Cabarete Sindico Canoa loses game to postpone trial


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Canoa ran out of stalling tactics yesterday. The preliminary hearing on corruption charges against Canoa and the former Director of the Junta Distrital of Cabarete, a Canoa appointee Eddy Morphe, finally went forward yesterday in the Puerto Plata court. The procuradora of Puerto Plata Alba Nu?ez headed the prosecution team along with the Santo Domingo fiscals from the Direccion de Persecucion de la Corupcion Administrativa (DPCA). The judge accepted only one of the defense team's motions. Due to the fact that the ADECA accusation that prompted the DPCA to file charges was not accompanied by documentation confirming the fact that the president of ADECA was the authorized representative of ADECA, the judge accepted the defense motion to drop ADECA as an additional accuser in the case. The belief in Canoa's camp is that they will have an easier time negotiating an eventual settlement with the Ministerio Publico and Dominguez Brito if ADECA is not a formal player in the trial.

Both Canoa and Eddy Morphe were held over for trial. The municipal law states that once held over for trial, it i up to the Sosua sala capitular (municipal council) to suspend Canoa from his position. That is where the attention will be focused over then next couple of weeks as Canoa and his allies try to prevent a vote to comply with the municipal law.


Oct 29, 2010
Well it looks as if some small progress is being made, even if Canoa seems to have more tricks up his sleeve for the future. What a soap opera!