Is this true?


Nov 22, 2007
Hip?lito promete construir hospital de maternidad en Santiago y dotar de tecnolog?a de punta centros hospitalarios del pa?s
23/07/2011 | Categor?a: Principal | Escrito por: Administrador
El Jacaguero
SANTIAGO, Rep?blica Dominicana.- El Coordinador General Nacional de Campa?a del Sector Salud del Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, doctor Jes?s Feris Iglesias, asegur? que una de las iniciativas inmediatas del ingeniero Hip?lito Mej?a, desde que asuma la presidencia del pa?s, en el 2012, ser? dotar a Santiago de los Caballeros de un hospital de maternidad y equipar a los centros asistenciales p?blicos con tecnolog?a de punta.

El sector Salud del PRD, encabezado por los doctores Jes?s Feris Iglesias, Plutarco Arias, Agust?n Lugo Alem?n, Manas?s Pe?a, entre otros.
Manifest?, que estas obras han sido solicitadas por la sociedad de Santiago en m?ltiples ocasiones a las autoridades actuales y no se le ha hecho caso, lo que demuestra que ni la salud ni Santiago son prioridad para el gobierno del PLD.

Lament? que, en el ?rea de Reforma del sector Salud, en la parte hospitalaria, se haya producido un retroceso, y cit? como ejemplo, al Hospital Regional Cabral y B?ez de la ciudad de Santiago, el cual se encuentra en franco estado de deterioro.

M?dicos y dirigentes del PRD en Santiago.
El destacado medico infect?logo, destac? que al concluir el gobierno de Hip?lito Mej?a en 2004, este Hospital Jos? Mar?a Cabral y B?ez, era un centro modelo para el pa?s y la regi?n, igual que los dem?s centros asistenciales de Santiago, equip?ndoles y remoz?ndole sus plantas f?sicas.

Al dejar juramentado el Comando de Salud de la Campa?a del candidato perredista, Hip?lito Mej?a, Jes?s Feris Iglesias consider? contraproducente que, en Santiago la segunda ciudad de importancia del pa?s, no haya un solo centro hospitalario p?blico dotado con tecnolog?a de punta, mucho menos, un hospital de Maternidad.

Declar? que la gran Reforma del Sector Salud, con la creaci?n de las leyes de Seguridad Social y la Ley General de salud, forma parte de la gran inversi?n en la gente que realiz? el gobierno del presidente Hip?lito Mej?a, quien mantiene la firme determinaci?n en resolver y enfrentar los graves problemas que afectan a este sector.

Comando Provincial de Campa?a de Salud de Santiago qued? conformado por ; el doctor Agust?n Lugo Alem?n y Manas?s Pe?a, como Coordinadores Provinciales, respectivamente; Luis Balboa Secretario de Organizaci?n del Frente de Salud Institucional del PRD, entre otros.

En la actividad estuvieron presentes adem?s, el doctor Plutarco Arias, Sub coordinador Nacional del Comando Nacional de Campa?a, Hugo Bautista, Director Ejecutivo Nacional y el doctor Ram?n Acosta, Director Pol?tico del Comando de Salud.

Tambi?n, por la direcci?n provincial de Santiago del PRD asistieron a la actividad, V?ctor M?ndez, Director Comando Provincial de Campa?a; Dionisio Cruz, Director Ejecutivo, Ana Almonte, Coordinadora Nacional de la juventud del Sector Salud, la licenciada Sonia Guzm?n, en representaci?n del “Movimiento Guzmancistas con Pap? y el licenciado Ulises Rodr?guez.

Is this true that he has promised this? Also do you think it is just a ploy to get more votes in the election? I am looking into speaking with some of the people mentioned in the article, 2 of which I have already had promising email conversations with. I wonder is it worth my time to investigate if this will really happen or no, as I think Hipolito will win.



Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
He also said the DR will have it's first Space Port in San Pedro if you forgive him for his ties with the local drug smugglers. I hear Metaldom are doing the fab work and a new company that nobody has heard of with a shared office in Cotui will be supervising the entire project.

What JD said...


Nov 22, 2007
Shalena.. c'mon now, do you really even have to ask? You know better.

I don't get much into DR politics, I don't know anything about what one party stands for or doesn't. I don't know what Hipolito has said or done in his previous presidency as I knew nothing about DR at that time....just wondering if this was SAID by him and not just someone in his party....that's all.



Feb 3, 2002
with a shared office in Cotui will be supervising the entire project.

Is this true? If so I'm campaigning for JAJA, I mean PAPA starting today. Oh it's just painful to watch my country just hear this BS over and over and still maintain some glimmer of hope, when they know deep down there's none.


Jan 1, 2002
Is this true that he has promised this? Also do you think it is just a ploy to get more votes in the election? I am looking into speaking with some of the people mentioned in the article, 2 of which I have already had promising email conversations with. I wonder is it worth my time to investigate if this will really happen or no, as I think Hipolito will win.


Can't be more of a fiancial mess than Leonel's metro is.


