Pioneers... Tough Life

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Every once in a while , I get thrown into a time machine and go back to begin to see what life was like for those who blazed our trail.

Chris Columbus.....
Not Criss Cologne or The Peter Falk 'Columbo' version.. suffered terribly in his adventures............
Encountering RD
as did many others
Ponce de Leon, my saviour , found the fountain of youth in Florida.

Likewise, the French entering Canada - or the whoevers at Plymouth Rock.... life wasn't easy.

Life in RD must have hard for good ole' Chris... bugs, natives -
not much has changed !!?

The French , in Quebec, died by numbers suffering through the winters they couldn't have imagined.... they're a bit better today - but still harsh.

Things change and stay the same.

Wuddy can back me up on this..... he's perched on Lake Erie
I am no Al Gore.... but the times they are achangin'....

Here, where I am, on the great lake the Indians called 'Huron' the weather has been erratic - to say the least.

Temps from 2C to 26C in 5 days..... thats 35 to 80 for you Americans..

The past few days have been frigid.... cold , windy, lake temps getting blown all over you.
Sure.... Nice to light a fire at night, but better if for effect than survival.

When I suffer this inconvenience (minor), I ponder what life was like before l was here -what life was like before , for those who pioneered ahead of us..... harsh would be an understatement.

Cold in Quebec winters,.......... blistering, wet heat in the Carolinas and Georgia summers

Many died.... many didn't

And here we are --------- complaining about this and that in our respective situations.

Climb in to my time machine.............. you'll beg to get back 'home' in a second

Just go with the flow.......

Life's a journey, hang on, and enjoy the ride


Jun 17, 2012
Try clearing an acre of land with a chainsaw and a tractor. Then imagine what it was like with an axe and a horse.
The dentist had a pair of pliers , the doctor bled you or cut off your limbs.
No bug zappers, or insect repellent. No antibiotics. No spices for food, no coffee no sugar

Our ancestors were tough.


Jan 13, 2012
You don t have to think about our ancestors, there is at this time over one billion people living like our ancestors and they do not complain because they have no choises.


Sep 27, 2006
it's not exactly that they knew washing machine and microwaves and just decided to live without. in their time they were equipped as best as they could.