larimar and concho de lambi


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I was thinking of taking home a gift for my boss,
is it true u only find larimar in the dr or is it a legend?
where would u shop for them? I m in cabarete for a couple of days abd have seen nice pieces for like 700 pesos, but my wife says we will find cheaper in pop( a shop on that nice square jn the old part)

any ideas and prices are welcome, thanks for ure help


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Larimar is unique to the DR. It is found in a mountainous area of Barahona in the south of DR. Sorry I can't help you with current Larimar prices.



Jul 10, 2004
Keep in mind that much of the larimar is counterfeit so buy from a trusted source.
May 29, 2006
One prob is the top grade stones are usually exported and the cheaper stones are mostly sold off to the tourist market. Here are some examples:

A good(but not great) Larimar stone:

A medium grade stone (bad cut though and possible crazing)

A "tourist" grade stone in a cheap mounting:

The higher grade stones can be almost indigo in color with clean milky white veins through it and may or may not have Chatoyancy, which gives the stone a depth to it and has it shift color slightly in strong light. The first stone has a AAA section to it and would be worth quite a bit if it were more uniform. It has a few flecks of matrix, but they are only on the edge where the mounting would cover it.

The DR also has some very nice(and large) amber, but again, you have to be careful of what you buy. I brought back a 100 gram necklace that I bought from a good dealer for $100 and sold it within a week after I got back for $300. The main thing to look out for in amber are any stones that have bugs in them as they are always fake in tourist shops. There are numerous tests for amber including putting it in some salt water. The real stuff will float. My quickest test is to touch it to my teeth. Plastic is harder and you can tell real from fake pretty quick that way after you compare them. Any green or reddish amber may be real, but is likely imported from Europe. Dominican amber is more "beer" colored, from a light Pilsner to Guiness in color.
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May 29, 2006
Here is a nice uncut slab. I would take an oval out the best section of it and then cut some smaller stones from the lighter sections. Unfortunately, you can get some surprises when you have them cut.

May 29, 2006
If you're price range is under 1000 pesos, bring back coffee. They make great little gifts, esp in the small single use packets.
A good thumb rule must be: Everything shiny sold in a tourist destination are more than likely a fake product.

Just like the Timeshare crap elderly people on vacation in Spain etc are lured into buying into when they are blinded by the sun and warm culture.