Nov 22, 2007
All I know is that last week, almost every jeepeta I saw had a sticker on the back saying "Estoy con Papa!", I saw nothing for the other guy, what's his name....



Jan 1, 2002
Let's be frank here. The PLD had not spent a penny in Santiago, or much of the Cibao for that matter. Most of the huge amount of money spent was in Santo Domingo (province and city) with the 2012 elections in mind. You can almost count the Solidarity card holders in the Cibao on one hand! Same for Bono Gas and all the other social programs.

So it is natural that as a campaign promise which would be extremely well received, Mejia would offer Santiago a major government investment of a huge maternity hospital to (a) relieve the Cabral y Baez and (b) satisfy a major necessity of the entire 14 provinces and, oh yes (c) garner more votes in the area.

And let's also be clear on another point: Mejia and drugs and Leonel and drugs are on a par folks, and in fact I would tend to say that in Mej?a's time they were just testing the waters and now they are sailing yachts on those waters.....people are so forgetful....

And the idea of a space port by someone in Mejia's camp and the suggestion by the Hazoury clan of creating a Caribbean Financial Center are pretty much on the same plane...or so it seems....both are way in the future...jejejeje

Shalena: I learned from a mutual friend that there is a law against mid-wifery here! But the existence of "parteras" is a reality. Just one of the crazy juxtapositions that exist here. I think your efforts should continue no matter. Perhaps you could convince some academics as to the benefits of mid-wifery?? Start some ground swell of pressure. You must realize who would oppose such a reform of the legislation, there is a lot of money at risk...anyway, do keep at it.

May 12, 2005
Let's be frank here. The PLD had not spent a penny in Santiago, or much of the Cibao for that matter. Most of the huge amount of money spent was in Santo Domingo (province and city) with the 2012 elections in mind. You can almost count the Solidarity card holders in the Cibao on one hand! Same for Bono Gas and all the other social programs.

So it is natural that as a campaign promise which would be extremely well received, Mejia would offer Santiago a major government investment of a huge maternity hospital to (a) relieve the Cabral y Baez and (b) satisfy a major necessity of the entire 14 provinces and, oh yes (c) garner more votes in the area.


You would think that with Abel Martinez, President of the Chamber of Deputies, being from Santiago, the monies would be flowing to the city.


Feb 3, 2002
Can't be more of a fiancial mess than Leonel's metro is.
Yes it can...did you already forget the long lines at the gas station and propane gas places, USD at 55 to 1 and not being able to plan for anything because you didn't know how much it would cost tomorrow, etc. I was going to post some DR1 links from the conversations we were having back in those days just to remind some of you what YOU said back then, but when I did a search for Hipolito and posts older than a year there were just too many to pick anything from the boondogle that was his presidency. Right now we're just hosed one way or another.


Jan 1, 2002
I agree that the horrific inflation caused by the BanInter debacle was incredibly difficult for a lot of people. The fact that nobody with money in BanInter lost any money and the Central Bank had to staunch the inflation by offering interest rates of over 50% on CDs which was both a solution to an immediate problem and the cause of a longer term problem (the quasi-fiscal deficit) is lost on many people... And that 55 to 1 only lasted for a know that..and when it went down the Free Zones were yelling for it to go back up!! They got screwed anyway by the CDE.

However, the last eight years have seen an increase in spending, on the Metro and other little projects as well as the social programs which just create dependency in order to guarantee votes, which is unprecedented in Dominican history.

Those long lines are well they were back in the mid-70s when Opec started upping the price of oil....

As I see things simplistically, I question the existence of the Dominican Armed Forces. To me they are a major waste of time.
I see ministries that only provide paychecks (Women, Youth, Culture, Environment to name just three or four). I see a Congress that is allowed to pour money into its own pockets at will, and the major two entities, Education and Public Health, lacking funds and effective leadership.

I agree with Leonel (can't believe I wrote that!) that money will not improve education, but money and firm leadership, will and can improve this. How is it possible that we have outstanding people all over this world, seemingly, and we have such terrible standings in Health and Education when measured against the countries in the region and hemisphere??? There is a lack of political will. B@lls is the word.

I cannot predict what a Mejia administration would do a second time around. Maybe they would have learned from the former experience? From these last 8 years? Hard to say. But, I think I would like to see it.

If there is anyone out there that can point to something done outside the capital over the last few years, please post it here.


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I agree that the horrific inflation caused by the BanInter debacle was incredibly difficult for a lot of people. The fact that nobody with money in BanInter lost any money and the Central Bank had to staunch the inflation by offering interest rates of over 50% on CDs which was both a solution to an immediate problem and the cause of a longer term problem (the quasi-fiscal deficit) is lost on many people... And that 55 to 1 only lasted for a know that..and when it went down the Free Zones were yelling for it to go back up!! They got screwed anyway by the CDE.

However, the last eight years have seen an increase in spending, on the Metro and other little projects as well as the social programs which just create dependency in order to guarantee votes, which is unprecedented in Dominican history.

Those long lines are well they were back in the mid-70s when Opec started upping the price of oil....

