Russians working in the DR


Sep 6, 2011
I have a few Russian friends in the DR, in particular on the north coast. A few of them, not many (an 8 year old girl), is actually trustworthy. A few of the others have the ability to work in either the US, Canada, or Europe.

When I hear that they are able to work in either the US, Canada, or Europe, I ask them why do they not work in the US, Canada, or Europe rather than in the DR? Actually, this is not entirely true, I lye; I actually ask my Russian girlfriend to ask them why they do not take advantage of this unique opportunity to work in the U.S, Canada, or Europe and qualify for a retirement check for the rest of their lives, as well as medical care.

A few of my aunts and uncles, a few cousins worked in the U.S in the 60’s & 70’s and now receive monthly U.S retirement checks. It’s enough money to live modestly in the DR and even qualifies them for Medicare—which is the U.S medical equivalent of a high-end U.S veterinarian hospital—of the likes of Dr. Bob’s Veterinarian clinic in Sosua, only worse food.

Few, if any Russians seem to be aware that once you work in the U.S, Canada, or any “Northern European” country and pay into the tax system for ten years, you not only qualify for a retirement check for the rest of your life, but you also qualify for the equivelant of veterinary health care.

I have Dominican relatives who have worked in the US for only 10 years, paid into the tax system, and then came back home to the DR, opened up businesses and worked until they reached the age of 62—at which point they qualified for their U.S Social Security money. Now, they get a social security check deposited into their Banco Popular accounts every month while they still own businesses. In places like Bonao, they live like Kings. Meanwhile…I live in a conversion van in northern Europe and live off fresh fish, beaver, and wild mushrooms.

My guess is that that a million or more South Americans, Central Americans, Arawaks, Taino’s, Carib’s, and assorted Orinoco cannibals are legally retired after working in the U.S and Europe and have then come back home and live their lives over-eating and consuming Mamma-Juana and Viagra pills until they pass out.

It’s not only legal, it’s transparent and healthy, and it’s a windfall of money for any poor Dominican who has had the unique opportunity to work in the U.S or Europe.

I see it like this: for every year that you stay here in the DR working for little money and “not paying” into any social system whatsoever—including a retirement and health care system (Medicare in the U.S/Social medicine in northern Europe), then that is one year that you have lost towards being able to receive a monthly retirement check, as well as missing out on many other social systems that can help you in case of an accident.

But wait, there’s more than this that you will lose by staying and working in the DR and not paying into a social system: you also lose the possibility to have your child or children taken care of if something happens to you—an unforeseen accident or health problem like cancer, etc. anything can happen, and will happen eventually, and if you do not have a state or country that will financially take care of your children and family while you are sick, immobilized, or dead, than you have only yourself to blame if you had the opportunity to work in the U.S, Canada, or Europe and yet did not.

This is directed at Russians, Dominicans, Raelins, Klingon’s and anyone else who has the unique opportunity to work in either North America, Canada, or northern Europe, and think its somehow smart to stay back and work in the DR and pay nothing into a social system that will not take care of you, your family, your dog, or any of your imaginary friends should something happen to you.

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Sep 27, 2011
I enjoy your posts Frank, but they are getting longer, and longer and longer and ..........................................
When is the book out, am I gunna need a fork lift to get it from the bookshelf?:p


New member
Mar 9, 2009

Your take is all a matter of relative perspective isnt it. The Russians you mentioned have either lived under communism or had family who did - as such they in no way shape or form want anything to do with any system that will "take care of them the rest of their lives".

They know first hand the corruption of such a system and the danger in abdicating all personal responsibility to "government"... or a stranger. When the system breaks down even a little people who can't think and act for themselves die.

Most Russians i know are hustlers and entrepreneurs to the core - whether legal or otherwise - with the chance to be self reliant and free and build your own wealth to take care of yourself and family, they don't value much the chance to pay into something that after their best years hands them back a pittance and some vetenary level care............


Sep 6, 2011

Your take is all a matter of relative perspective isnt it. The Russians you mentioned have either lived under communism or had family who did - as such they in no way shape or form want anything to do with any system that will "take care of them the rest of their lives".

They know first hand the corruption of such a system and the danger in abdicating all personal responsibility to "government"... or a stranger. When the system breaks down even a little people who can't think and act for themselves die.

Most Russians i know are hustlers and entrepreneurs to the core - whether legal or otherwise - with the chance to be self reliant and free and build your own wealth to take care of yourself and family, they don't value much the chance to pay into something that after their best years hands them back a pittance and some vetenary level care............

Yes and no. I live with a Russian in the DR. She had never heard of any system where if you worked for at least ten years--paying into a system, and paying ones taxes--then you will qualify for a retirement check. But not only had she not heard of it, not one of the 28 Dominican employees i work with have heard of it either.

Yes, i understand if one is an entrepreneur and working and making big money in the DR, however, how is this going to help you or your family if you get killed in an automobile accident, get cancer, get thrown in prison, get bad health, or have a myriad of other life-changing things happen to you. And not only can something unforseen happen, at some point, it will happen.

