Motorcycle Death In LT


New member
Oct 12, 2010
2 young men lost their lives following a collision with a truck last night about 7.30pm out side LT near the junction to Portillo on the Atlantic Tourist Boulevard to El Limon. RIP to them.


Dec 14, 2008
Two (?) Young Men Died

What happened?

When I read the police report this morning only one dead had been reported so far.
But from what I heard in the meanwhile the other young man had received very severe injuries and that he could not be taken all the way to the mentioned hospital in Santo Domingo.

"Una persona muerta por accidente de tr?nsito.
(...) que siendo la 21:00 horas del d?a de la fecha, 29-05-2012, falleci? mientras recib?a atenciones m?dicas en el hospital p?blico de este municipio, el nombrado xxxxxxx, dom., de 21 a?os de edad, obrero, resid?a en el barrio las granjas, a consecuencia de presentar, politraumatismo craneal, mientras de se desplazaba a bordo de la motocicleta marca: Honda color gris, y acompa?ado del nombrado xxxxxxxx, dominicano de 20 a?os de edad, obrero, residente en el barrio el come pan, de este municipio, quien resulto con politraumatismo craneal, en diferente parte del cuerpo, quien fue referido al hospital Dr. DAR?O CONTRERA DE SANTO DOMINGO, luego de que estos se le estrellar?n al cami?n marca: DAIHATSU, modelo Delta, color azul, placa xxxxx, chasis: xxxxxxxxx, por la altura del kil?metro 6 de la auto v?a bulevar del atl?ntico, de este municipio de Las Terrena, el cual era conducido por el se?or;xxxxxxxxx, dom., de 55 a?os de edad, comerciante, residente en el barrio hoyo del cacao de este municipio de Las Terrena. En cuanto al conductor el mismo se encuentra en esta para ser puesto de disposici?n de la justicia."

Rumour has it that the lorry driver was DUI/DWI. :mad:



New member
Oct 12, 2010
Yes I do know Don P ! What has this got to do with the post?? And please no photos, I sure these kids families are going through enough without ghouls looking for photos. Just taught I would share the info for people who had not heard about the incident. May the kids rest in peace & teach us all to be careful on the roads and have caution for other road users.