Protecting your Money


New member
Aug 20, 2007
I just came across a thread about CDs and banks in the DR and someone made and interesting comment. Basically that person said that there are better ways of hiding your money from the IRS (or as I like to call them "The Taxman") than CDs. So i'm going to pose the question, theoretically of course:p. Assuming we're talking about thousands and not millions of usd, what are some ways of "protecting" your money from the Taxman? I would be interested in some serious answers.


New member
May 27, 2012
Even the Bank is still not the safest place to put your money, have you read the fine print when opening an account at a certain Bank. In case of bankruptcy or bad Banking transactions if the Bank loses your money they have a grace period of 25 years to pay you back in installments. Therefore assuming you had over a million dollars in an account and all of a sudden the Bank goes under they can pay you $2000 a month for 25 years not really the same in equivalence because a million dollars in 25 year will be like a thousand dollars today. Metaphorically speaking i would turn my liquid cash into something i can always carry wit me that is lite such as gems. I can easily cross a boarder carrying diamonds, Ruby's and Tanzanite without any detection then carrying a million dollars in a brief case. The other thing is i can always sell em when i reach my destination. At times of war who has time to stop by the bank to empty it out or pass by an ATM without getting hit by sniper fire? I could have mentioned Gold but since it is a metal easy to detect plus it's weight makes it hard for a clean getaway, Just saying.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Buy some land,preferably good farm land.
People will always "get hungry",so you can grow to eat, sell,or barter for things you need.
You can eat your chickens,and eat,or sell, their eggs.
My Dad said "Land is good,and God ain't making any more of it!"
It hard to steal land,except here in the DR,so just make sure you have the best lawyer check the "Titulo" if you buy here!
The IRS can look up your IPS,and then come to ask you about your "Off Shore" holdings.
I spend more than I make,now THAT's a great solution.