Sunday night thoughts



Arne Harris, the producer of Chicago Cubs television broadcasts died very suddenly last evening while eating at one of Chi town's famous steak houses. He leaves a wife and two sons.
Not particularly earth shaking, but this was the man responsible for bringing us Sammy Sosa all during the season. Sammy hist his 64th home run in the ninth, dedicated to Arne. Somber game, Cubbies lost, but had a fair to good season.

Larger games began in the Middle East, as the US and her allies began the retaliation attacks aimed at eventually making Afghanistan inhospitable for Osama bin Laden. This is a very high stakes game being played here and we are all sure that there will be further terrorist attacks on US or allied targets.

As long as the US and the allies can keep this issue on a "anti-terrorist" level and not allow it to go into West vs. Muslim, things should progress fairly well. the terrorist threat as represented by the Taliban and other extremist groups (right or left) is perhaps the least understood problem in the world today.

Let us all hope that this week will see some progress.