Could this be something to use in the DR?

Jun 18, 2007
Google translation
Luminous donkeys against accidents

If you are on safari in Botswana and evening in the distance see anything on four legs move with reflectors, do not doubt in your eye and apply special care. Some 500 donkeys get luminous 'earrings' in their ears pinned to reduce the number of traffic accidents.
Botswana is one in ten car accidents caused by stray donkeys. At night the beasts wander the streets, but for drivers it is often impossible to get them in time to dodge.
The British organization Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (Sparta) has an animal welfare organization in Botswana therefore sponsored with reflective earrings. ,, People in Botswana donkeys possess, are often the poorest in society. They have no other choice than the beasts go walking about, looking for food in the desert, "says Laura Higham of Sparta.
,, The beasts are vulnerable to accidents and we hope through this simple way to reduce the number of accidents. "
first step
The charity also hopes that other parts of Botswana reflectors to apply and that this initiative is the first step to making legally required lighting on donkeys in the country.
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Could this be something for the motoconchos to have? Not pierced through their ears off course ;)