Can I study in the Dominican Republic for a semester?

Amanda Almonte

New member
Apr 10, 2012
Or even as a summer course. I would love to transfer there for one semester, but I don't want it conflicting with my college here. Is there a way to transfer credits and it be valid in the United States? Even to minor?
I would be ignoring in biology, and I would want it to be a well-respected university, for example, Universidad de Iberoamerica. It's my dream Dominican School. So what do you guys think?


Aug 15, 2007
Look up/PM a poster named Hillbilly. He's a professor at Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in Santiago, which is arguably the best university in the country. He should be able to give you the info you're looking for.

Best of luck,



Jan 1, 2002
Thanks DRob!

Amanda: Unibe is a for profit university that belongs, I understand, to the Hazoury family...anyway, they have pretty good pre-med programs and the courses are given in English. It is expensive.

At PUCMM--you could study for a semester as a transfer student or through one of the semester programs run by any one of several companies such as ISA or IEEE or others...If you want, I can find out more.

Usually, you do not have to worry about transferring the credits back to your own school since you would be take courses that fit your degree program under the advice of your faculty adviser. I am kinda sure you are "majoring" in Biology, not "ignoring" in Biology. And Yes, PUCMM offers several Biology courses that should fit your course of study.

Also, since you probably need to fulfill other academic requirements, you could take a history course, a sociology course or a math course. However, first you need to check with your school and find out what their requirements are. And then you need to check with your school's Study Abroad Program office and see what they offer.

If you want to do this on your own, you need to plan on being sure you take course work that is compatible with your degree program. You will also need to find a place to stay (Here in Santiago, that costs about 18,000 a month within walking distance of PUCMM--that includes food) and plan for your other expenses...

If you have any other questions, fire away!


Amanda Almonte

New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm sorry, I should have proof read before, but I was so eager to get answers! Lol. I will be minoring in Biology but majoring in Radiologic Sciences.
My Study Abroad program does not offer it, but I guess it will be best if I talked to my school first. I'll definitely look into PUCMM, though. I'm just worried if I can't transfer the credits back to the U.S. I just really want that learning experience in another country, I don't get out much so this would be interesting. Lol. I may do it on my own.


Mar 29, 2010
While there is no better authority than HB on this forum, as he said, it is up to your present school. Some upper level universities are very particular about what credits they will accept, while other schools are more flexible. These are questions you need to ask your academic advisor, or the dean's office of whatever college you attend.


New member
May 27, 2012
Best of luck to you, years back i tried the same but most of the subjects were done in Spanish they did not transfer a large amount of my credits such as Political Science & my Psychology courses. So if you are looking short term then that will work but if your planning on transferring for good i would reconsider. PUCMM is well known also look into UNICDA they can offer some classes but it is nothing compared to PUCMM in Santiago it has a great campus.


May 2, 2008
look at - it's the exchange program directly related to PUCMM, or search google for ISA - they work with PUCMM.