a Fatawa for the use of anal jihad.

Jun 18, 2007
Terrorists have a new ?back door? plan to blow up the enemies of Islam. They are issuing a Fatawa for the use of anal jihad.

Seems like the Shiite Muslims have a new means of terrorist bombings. A Islamic Imam in Europe received an email from a concerned man of giving his ?back door? to the cause of martyrdom. They have a new way of dealing with bomb detection involving stretching the anal cavity in order to expose the vessels and make it bigger, so as to fit more explosives in the sensitive area. In order to make this happen, they have issued a Fatawa, or religious order, to allow the mujahideen (Islamic holy warriors) to sodomize the suckers, I mean soldiers.

Although the Imam looks concerned about the use of anal sex to give one?s self to the cause, he doesn?t back down from the religious order. There is one glimmer of hope when he says, ?In principle, sodomy is forbidden?, but that is quickly swept under the rug as he is telling the guy to just ask forgiveness after you have been molested. In fact he starts on a diatribe of how the mujahideen will be raised after death and how they are Allah?s personal guard so it is okay to be raped by them in order to make yourself a martyr.

This would be insane if not for the fact you can hear it yourself. Talk about being the butt end of jokes for a long time coming.

Terrorists “Back Door” Plan Of Destruction: Anal Jihad | The Liberty Digest


Aug 26, 2009
In listening to the Arabic with the English subtitles, it seemed to me as if once, the word he used for "anus" sounded like "cappuchino". That makes sense on many different levels.