In defence of the good ones

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New member
Oct 6, 2009
This is only for those people who seem to find nothing but negative words for this place.

Hello, I am a Dominican from a family of Dominicans who can trace their Dominicanness back 7 generations. I am one of the good ones, and I am not alone.

I am not a sanky.
I don't bother people for money.
I am 25 and I'm not a gang memeber.
I don't deal drugs.
I have never murdered anyone.
Yes, I have probably broken hearts, but have had my heart broken as well.
I don't blast the music in my car when I'm in residential zones at night.
I am on time for appointments.
I have informed opinions on world affairs, the economy, as well as the manifestos and policies of political candidates.
I am not a cheater, and I don't have more than one girlfriend.
I do not condone prostitution or sex tourism.
I have never swindled a tourist.
I am not out to marry someone for a passport.
I am not an "hijo de papi y mami"
I am not a "chopo"

I am a Dominican, and I'm not the only one.

You will find all sorts of people on this island, you will find as5holes, and bitch?s, and "interesados". I am not one of them. There are many people like me, more than this website would imply. There are educated Dominicans who care about their country, who are polite, who are aware of other people around them. And, of course there are those who don't, but the point I want to make is that WE, DOMINICANS, ARE NOT ALL THE CRAP OF THE EARTH THAT IS DESCRIBED ON HERE SO OFTEN.

This is a message to those proud, tired, whiny expats on here, PLEASE stop bringing your first world problems to my third world country. I am as tired of you and have as much contempt for your comments as you seem to have for the soil you're on.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Bravo Prospero, thanks you. You represent the majority of the Dominicans that I know too.

At the risk of sounding a lot like AZB, many of the posters here are only acquainted with the dregs of Dominican society. We can't deny that they exist, but a more balanced approach to Dominicans in general is lacking on DR1 most days.

Let's face facts: me writing about my positive experiences with Dominicans over the past 36 years is very boring, and in comparison to a juicy sanky thread there would be no contest.


Feb 16, 2011
This is only for those people who seem to find nothing but negative words for this place.

Hello, I am a Dominican from a family of Dominicans who can trace their Dominicanness back 7 generations. I am one of the good ones, and I am not alone.

I am not a sanky.
I don't bother people for money.
I am 25 and I'm not a gang memeber.
I don't deal drugs.
I have never murdered anyone.
Yes, I have probably broken hearts, but have had my heart broken as well.
I don't blast the music in my car when I'm in residential zones at night.
I am on time for appointments.
I have informed opinions on world affairs, the economy, as well as the manifestos and policies of political candidates.
I am not a cheater, and I don't have more than one girlfriend.
I do not condone prostitution or sex tourism.
I have never swindled a tourist.
I am not out to marry someone for a passport.
I am not an "hijo de papi y mami"
I am not a "chopo"

I am a Dominican, and I'm not the only one.

You will find all sorts of people on this island, you will find as5holes, and bitch?s, and "interesados". I am not one of them. There are many people like me, more than this website would imply. There are educated Dominicans who care about their country, who are polite, who are aware of other people around them. And, of course there are those who don't, but the point I want to make is that WE, DOMINICANS, ARE NOT ALL THE CRAP OF THE EARTH THAT IS DESCRIBED ON HERE SO OFTEN.

This is a message to those proud, tired, whiny expats on here, PLEASE stop bringing your first world problems to my third world country. I am as tired of you and have as much contempt for your comments as you seem to have for the soil you're on.
Great to see that there are "good" Dominicans out there. You are not alone, I myself know plenty of Dominicans just like you.

I consider myself a "good" Dominican as well. :)

Tony Cabrera

New member
Sep 24, 2002
Great to see that there are "good" Dominicans out there. You are not alone, I myself know plenty of Dominicans just like you.

I consider myself a "good" Dominican as well. :)

Me too, i just do not post that much, put in the list as a good Dominican.:)


Jun 13, 2009
I have said this before, but I will say it again. For the most part I have had only very positive experiences with the Dominicans, privately and in business.

I got screwed twice, both times by expats. Expat friends here (the good kind) have had similar experiences.

I think you get what you bargain for. Treat the local people with respect, and you will earn respect.

Disclaimer: the above statements do not include ladrones like Edenorte, Claro, etc... ;)


Jul 25, 2007
I agree, there are a lot of good people here in the DR, like anywhere.

Surprisingly to some on this board I even know of a few engineers at the university with me that are married and/or have a girlfriend and don't cheat on them. Also, my Dominican wife's family are poor by Western standards yet they are as good as any people I have ever known and certainly aren't involved in drugs, prostitution, sank panky and shady businesses that most foreigners on this site would claim.


Aug 10, 2005
This is only for those people who seem to find nothing but negative words for this place.

