Registering with TSS - firsthand experience


Mar 31, 2010
I took it on, the task of getting the employees registered with the TSS for a new company. First step getting the company all legal. That was done by a law firm - note this is not my company, get your hands on copies of all the documents issued in relation to said new company. No matter what they are, SOMEONE will want a copy.

(Second I went onto the gov't website and filled in the request for registration with RNC and my Cedula. Then I waited. They sent me a document 10 full days later)

Meanwhile I went to the TSS office here on the north coast. Helpful people, they printed me off the page that states what we need. Now the needs change a bit if the company is older then 60 days! (later this becomes important)

We need a number of things - including a letter from the owner asking for the employees to be registered and naming me the representative. AND that has to be signed by all and sealed with the corporate seal - which we did not have. Off to law office to get the seal. Letter stamped - smart us we did two original copies - just in case.


Para registrar su empresa en TSS, el propietario o representante autorizado deber? entregar personalmente en el Centro de Asistencia al Empleador mas cercano, las documentaciones seg?n su caso.

RNC Jur?dicos o Persona Moral

1. Copia de ?ltima Asamblea y copia de estatutos
2. Certificaci?n de Inscripci?n emitida por DGII especificando R?gimen Tributario y desde cu?ndo est? registrado.
3.Copia de Acta Asignaci?n del RNC
4. Copia del Registro Mercantil
5. Carta de solicitud firmada por el Gerente o Presidente de la Empresa
6. Copia de c?dula gerente o presidente de la empresa y la del representante autorizado

So, we gathered up all our paperwork,made copies and extra copies!!!

Next step Rentas Internas - we need a letter stating when we were incorporated and what our stated purpose is. To get this I need another letter from the owner and all the copies of all the documents again. WE get this even though it should all be in their computers. And I pay the 300 RD fee. You stand in line for 45 minutes to find out what you need. Go get it. Come back. Stand in line for 1 hour 15 minutes to pay the fee. Take the green paper to the other line up only to be told it takes a MINIMUM of 15 WORKING DAYS to get the paper you need.

Remember that 60 days deadline??? Well company is constituted on May 16th. Now it is June 16th and I will now wait 15 working days to get my letter. That will take us to about July 7th IF IN FACT IT IS 15 days!!!

So then the nice lady tells me that if I need it faster I can take it to the office in Santo Domingo and pay an extra fee to have it in 24hours! Monday I will be in Santo Domingo. I will go to the office there and try this!

Wish me luck. I will update this every step of the way.