animal lover and don't like to see anyone make light of the hard work that people choose to do!! Of course this is only my opinion, based on my perspective.


Sep 11, 2010
Thanks for saying what I was thinking
no way will I pay 4000 to 6000 for a stray dog to get a rabies shot or what not ,but for my own of course

donation for the stray one ,no problem



Sep 11, 2010
I also know that the shots bought in bulk are very affordable
I can go to the feed store and get vaccines for 3$ instead of paying the vet 50 plus
heartworm med liquid 30$ last for years

the breeders do their own ,inexpensive btw
rabies 10$
just my 2 cents


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I also know that the shots bought in bulk are very affordable
I can go to the feed store and get vaccines for 3$ instead of paying the vet 50 plus
heartworm med liquid 30$ last for years

the breeders do their own ,inexpensive btw
rabies 10$
just my 2 cents
Do you surgically spay and neuter those dogs yourself?

That's where the real cost comes in, not just the drugs. It's common to pay RD$3000-4500 here for those services, and 5+ times that in the states.

I've adpoted dogs and cats from the Humane Society/ASPCA and it is NOT cheap. Not only that, you have to go through a screening process to insure you're a fit potential pet owner.


Sep 11, 2010
Of course I know,they also pretty much check your credit,its like adopting a kid lol

the only thing I was saying is
the meds are not that expensive,I work in a rx I know the cost,I have a friend thats a vet, so very familiar with prices

my issue is not the regular petowner that pays full price
its the strays that need help



Nov 1, 2003
I think you are missing the point SKing. The post that started the thread is about bringing in rescued puppies to AAAS. This happens all the time where someone feels bad seeing a sick dog - they bring the dog in and drop it off at AAAS. They feel they have done their part. They are the rescuer of this animal and should thus be responsible for the cost and care of the animal. Instead they feel that by dropping it off they are done with their part and throw the whole cost and care of the animal on AAAS and its limited funds.

William, I LIKED your post just to counteract the dislikes. I don't understand how people who claim to love animals and rescue them because they want to (because no one forces them to) then want you to pay an arm and a leg for them to cover their costs. No one forces them to rescue the animals, they do so because their hearts tell them too. So why the snubbing when the payment isn't what THEY want.
It's like if I took in 10 orphan children and someone came to give me some clothes for them and I snubbed them because the shirts weren't HOLLISTER or AMBERCROMBIE and FITCH
Good Grief.....
Go ahead, bring on the dislikes.



Sep 20, 2009
If you have recently tried to adopt a pet in either the United States or Canada, I think you will find the shelter costs much higher than you expect.

As a Dog Sports woman I had the pleasure to compete at Dogfrisbee competitions in the States for several years in a row. The big Dogfrisbee event organizers such as Skyhoundz and AWI each year make it a point to support one of the local shelters where the competitions are held. This help takes many forms such as donating large parts of the entry fees, allowing the shelter to have a booth at the competition field and almost always some competitors adopting dogs. The culmination of this help is of course at the World Championships where the help goes a lot further. Aside from the things mentioned above, the organizations also give a lot of help in the form of publicity nation wide, in the help of funds and loads of gifts which the shelter can use to sell during the remainder of the year.

I am just saying all of this because by participating in those competitions and then certainly at the World Championships, the competitors get a chance to visit the local shelter that is sponsored that year and I have to say that these shelters (non kill shelters btw) are very well equipped and have a very professional staff who consists of volunteers and pro's. The follow up of adopters is pretty stringed and not just any body can just take out a dog out of there. Price cc US$ 50.