Dominican unseats Dominican in ?bitter' Lawrence race for mayor


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Dominican unseats Dominican in ?bitter' Lawrence race for mayor

New York.- Dominican City Council member Daniel (Danny) Rivera on Tuesday squeezed a win of just a few dozen votes over his compatriot and incumbent William Lantigua, and will be the new mayor of Lawrence, Mass..

Newspaper Eagle Tribune reported that as of midnight Tuesday Rivera had 7,625 votes against 7,565 cast for Lantigua, a native of Santiago.

Mayor Lantigua, who was seeking his first re-election on the Municipal ticket, will instead have to hand over to the elected newcomer.

The Eagle Tribune reported the result of the race which political activists and voters called so chaotic and bitter, that the police had to shutter the city?s Board of Elections offices amid speculation and rumors.

"City Councilor Daniel Rivera claimed a razor-thin victory against Mayor William Lantigua last night, edging the controversial incumbent by just 60 votes out of 15,190 cast during a day that began with the breakdown of several voting machines and ended with the ballots under police guard," reported Eagle Tribune.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
My bet is, that the new mayor will be able to keep Lawrence Ma., as the most corrupt city in the state!
Same "Mierda" different Day"!!!!!!
I was in Lawrence this year.
I will no longer go there!
It's much cheaper to go to "Christo Rey", or "Capotillo" here in SD!
Except they are just a little cleaner than Lawrence!


New member
Jun 24, 2013
My bet is, that the new mayor will be able to keep Lawrence Ma., as the most corrupt city in the state!
Same "Mierda" different Day"!!!!!!
I was in Lawrence this year.
I will no longer go there!
It's much cheaper to go to "Christo Rey", or "Capotillo" here in SD!
Except they are just a little cleaner than Lawrence!

I do not doubt that he might be a LANTIGUA number 2 because he was a city council member. We will see! But, lawrence is probably the worst city in the state. At one time, the state had to take over the school district in order to manage it. It is corruption, pure and simple!
Well, you are lucky! had you left your car overnight, the next day, the radio or something else would have been gone.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
You can take the "Dominican" out of the Dominican Republic, but you can NEVER, take the Dominican Republic out of the Dominican!!!!!
I once dated a 23 year old Dominicana in Boston,she came to Boston when she was 3 years old.
After our first date, she asked me for $300 for a deposit on an apartment.
I gave her my tried and true excuses, and said how much I wanted to help her, but couldn't.
Funeral expenses for my parents who were just killed in a car accident!
Next date, she wanted me to co-sign for her new furniture!
I bought a ticket to SD instead.
Same "TOTO", cheaper "Buy IN"!!!!!!
May 12, 2005
My bet is, that the new mayor will be able to keep Lawrence Ma., as the most corrupt city in the state!
Same "Mierda" different Day"!!!!!!
I was in Lawrence this year.
I will no longer go there!
It's much cheaper to go to "Christo Rey", or "Capotillo" here in SD!
Except they are just a little cleaner than Lawrence!

You're lucky. I still have to make the trip a few times a year. My in-laws are there.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
My sister lives in Lynn!
like in, "Lynn,Lynn, City Of SIN"!
"You NEVER come out the way you come in"!!!!
They may very well be the next "Domino" to fall to "Dominicanization"!!!
I went to the Salem Social Security office to sign up for my "SS".
I was the only "Gringo" in the place!
The only person who could speak both English, and Spanish!
When I spoke English to the SS agent, she spit out her coffee and "Krispy Kream" she was so surprised!
And the only applicant over 30 years old!
I guess Dominicanos are accident prone when they reach the USA!
So sad to see so many disabled Dominicans, at such a young age!
But I guess that's what "SSI" is for, RIGHT!!!!!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
went to this Dominican guy's house in the Bronx on a cold call once. he had been in a very minor fender bender, but was claiming hundreds of thousands of dollars for bodily injury. when i rang his bell, and announced myself, it took him a while to come limping out , in a surgical collar. i interviewed him, and went back to my car to put the notes in my computer and send them back to the office. i could not get a signal in front of his house, so i moved a little way down the street. i guess he looked out his peephole, and did not see my car, so he came strolling down the street, without the collar. he almost crapped his pants when i snapped a picture of him.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
My sister lives in Lynn!
like in, "Lynn,Lynn, City Of SIN"!
"You NEVER come out the way you come in"!!!!
They may very well be the next "Domino" to fall to "Dominicanization"!!!
I went to the Salem Social Security office to sign up for my "SS".
I was the only "Gringo" in the place!
The only person who could speak both English, and Spanish!
When I spoke English to the SS agent, she spit out her coffee and "Krispy Kream" she was so surprised!
And the only applicant over 30 years old!
I guess Dominicanos are accident prone when they reach the USA!
So sad to see so many disabled Dominicans, at such a young age!
But I guess that's what "SSI" is for, RIGHT!!!!!

I currently reside in Swampscott.

Lynn has fell vicitim to "Dominicanization" lonnnnggg ago.

Quite sad.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
When my Dominican wife was working in New Your several years ago, she was approached by the "Car Accident Scam Artists".
All you have to do is sit in the car, while two other cars block in the "Semi".
After he hits us, go to the hospital with sever back injuries.
Then you go to "Our Chiropracter" for "Pain"!
I hoped she would do it!
Sometimes the "Victims" really are crushed!
And I could sue for her "Rightful" death!


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Lawrence is the cesspool of MA. Absolute poorest place in Massachusetts.
And I am from Dorchester!