Hello, I am a Dominican from a family of Dominicans who can trace their Dominicanness back 7 generations. I am one of the good ones, and I am not alone.

I am not a sanky.
I don't bother people for money.
I am 25 and I'm not a gang memeber.
I don't deal drugs.
I have never murdered anyone.
Yes, I have probably broken hearts, but have had my heart broken as well.
I don't blast the music in my car when I'm in residential zones at night.
I am on time for appointments.
I have informed opinions on world affairs, the economy, as well as the manifestos and policies of political candidates.
I am not a cheater, and I don't have more than one girlfriend.
I do not condone prostitution or sex tourism.
I have never swindled a tourist.
I am not out to marry someone for a passport.
I am not an "hijo de papi y mami"
I am not a "chopo"

I am a Dominican, and I'm not the only one.

You will find all sorts of people on this island, you will find as5holes, and bitch?s, and "interesados". I am not one of them. There are many people like me, more than this website would imply. There are educated Dominicans who care about their country, who are polite, who are aware of other people around them. And, of course there are those who don't, but the point I want to make is that WE, DOMINICANS, ARE NOT ALL THE CRAP OF THE EARTH THAT IS DESCRIBED ON HERE SO OFTEN.

This is a message to those proud, tired, whiny expats on here, PLEASE stop bringing your first world problems to my third world country. I am as tired of you and have as much contempt for your comments as you seem to have for the soil you're on.

Just to be Sarcastic, you must been from Ohio.


New member
Jan 11, 2012
I <3 you because you have better grammar than most Americans I know!!! You have already stolen my heart with that. Generally, I don't generalize (ha ha) ANYONE based on race, religion, or interests. I have found that the world is full of a lot of flavors and depending on who those ingredients are cooked by, they can be really yummy or really disgusting (Was that a good analogy? I'm not sure). I applaud you for having the balls to come on here and confront the board and for standing up for your people. I have had the time of my life here. I have met everything that you mentioned in the States just as well as here. No place is immune from stupidity. That being said, no place is immune from ignorant people who will generalize. Just know that there are some people, like me, that are open minded enough to realize that :)
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New member
Jan 12, 2012
Prospero, good post! As a new visitor to the island (in a week), it's refreshing to read positive posts instead of the negative ones.
May 12, 2005
This is only for those people who seem to find nothing but negative words for this place.

Hello, I am a Dominican from a family of Dominicans who can trace their Dominicanness back 7 generations. I am one of the good ones, and I am not alone.

I am not a sanky.
I don't bother people for money.
I am 25 and I'm not a gang memeber.
I don't deal drugs.
I have never murdered anyone.
Yes, I have probably broken hearts, but have had my heart broken as well.
I don't blast the music in my car when I'm in residential zones at night.
I am on time for appointments.
I have informed opinions on world affairs, the economy, as well as the manifestos and policies of political candidates.
I am not a cheater, and I don't have more than one girlfriend.
I do not condone prostitution or sex tourism.
I have never swindled a tourist.
I am not out to marry someone for a passport.
I am not an "hijo de papi y mami"
I am not a "chopo"

I am a Dominican, and I'm not the only one.

You will find all sorts of people on this island, you will find as5holes, and bitch?s, and "interesados". I am not one of them. There are many people like me, more than this website would imply. There are educated Dominicans who care about their country, who are polite, who are aware of other people around them. And, of course there are those who don't, but the point I want to make is that WE, DOMINICANS, ARE NOT ALL THE CRAP OF THE EARTH THAT IS DESCRIBED ON HERE SO OFTEN.

This is a message to those proud, tired, whiny expats on here, PLEASE stop bringing your first world problems to my third world country. I am as tired of you and have as much contempt for your comments as you seem to have for the soil you're on.

Excellent post my friend. Some people need to read it.


Dec 11, 2003
My best Dominican friend is always on time. I can testify that it is possible.

well I know it is possible .. but I do understand how IMpossible it is to get around on time if you don't have a car or the cab fare.. This is the one thing that I am still trying to UNWIND about inside... I was raised so on time. no.. five minutes early... very strict.. and, sadly, I seem to have internalized it.

I am learning patience.

that is why i am here

to unwind and learn patience

as in la science de la paz....

And honest, most of us who actually LIVE here just ADORE Dominicans.. otherwise we would not live here. Lots of us marry you.. or at least have deep and intense and adult relationships.... Perhaps we do not watch our tounges on the message boards as much as we should - since it is true that this is a heavily trafficed site.. and we ALL want more tourists and more settlers. So perhaps you can help us? Sometimes we are offending and do not know it. I am sure that I have been spending my entire life offending and not knowing it. Now I can do it in three languages and three cultures.. Wow.. is that progress?

so, do please stay with us and help us along here!
welcome to DR1 !


