Moto Conchos Registered


Jan 1, 2002
From today's Sosua News:

[h=5]Monday, at almost noon, the motorcycle taxi owners (Motoconchos) had to register themselves. The Motoconchos had to hand over a proof of ownership of their bike and their ID (cedula) and they should be known as a reliable person. The reporter of Sos?a Online asked some Motoconchos their opinion on this measure. They said they were in favor of this measure and hoped that this prevents clandestine Motoconchos to operate. The illegally working Motoconchos are, as they noted, often scammers. Because every motorcycle taxi driver now wears a visible number it makes it easier for customers who are disadvantaged (swindled) to file a complaint.[/h]
[h=5][/h] [h=5]The registration of the Motoconchos was established at the initiative of the Mayor, the traffic police and the national police.[/h]


Sep 27, 2011
It is a regulation that plays against itself if everyone abides by it. This is a regulation in the capital, so in the beginning a few recognised the reg and started registering and getting luminous bibs and numbers. After a while others towed the line after seeing the bib and number was getting people work and less police attention. Eventually people started abusing it and just wearing a luminous bib and not registering. Police got wise to this and started pulling more riders with bibs to check if they were registered, it got to a point where most weren't. So the legal riders stopped wearing bibs to stop drawing attention, the public now know this and so look for riders without bibs, as before. So the whole regulation got manipulated and abused from every direction that now you probably see a handful of above board ones on any morning.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
It is a regulation that plays against itself if everyone abides by it. This is a regulation in the capital, so in the beginning a few recognised the reg and started registering and getting luminous bibs and numbers. After a while others towed the line after seeing the bib and number was getting people work and less police attention. Eventually people started abusing it and just wearing a luminous bib and not registering. Police got wise to this and started pulling more riders with bibs to check if they were registered, it got to a point where most weren't. So the legal riders stopped wearing bibs to stop drawing attention, the public now know this and so look for riders without bibs, as before. So the whole regulation got manipulated and abused from every direction that now you probably see a handful of above board ones on any morning.

Incredible.... just incredible.

It's like try to herd bubbles in the ocean.


May 22, 2004
It is a regulation that plays against itself if everyone abides by it. This is a regulation in the capital, so in the beginning a few recognised the reg and started registering and getting luminous bibs and numbers. After a while others towed the line after seeing the bib and number was getting people work and less police attention. Eventually people started abusing it and just wearing a luminous bib and not registering. Police got wise to this and started pulling more riders with bibs to check if they were registered, it got to a point where most weren't. So the legal riders stopped wearing bibs to stop drawing attention, the public now know this and so look for riders without bibs, as before. So the whole regulation got manipulated and abused from every direction that now you probably see a handful of above board ones on any morning.

This sort of absurd chaos is part of the paradoxical charm of this pais de maravillas*.

* pais de maravillas - country of wonders -wonderland

Alicia en el pais de las maravillas - Alice in Wonderland

That's one of those expressions that's a bit clunky in Spanish, like Thanksgiving Day -dia de acci?n de gracias

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
This sort of absurd chaos is part of the paradoxical charm of this pais de maravillas*.

If you didn't live here or understand the culture, you wouldn't believe it.

I read it to my wife who broke out laughing - most people wouldn't get it.

* pais de maravillas - country of wonders -wonderland

Alicia en el pais de las maravillas - Alice in Wonderland

That's one of those expressions that's a bit clunky in Spanish, like Thanksgiving Day -dia de acci?n de gracias

Sorry, screwed up the response


May 13, 2006
In an alternate universe another requirement might be proof of drivers license


Jan 1, 2002
My opinion, they should all be outlawed or at least not let them into town or on the highways. Useless nuisance they are.


Dec 24, 2007
Well I'm going to risk my life, going for a walk to the Playero. Maybe I'll get lucky and see a motoconcho wipe out and get splattered on the highway. I'll be the guy on the sidewalk applauding.
Oct 13, 2003
They offer a valuable transport service within the barrios and are part of the DR.

If the PN would be serious about it; they would know who to catch and who not, the realiable conchistas are well known; the drunks or ladrones too.

Any registration scheme is just a way to fleece money out of them IMO, or 'broaden the tax base' in IMF speak :).