Latest Dominican Police Caper!



As if in a scene of Ganster movies from the Capone Era, The Police Department has reported stolen 500 "dossiers" of files from convicted criminals deported from the United States after serving their time in Federal US Prisons. These files according to an investigation ordered by Candelier were stolen by police officers and corrupt lawyers to be sold back to the ex-cons for big money so they can be free from police surveillance and have their records clear.

Well, what do you all think of this latest caper by our police? Now we have 500 or more dangerous criminals which the United States could not afford roaming their streets, walking around like normal, decent citizens creating havoc among our population.

What's next?


You say " our police...".
So I assume that you are Dominican, what would you suggest?


What's Next???

Next, these criminals start taking neighborhood after neighborhood terrorizing citizens along the way. Then, feeling that they can do anything they want, they start kidnapping, carjacking, bombing police stations, ...

Next thing you know, Dominican Republic becomes the Colombia of the caribbean (with all due respect to the Colombians).

It's a shame. DR is such a beautiful country. But the leaders are such jacka**es.



Obviously, an investigation is called for. The problem is that investigations so far have led nowhere in this country. So impunity and disregard of the law continue to be a problem. The police is full of corruption and the government is doing little about it.

Notice how they just released a video of a juvenile's confessions on a TV monitor to the press putting this juveniles' life in danger. This is the young guy who snitched on the rioters in Navarrete, perhaps an induced confession, as denounced by Amnesty International today as one of the common practices by the police.