I think its short term thinking to throw all your eggs into one basket and just hope that nothing bad befalls you. you're in the DR, paying into no social care or retirement system whatsoever. At least in North America, Canada, or Northern Europe, if something bad happens to you, you have something to fall back on, and if your lucky enough to reach retirement years, at least you will recieve a monthly check that will allow you to live modestly in any third world country.

Just look around any South American country or Thailand at all of the retired or disabled expats for lots of examples of what paying into a system can do for you.



Jul 3, 2002
This is why the system is going to collapse, its basically a Ponzi scheme with over a hundred trillion in unfunded liabilities that will come home to roost in a couple dozen years, unless something is done now or soon.


Jun 17, 2012
Frank I hate to say this but these Russians are fooling you. If Dominicans are the Kings of Bullshtt Russians are the Emperors. The Russians are huge into govt fraud they are the number 1 culprits of medicare fraud, welfare, Social Security, farm aid, Fema and any other govt program, closely followed by Hasidism.
If a Russian is telling you that they are allowed to work in the US and they are not wealthy enough to be enjoying life there they either have been deported or they do not have permission to be here or they have warrants for their arrest.
Chances are they arent in Cuba because they have warrants there also.
Being in a relationship with a Russian is like being at a poker table if you dont see the sucker its because its you.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012

You're talking like as if Dominicans can get up and go,at will, to the states or Canada and work.


Sep 6, 2011

You're talking like as if Dominicans can get up and go,at will, to the states or Canada and work.

No, i'm sorry, i was more referring to the few people, a few Russians in particular, who have indicated to me that they could work in either North America or Europe if they wanted, but choose not to, and instead, have chosen to stay here in the DR trying to make a living where there is no system whatsoever to help them in times of bad health, emergency, or crisis.

I couldn't understand why someone would stay here in the DR and work if the opportunity was available to them to go and work in either the U.S, Canada, or Europe.



Jun 17, 2012
No, i'm sorry, i was more referring to the few people, a few Russians in particular, who have indicated to me that they could work in either North America or Europe if they wanted, but choose not to, and instead, have chosen to stay here in the DR trying to make a living where there is no system whatsoever to help them in times of bad health, emergency, or crisis.

I couldn't understand why someone would stay here in the DR and work if the opportunity was available to them to go and work in either the U.S, Canada, or Europe.


Why because they are full of it. They are the kings of fraud. You will know when you meet an honest one because he will tell you never trust a Russkie.


Sep 27, 2006
russians do not work in the states because all available jobs are taken. by corleone family.



New member
May 23, 2009
Frank I hate to say this but these Russians are fooling you. If Dominicans are the Kings of Bullshtt Russians are the Emperors. The Russians are huge into govt fraud they are the number 1 culprits of medicare fraud, welfare, Social Security, farm aid, Fema and any other govt program, closely followed by Hasidism.
If a Russian is telling you that they are allowed to work in the US and they are not wealthy enough to be enjoying life there they either have been deported or they do not have permission to be here or they have warrants for their arrest.
Chances are they arent in Cuba because they have warrants there also.
Being in a relationship with a Russian is like being at a poker table if you dont see the sucker its because its you.

You are full of poop and you know that! If you think these Russians don't read DR1, you are also mistaken here and I WILL NOT LET YOU!!! Attack my nation like that! SUCKER!!


New member
May 23, 2009

Your take is all a matter of relative perspective isnt it. The Russians you mentioned have either lived under communism or had family who did - as such they in no way shape or form want anything to do with any system that will "take care of them the rest of their lives".

They know first hand the corruption of such a system and the danger in abdicating all personal responsibility to "government"... or a stranger. When the system breaks down even a little people who can't think and act for themselves die.

Most Russians i know are hustlers and entrepreneurs to the core - whether legal or otherwise - with the chance to be self reliant and free and build your own wealth to take care of yourself and family, they don't value much the chance to pay into something that after their best years hands them back a pittance and some vetenary level care............

This is partly true as we don't trust governments anymore and if you cross any western system you directly fall into the same hole, where politicians treat you as penny change in their pockets. At least here we can be independent and most of us started out with money earned in selling our apartments in Moscow and other cities just to be able to find a tropical island with palm trees and beautiful ocean views. Back in soviet times we could only see pictures of the Caribbean but now we can also live here!


Jun 17, 2012
You are full of poop and you know that! If you think these Russians don't read DR1, you are also mistaken here and I WILL NOT LET YOU!!! Attack my nation like that! SUCKER!!

Take it easy comrade. The DR is your nation now anyway.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010

IMeanwhile?I live in in northern Europe and live off fresh beaver :lick:, and wild mushrooms.


You have a healthy, happy and balanced diet!
You have been blessed with luck......... never mind a pension. :classic:

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The Terrible

Yes and no. I live with a Russian in the DR. She had never heard of any system where if you worked for at least ten years--paying into a system, and paying ones taxes--then you will qualify for a retirement check.

Has she heard of Vladimir Putin?