Can someone repost poem about a Dominican Friend

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La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
Did a search, and couldn't find a poem that someone had posted about the difference between a Dominican friend and others.

Specifically I remember the part about the chicken soup--an American will tell you tell to take chicken soup for a cold, but a Dominican will come to your house, kill the chicken, get the gas refilled, and make it, etc. etc.

All positive things!


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Then while you sleep,they will steal the gas tank,eat the soup,and later when you ask,they will swear,"No Fui Yo"!!!!!


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006



Un amigo es alguien que nunca te pide comida.

Un amigo dominicano es la raz?n por la que organizas una comida.

A friend is someone who never asks you for food

A Dominican friend is the reason why you cook food

Un amigo te pregunta c?mo est?s.
Un amigo dominicano te dice que te ves bien, te abraza y te besa.

A friend will ask you how you are

A Dominican friend will tell you you look good, will hug you and give you a kiss.

Un amigo llama a tus padres se?or y se?ora.
Un amigo dominicano llama a tus padres "mi viejo" y "mi vieja."

A friend will call your parents mr and mrs

A Dominican friend will call you parents my old man and my old woman (terms of affection here!)

Un amigo puede que nunca te haya visto llorar.
Un amigo dominicano ha llorado contigo, por cualquier cosa.

A friend will never have seen you cry

A Dominican friend has cried with you, over everything

Un amigo te manda flores y una tarjeta cuando est?s internado en el hospital.
Un amigo dominicano se queda a dormir en una silla, a tu lado.

A friend sends you flowers and a card when you are in hospital

A Dominican friend will sleep on a chair at your side

Un amigo te pide algo prestado y te lo devuelve a los dos d?as.
Un amigo dominicano te pide algo prestado y a la semana se olvida que no es suyo.

A friend will ask to borrow something and will give it back 2 days later

A Dominican friend will ask to borrow something and after a week will forget it was yours

Un amigo te ofrece el sof? para que duermas.

Un amigo dominicano te brinda su cama, se acuesta en el suelo...
y no te deja dormir en toda la noche conversando contigo.

A friend will offer you the sofa to sleep on

A Dominican friend will give you his bed, he will sleep on the floor and not let you sleep but spend the whole night talking to you

Un amigo sabe unas cuantas cosas acerca de ti.
Un amigo dominicano podr?a escribir un libro con las cosas que le has contado de ti.

A friend will know a few things about you

A Dominican friend will be able to write a book with all the things he knows about you

Un amigo te lleva 'Acetaminofen' cuando est?s resfriado.
Un amigo dominicano te hace una sopa de pollo y los remedios que le ense?? su abuela.
Y puede que hasta te haga 'el avi?n' con la cuchara, para que te tomes la sopa.

A friend will give you a paracetomal when you are hungover

A Dominican friend will make you chicken soup, and give you his grandmother's cures, and will make sure you drink the soup, even hand feeding you.

Un amigo toca a tu puerta para que le abras.
Un amigo dominicano abre la puerta, entra y despu?s te dice: ?Llegu?!

A friend will knock on your door, waiting for you to open it

A Dominican friend will open the door, walk in and then say I am here

Un amigo te pide que le hagas un caf?.
Un amigo dominicano pasa a la cocina y monta la cafetera y hasta le pide az?car a una vecina si no tiene.

A friend will ask you to make them coffee

A Dominican friend will go into the kitchen, make the coffee and go next door to ask a neighbour for sugar if you have none

Un amigo puede serlo por un tiempo.
Un amigo dominicano es para toda la vida.

A friend can be for a while

A Dominican friend is for life

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