New member
Jan 11, 2012
I hear ya! I am a 15 minutes early kind of gal because I am so paranoid about time. I'm having a hard time understanding why everyone is in such a hurry when it comes to driving here, but everything else is slow as molasses.
well I know it is possible .. but I do understand how IMpossible it is to get around on time if you don't have a car or the cab fare.. This is the one thing that I am still trying to UNWIND about inside... I was raised so on time. no.. five minutes early... very strict.. and, sadly, I seem to have internalized it.

I am learning patience.

that is why i am here

to unwind and learn patience

as in la science de la paz....

And honest, most of us who actually LIVE here just ADORE Dominicans.. otherwise we would not live here. Lots of us marry you.. or at least have deep and intense and adult relationships.... Perhaps we do not watch our tounges on the message boards as much as we should - since it is true that this is a heavily trafficed site.. and we ALL want more tourists and more settlers. So perhaps you can help us? Sometimes we are offending and do not know it. I am sure that I have been spending my entire life offending and not knowing it. Now I can do it in three languages and three cultures.. Wow.. is that progress?

so, do please stay with us and help us along here!
welcome to DR1 !


Feb 11, 2005
Like yourself the Dominicans that In socialize with every evening have similar values. I suspect that the majority of the anti-Dominican posts originate in the tourist areas. From my prospective the Dominican people share many of my homeland's values ie Ireland.


New member
Feb 7, 2012
Purely by the nature of an internet forum, personal opinion on such a general Topic (being Dominican people, culture, behavior, attitude) I'd say 75% of opinion is invalid. This is because 75% of the people who hang out of a message board are regular posters/lurkers. Being a regular to a message board (with the exception of being a moderator) can become competitive (in terms of Knowledge and such like) between these regulars, which in turn and through no fault of their own makes trolls of them, each trying to out do or get a reaction, with the ultimate prize being creating a bandwagon effect.
If you visit enough message forums of any kind you can see the same pattern emerge to some extent.
Infact what you are reading is very rarely an accurate opinion of the character (most people know fine well how the world works an such generalizing is silly) it is more an effort to begin the bandwagon and confirm popularity, a bit like the loud jokers and attention seekers down the local watering hole who everyone laughs with but no one really agrees with, not really.
So I would not worry about peoples opinions of the country and its people, no one on the internet is being held in the country against their will, people would not live in the country if all they saw and experienced was negativity.
Such comments and opinions are there, but like I said 75% of it is message board bandwagon gaming, every message board on every topic is the same, in some way or another.

Absolutely no offense intended or directed to anyone, I am offering my opinion on the beast of any message forum and some of the people that inhabit them at times.
Mar 1, 2009
As a Dominican, I sometimes cringe, fear and loath what I read on this board about my country and countrymen and women. The Dominicans and DR, referenced usually is something that I would expect on a Jerry Springer episode. My family is not perfect but we are a family that has never stolen or cheated anybody ever. We are good people. My sister's are not whores or puta's, my brothers are good men. My parents do not condone any type of malfeasance or I'll behavior. We are perennially late for everything (so Mountainannie has got me on that one).
The majority of Dominicans we know and hangout with are like that. Good people, hard working people. The one's that are not we cut 'em off. Just like that. Respect our history and our nuances. They are who we are.
So thank you Prospero for shining the light on us Domo's who are walking the walk.


Jun 23, 2011
This is only for those people who seem to find nothing but negative words for this place.

Hello, I am a Dominican from a family of Dominicans who can trace their Dominicanness back 7 generations. I am one of the good ones, and I am not alone.

I am not a sanky.
I don't bother people for money.
I am 25 and I'm not a gang memeber.
I don't deal drugs.
I have never murdered anyone.
Yes, I have probably broken hearts, but have had my heart broken as well.
I don't blast the music in my car when I'm in residential zones at night.
I am on time for appointments.
I have informed opinions on world affairs, the economy, as well as the manifestos and policies of political candidates.
I am not a cheater, and I don't have more than one girlfriend.
I do not condone prostitution or sex tourism.
I have never swindled a tourist.
I am not out to marry someone for a passport.
I am not an "hijo de papi y mami"
I am not a "chopo"

I am a Dominican, and I'm not the only one.

You will find all sorts of people on this island, you will find as5holes, and bitch?s, and "interesados". I am not one of them. There are many people like me, more than this website would imply. There are educated Dominicans who care about their country, who are polite, who are aware of other people around them. And, of course there are those who don't, but the point I want to make is that WE, DOMINICANS, ARE NOT ALL THE CRAP OF THE EARTH THAT IS DESCRIBED ON HERE SO OFTEN.

This is a message to those proud, tired, whiny expats on here, PLEASE stop bringing your first world problems to my third world country. I am as tired of you and have as much contempt for your comments as you seem to have for the soil you're on.

Hahahahaha tell me you don't twitch your nose
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