Foreigner Adopting Dominican Child as DR Resident


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Good afternoon everyone,

I'm wondering if any of you out there have had experience with adopting a Dominican child as a DR resident rather than as an International adoption. My husband and I live in Elias Pina and have been taking care of our son for over 2 years now (he will be 4 in Jan). We are not eligible for an international adoption because I am under 30 years of age and we have only been married for 2 years. My understanding is that we can pursue the adoption as Dominican residents but then must petition the US embassy for his visa and travel documents. It would be great to hear about other experiences and (hopefully) success stories. Our goal is to be able to take him with us when we travel to the U.S. sporadically, we still plan to live in Elias Pina.

Is there a Dominican foster care-like system? Perhaps we could be named his legal guardians rather than legal parents. Thanks for any and all input.


Sep 27, 2006
all adoptions are handled by CONANI.

i would suggest getting a lawyer rather than exchanging stories. sorry to be so cruel but adoption cases are very individual and one good story does not translate to the success of other people following the same path...
on the upper side i know that my mother in law has handled some adoptions in the past and all went well. so everything is possible. but it will take time, money and patience. and did i mention time?


New member
Nov 13, 2012
all adoptions are handled by CONANI.

i would suggest getting a lawyer rather than exchanging stories.

thanks for the input dv8.

We have a lawyer. I asked for experiences of other foreigners who have adopted via their DR residency because I was told it had never been done before. I don't necessarily believe that so I turned to DR1 bc it's the best online community of it's kind.

Anyone have info about foster care or a similar program? In our experiences most people just take in children without ever consulting CONANI or becoming 'legal' foster parents. I asked our Elias Pina office of CONANI and they directed to the Santo Domingo office, I got the run around from them and they have yet to get back with me.


Jan 1, 2002
You are looking at years of waiting. Four or five. I have seen many, many heartbroken women looking to adopt, but here it is a very long, long process. Your residency status has little or nothing to do with it.

That child, once in the system, could be adopted by anyone else in the system that was there before you. Yes, it happens. You might be able to get legal status a the "tutores" of the child. As such, you could probably get him a visa to travel with you. It might take some doing and the odds are not good...

But good luck...Conani is not an easy agency to deal with. They are paranoid and with good reason.



Sep 27, 2006
i think that maybe, maybe, maybe, it could be easier for a dominican to do the adoption rather than a gringo, whether he/she is a resident or even naturalized citizen.
but still, years of waiting and lots of money spent. unless kids parents are still alive and will assist, that is agree to use legal ways to speed things up. the trouble is that laws change quite often and your hard work can be wiped out with a single stroke of a legislative pen...
anyways, good luck.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Hillbilly, could you tell me more about being the 'tutores' of a child in the DR? I'm not familiar at all.


Jan 1, 2002
Tutores are court appointed guardians of a child. You lawyer should be able to tell you about this status.

If you are here as missionaries or something similar, lots of people will want you to be "padres de crianza" of their children. It is a bonanza for them and their possible way to get to the states legally. Be careful and be patient.



Apr 22, 2004
According to this law if you have been a legal Resident for more than 3 years, you can do a National adoption. I am in the final process of the adoption of my little angel and it took less than one year, did it alone, no lawyer, just have to be persistent and keep track of all the paper work. Conani takes you through all the steps and it's pretty easy. Good luck

Look up this law:
Articulo 164 de la ley Ley No. 136-03
Art. 164.- DEFINICION Y NATURALEZA. Se considera adopci?n internacional cuando los adoptantes y el o la adoptado(a) son nacionales de diferentes pa?ses o tengan domicilio o residencias habituales en diferentes Estados.
Parrafo. Las adopciones por extranjeros que, para el momento de la solicitud, tengan m?s de 3 a?os residiendo habitualmente en el pa?s o casado(a) con un(a) nacional, se regir? por las disposiciones previstas por este C?digo para la adopci?n privilegiada realizada por dominicanos.