As I see things simplistically, I question the existence of the Dominican Armed Forces. To me they are a major waste of time.
I see ministries that only provide paychecks (Women, Youth, Culture, Environment to name just three or four). I see a Congress that is allowed to pour money into its own pockets at will, and the major two entities, Education and Public Health, lacking funds and effective leadership.

I agree with Leonel (can't believe I wrote that!) that money will not improve education, but money and firm leadership, will and can improve this. How is it possible that we have outstanding people all over this world, seemingly, and we have such terrible standings in Health and Education when measured against the countries in the region and hemisphere??? There is a lack of political will. B@lls is the word.

I cannot predict what a Mejia administration would do a second time around. Maybe they would have learned from the former experience? From these last 8 years? Hard to say. But, I think I would like to see it.

If there is anyone out there that can point to something done outside the capital over the last few years, please post it here.


Has there not been efforts to improve teacher's education levels including government sponsored Master's programs. There has been efforts, at least in Jarabacoa, to reach all the children in outlying villiages ...etc. There has been a lot of physical improvements to the publics schools in Jarabacoa, but apparantly this is a local thing. I can only speak to the things I've observed. I hated going to the airport when the PRD goons were in charge - shakedown city.
Certainly lots of improved roads in the area but with Leonel's former mother-in-law as Mayor that could be the reason.
I think that there is a lot of room for improvement but I've seen the hospitals and education system in a few of the surrounding countries and the DR is bad, but not as bad as many make out. Get rid of the 1.5 million illegals and I'm sure the public hospital system would be better.
Under the PRD didn't both the health Care and Education suffer even more?


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Shalena.. c'mon now, do you really even have to ask? You know better.
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->I don't get much into DR politics, I don't know anything about what one party stands for or doesn't. I don't know what Hipolito has said or done in his previous presidency as I knew nothing about DR at that time....just wondering if this was SAID by him and not just someone in his party....that's all.


So you said you don't get much into DR politics, but you also said that you think Hipolito is going to win. Hahaha be more serious.
BTW: Hipolito is not going to win, thanks God.


May 2, 2008
Teacher training? What a joke! My husband and many of his coworkers were offered these "free" masters through the ministry of education and an organization called INAFOCAM. Except, 18 months into the two year program they were all told that the the MofE and INAFOCAM never paid the bill, so they were cancelling the program. A few worked it out where they would just pay the last few months of classes, but many didn't.
there are schools in santiago busting at the seams with students - and they refuse to even fix the schools they have, let alone build more!
teachers were given a raise, but with the raise most of the teachers flew over the "tax bracket" and now they make less because they're taking out more in taxes than the raise they received.
oh, and that lack of school books this year? they just "forgot" how many they needed to publish.
bob, i think jarabacoa and your wife's school might be the exception to the rule (and i respect that) but education really is not getting any better!


Nov 22, 2007
Shalena.. c'mon now, do you really even have to ask? You know better.
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->I don't get much into DR politics, I don't know anything about what one party stands for or doesn't. I don't know what Hipolito has said or done in his previous presidency as I knew nothing about DR at that time....just wondering if this was SAID by him and not just someone in his party....that's all.


So you said you don't get much into DR politics, but you also said that you think Hipolito is going to win. Hahaha be more serious.
BTW: Hipolito is not going to win, thanks God.

Wow, now I can't have an opinion?!? Hmmm, this is new


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Teacher training? What a joke! My husband and many of his coworkers were offered these "free" masters through the ministry of education and an organization called INAFOCAM. Except, 18 months into the two year program they were all told that the the MofE and INAFOCAM never paid the bill, so they were cancelling the program. A few worked it out where they would just pay the last few months of classes, but many didn't.
there are schools in santiago busting at the seams with students - and they refuse to even fix the schools they have, let alone build more!
teachers were given a raise, but with the raise most of the teachers flew over the "tax bracket" and now they make less because they're taking out more in taxes than the raise they received.
oh, and that lack of school books this year? they just "forgot" how many they needed to publish.
bob, i think jarabacoa and your wife's school might be the exception to the rule (and i respect that) but education really is not getting any better! -------------------------------- I wasn't talking about my wife's school. She could do some drastic improvement also, but she is limited by money. As it is there, has been no raise in fees for the past years, and in fact she has provided most of the text books herself.
I was talking about the public schools in Jarabacoa. They have all been repaired, new roofs and electrical in some cases, and those awful solid fences with razor-wire installed. One of Yris teachers got hired by the public system this week to teacher grade three - $19,000 per month. That I believe is under the amount that you have to pay income tax on. If you look on the left before you head up the hill to Jarabacoa there is a school there that is getting a second floor- was about 50% finished and they were working on it.


May 2, 2008
Bob- I believe you! I do, I just don't think that it's the norm in the country. Does she work one tanda or two? And does she have any of the "extras" worked in? Because a lot of the teachers in Santiago got thrown over - high school teachers and politecnicos get paid more, so that might be why. It's not fair either way.

I do, however, hope that whatever it is that is happenening in Jarabacoa trickles down into the rest of the country soon!