Why on DR1 Are So Many Threads About USA- It Scare Others To Post

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Dec 15, 2003
I miss the old days 9 years ago, when Robert and the original Mod staff used to close threads and ask the question..."What has This Got To Do with The D.R.?"

I also miss cccccccc help about many things espec, NOT to eat from street vendors and AZBBB's great advice on many things, Eddy's help to many for so many years, and BushBaby's help (although critical sometimes), but often so very helpful to newbies.
I just cant remember the name of that other wonderful man that has lived here 20 years + that only popped up now and again to help folk with expert advice on invertors and batteries and their life span.

Thank goodness our Anna (Mod forever) is still around to give some good advice on sankies & more importantly Visas... (I read your recent post Anna about "cant wait for Spring" or similar- there is always a sep apartment for you with ensuite bathroom here in my house, and nice and warm, no cost if the "old joints" get too creaky in that cold weather you are having.
ma per favore portare un po 'un buon italiano prosciutto crudo con te. Il mio preferito ? stato il secco" chiamato San Daniellio, credo! :ermm:

And my friend HB with expert advice about so many things, espec on health advice!!

I know from years of experience living here that I will get the usual "back stabbing" from the same old crowd, and so many new ones that follow suit.......

But for goodness sakes people, there are so many other "oldbies" and "newbies" from different countries that have lived here a while, and even those that read and NEVER post, because they are too nervous to, that should be given a chance.

I have seen people from Belgium, Italy, France, UK, Canada etc that tried to ask for help, but because they could not speak or write good English, or just the fact that they didnt put the right title request for help in their threads, that were put down in one way or another

Robert remembers my same request I made to him 9 years ago and yesterday he reported that DR1 had reached a post target of 300 per day,,, for that I congratulate him, but why cant DR1 stop the abuse for all and increase that post count so very much more.

It really is as simple as that...... bring on the abuse against me,,,,, and it really is nothing about Americans, I have so many friends in the US. But however we are now living in La Republica Dominicana, and so many need our help and advice

Sorry PICARDO, forgot to mention you and Mike, well you are just two of a kind so I dont need to express how knowlegeable you both are and my apologies if I have forgotten any more great kind people that have given help to so many........

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Dear girl, you are confused. The only abuse is reserved for those that post about their love life. As far as nationalities the abuse comes from people of all nationalities, about all nationalities. If you don't like a thread don't read it. I have been on
DR1 since 1997.
Nobody is compelling you to read DR1 as bob saunders said.

DR1 has evolved into the best online forum about the DR on the internet....
It has became that way because of Robert's insight into what was needed in terms of topics.

"What has This Got To Do with The D.R.?" is still used, many topics are deleted on a daily basis, or are moderated when spam links are listed, these you never get to see as they are invisible to all except the moderation staff. If the links prove to be valid (DR related) then they are approved and can be seen by the membership.

This is all due to the advanced software being used on DR1.

I have been a Member of DR1 since 2002 and on staff since 2003, in the era of Fireguy who got me involved with Robert and DR1, and am very proud to be a member of Robert's staff.


New member
Jun 20, 2005
I agree with the OP. There are so many good people who dont post on here because they get ripped a new one any time they do. I dont post much because anything pretty much devolves into a ****ing contest of who knows more, usually the more vocal, the less known. One guy started getting nasty secondary to directions I gave once on this site. He wasnt moderated, but this thread will be.


Mar 29, 2010
I kinda' understand what you're talking about; not specifically about dr1, since I'm a relative newbie, (just a couple of years), but about things in general. As the sands of time drop through the "big hourglass", those of us with more sand below than above tend to "wax poetic" about the "good old days". When studied with a critical eye, we realize the "good old days" were, in fact, no better and no worse than the present.

It's far more productive to look forward than back, and work in the present to improve the future.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Nobody is compelling you to read DR1 as bob saunders said.

DR1 has evolved into the best online forum about the DR on the internet....
It has became that way because of Robert's insight into what was needed in terms of topics.

"What has This Got To Do with The D.R.?" is still used, many topics are deleted on a daily basis, or are moderated when spam links are listed, these you never get to see as they are invisible to all except the moderation staff. If the links prove to be valid (DR related) then they are approved and can be seen by the membership.

This is all due to the advanced software being used on DR1.

I have been a Member of DR1 since 2002 and on staff since 2003, in the era of Fireguy who got me involved with Robert and DR1, and am very proud to be a member of Robert's staff.

What Hlywud said.

Instead of moaning, why don't you contribute and start some interesting threads?
Please, nothing about spaceships or ghosts ;)

You get out of DR1 what you put in.

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