To Tourist Watcher and Jim Grinch, how about reali


Onions and carrots

By this email I'm not trying to be provocative. What I would like from both of you is to take the opposing views. All you guys do is extoll the virtuse of the DR. You make barrancones and canadas sem like Casa de Campo.

How about a little reality once in a while? The swollen stomachs,the crushing poverty, the horrible misery surrounding your ostentatious villas?

Now my objective is not to dwell on the negative but how about some truth and talk about possible solutions? You guys stick your big head in the sand and seem oblivious to the real world around you where billions live on a buck a day.

Oh TW thanx for the restaurant reviews.

Jim Hinsch

Re: If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, ..

I don't sugar-coat or use rose-colored-glasses. Just the truth. If it's bad, I'll be the first to declare it so. I call a duck a duck. What I don't like is when someone calls a duck an eagle, a shark, a turkey, or a goat.

Maybe go back and search the archives for my posts. I've make plenty of criticisms. One poster (now banned) used to call me the Dominican Republic's public enemy number one because of my jabs at the DR. I call a duck a duck.

The message board guidelines (

"The message board should not be used as a sounding off board, a board for endless posting of opinions, complaints, or a board to denounce and comment on problems in the DR"

A. Nony Mouse

Calling a duck a duck?

I never heard of calling a duck a duck. Did you make this one up or is it your variation of calling a spade a spade?

Jim Hinsch

Re: Calling a duck a duck?


Senator Joseph McCarthy, the "witch hunt" senator in the following context:

"When McCarthy exclaimed that a thing that `walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck' is pretty safe to identify as a duck, Senator Herbert Lehman, New York's elderly Liberal Democrat, took exception and demanded whether that meant that McCarthy could tell a Communist by his gait, or that all Communists walked like ducks.

To this McCarthy replied that his questioner was not stupid, and `I am afraid that if it is not clear to the senator now, I shall never be able to make it clear to him, no matter how much further explanation I make.' The old man, whose walk, friends sometimes compared to a duck's waddle, padded back to his seat."