Lawrence, MA: City of the Damned | Boston Magazine

Lawrence used to be the capital of insurance fraud in the world until the INVESTIGATORS broke the it down. They would collide cars daylight and a bunch of people would be in those cars to claim. If you got a federal check coming, well do not have the FEd send to LAWRENCE. The check will end up in the Dr.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
My sister lives in Lynn!
like in, "Lynn,Lynn, City Of SIN"!
"You NEVER come out the way you come in"!!!!
They may very well be the next "Domino" to fall to "Dominicanization"!!!
I went to the Salem Social Security office to sign up for my "SS".
I was the only "Gringo" in the place!
The only person who could speak both English, and Spanish!
When I spoke English to the SS agent, she spit out her coffee and "Krispy Kream" she was so surprised!
And the only applicant over 30 years old!
I guess Dominicanos are accident prone when they reach the USA!
So sad to see so many disabled Dominicans, at such a young age!
But I guess that's what "SSI" is for, RIGHT!!!!!

Lynn is another one. But, the mayor is a white woman, who has just been reelected. I think LAWRENCE, maybe comes CHELSEA, after?
Cris, if you have never been to the WALMART in lynn or the MARKET BASKET IN CHELSEA, YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET. These places belong to DOMINICANS!


New member
Jun 24, 2013
When my Dominican wife was working in New Your several years ago, she was approached by the "Car Accident Scam Artists".
All you have to do is sit in the car, while two other cars block in the "Semi".
After he hits us, go to the hospital with sever back injuries.
Then you go to "Our Chiropracter" for "Pain"!
I hoped she would do it!
Sometimes the "Victims" really are crushed!
And I could sue for her "Rightful" death!

Well, that is how they broke the scam in lawerence. One grand mother died in one those scams. All hell broke loose!

Tom F.

Jan 1, 2002
Most of my Dominican friends live in Northern New Jersey, Washington Heights and the Bronx. There are exceptions, and the unruly types in Paterson and Perth Amboy, but most of the people I deal with in the Dominican community are too busy working to play this nonsense. This is a poor man's game. When we do venture up to Providence or Mass., there seems more of that BS. My attitude has always been, if they make it that easy to scam the system, go at it. Sit around for 3 years and do nothing to get $40,000. Same **** going on with poor white dudes in Central Illinois where I grew up.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Most of my Dominican friends live in Northern New Jersey, Washington Heights and the Bronx. There are exceptions, and the unruly types in Paterson and Perth Amboy, but most of the people I deal with in the Dominican community are too busy working to play this nonsense. This is a poor man's game. When we do venture up to Providence or Mass., there seems more of that BS. My attitude has always been, if they make it that easy to scam the system, go at it. Sit around for 3 years and do nothing to get $40,000. Same **** going on with poor white dudes in Central Illinois where I grew up.

it is a lot more difficult to scam the system today than it was 15 years ago. then it was like a free-for-all, but too many dummies got into the game, and got roasted. the Russians were sharp, and slick, and pulled off some good moves. the Dominicans in the Bronx had some lame stunts that never generally panned out. companies like Progressive would simply offer these guys 100 dollars to sign a waiver that they would not sue for Bodily Injury, right at the scene of the accident, before they had spoken to an ambulance chaser. the idea of getting a free c-note was too enticing to resist.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Tom, you are WRONG on both counts!
I was born in Streator Illinois.
I was, a "Poor White DUDE", although I don't see how a persons skin color makes any difference, unless, like for you, it helps judge his "Character"????
Regardless of "Color", in Streator we were far to busy getting up at 4 am, to milk the cows, slop the hogs, feed the chickens, and only THEN get to the other chores before sundown,to even think about "Games"!
As for your comment about "Scamming The "System" because they make it easy to do, should a home be robbed because they left a window open???
Should you steal from the "Corner Store" because they are not watching you close enough?
Should you prey on "Old People" because they are weak, an easy target, and can't fight back???
It would be much easier to do it "Your Way", vote for "Obama" and his like!
Ask the "Rich" to pay, as "Barry" says, " Just A Little bit more"!
You can vote by absentee ballot, and have direct deposit to your "ABC" card, or whatever the "letters" are, and NEVER leave your "Section Eight Housing"!!!


Feb 7, 2013
My sister lives in Lynn!
like in, "Lynn,Lynn, City Of SIN"!
"You NEVER come out the way you come in"!!!!
They may very well be the next "Domino" to fall to "Dominicanization"!!!
I went to the Salem Social Security office to sign up for my "SS".
I was the only "Gringo" in the place!
The only person who could speak both English, and Spanish!
When I spoke English to the SS agent, she spit out her coffee and "Krispy Kream" she was so surprised!
And the only applicant over 30 years old!
I guess Dominicanos are accident prone when they reach the USA!
So sad to see so many disabled Dominicans, at such a young age!
But I guess that's what "SSI" is for, RIGHT!!!!!

Lynn, Lynn, City of sin. You never go put the way You went in. Ask for a milk, they hand You a Gin!

Lawrence is locked down 100% Dominican. In Lynn the Central Americans are giving the Dominicans a run for their money. Tons of Russians who know how to get a nickel out of the government better than anyone. Like a schmuck I bought a condo with a mortgage which will Never regain its value. What a putz am I.


New member
Dec 15, 2004
Lynn is another one. But, the mayor is a white woman, who has just been reelected. I think LAWRENCE, maybe comes CHELSEA, after?
Cris, if you have never been to the WALMART in lynn or the MARKET BASKET IN CHELSEA, YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET. These places belong to DOMINICANS!

I don't know - I've seen more Somalis in Chelsea than Dominicans.