Retrieving Rental Deposit from Banco Agricola


Aug 9, 2005
My rental contract was subject to 2 months deposit. The deposit was banked by the houseowners with Banco Agricola, I have a copy of the receipt for the deposit at the bank and I would like to know what is the proper procedure for retrieving the deposit. Is this something that the houseowners need to do or can I do it myself?

I've used the SEARCH function and can't find an answer on this forum in particular or on the web in general. I need a proper instruction or legal advisement on this, so please don't waste time and efforts suggesting that I live out the deposit.....



Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
My rental contract was subject to 2 months deposit. The deposit was banked by the houseowners with Banco Agricola, I have a copy of the receipt for the deposit at the bank and I would like to know what is the proper procedure for retrieving the deposit. Is this something that the houseowners need to do or can I do it myself?

I've used the SEARCH function and can't find an answer on this forum in particular or on the web in general. I need a proper instruction or legal advisement on this, so please don't waste time and efforts suggesting that I live out the deposit.....


Retiro de Dep?sito
Retiro de Dep?sito

Tan pronto termine el contrato de inquilinato, el propietario o su representante proceder? a solicitar la devoluci?n del mismo por escrito, anex?ndole el certificado original emitido por el Banco.

Si el propietario o su representante no pueden acudir a retirar dicho valor, este puede otorgar poder a otra persona para que lo retire en su nombre.

Si el Certificado de Dep?sito de Alquiler se le perdi? al propietario o representante, y no ha sido recuperado en el per?odo en que termine el contrato de inquilinato, entonces deben hacer:

Publicaci?n de p?rdida de Certificado de Dep?sito de Alquiler en cualquier peri?dico de circulaci?n nacional, durante tres (3) d?as consecutivos, al d?a siguiente de la ?ltima publicaci?n se retiran los peri?dicos de la casa editora, la cual los habr? certificado

Enviar las publicaciones al Banco Agr?cola con un Acto de Alguacil notificando la perdida del certificado.

Si el propietario o su representante, falleciere antes del t?rmino del contrato, se requerir?:

Copia del Acta de Defunci?n.
Determinaci?n de herederos, acto de notoriedad firmado por (7) testigos .
Poder otorgado por todos los herederos a una persona para que solicite y retire los valores que reposan en ?l .
Constancia de pago o exenci?n del impuesto sucesoral .


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Guess you didn't see all the posts on DR1 that tell you to "Live Out" the security deposit!
The fact that the home owner actually put your deposit in the "Banco Agricola" as is required by law, but almost NEVER done, gives you a ray of hope.
Ask the homeowner to get your deposit, and give it to you.
Assuming there are no damages, or "arears" on the house.
And PLEASE report back on the outcome!
You could be the only tenant in the history of the DR to get your security deposit returned!


Aug 9, 2005
Thanks Guys,

Actually, we did retrieve the deposit from our previous landlady some 7 years ago. She hadn't done the account with Banco Agricola, our lawyers convinced her that she was in breach of the law and she paid out.

Will definitely post the results of this episode as and when it materializes.


Nov 7, 2010
I had my deposit held back from last time I rented a place rented it again and used that as my deposit to return to the apt . Just used up my deposit this time , as getting a returned deposit ,is as easy as a root canal