65th birthday

Jun 18, 2007
A man in New York calls the day before his 65th birthday his son in Los Angeles and says
"I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce, forty-five years of misery is enough ..."

What are you talking about the son screams.

We can no longer stand the sight of each other, says the father,
We are sick of each other, it makes me sick to talk about it,
So call your sister in Phoenix and tell her.

The son calls his sister right away who almost explodes on the phone.

The hell they're gonna get separated, she screams, I handle this.

She calls New York and screams at her father THERE IS NOT SEPARATION!!!!!

You do not do anything till I'm there.
I'm calling my brother back and we are there tomorrow and you do nothing, you understand?

The father hangs up the phone. Grins and says to his wife

"So, that's settled. They are here for my 65th birthday and they themselves pay the trip".