Polish A.N. will not be extradaited

Feb 7, 2007
According to this article, Polish Apostolic Nuncio Weselowski accused of child molestation in the DR, will not be extradited, according to this article

El Caribe ? El Vaticano no extradictar? al exnuncio

Of course, a jewel piece of Dominican journalism it mixes three things into one and does not provide any background information.

The article says that the priest will not be extradited to POLAND (Warszawa) from Vatican because he is Vatican citizen. Then the article goes on to say that Dominican AG sent documentation to Vatican accusing him of the child molestation along with support material. So we do not really know who is asking for extradition, whether it is Poland or the DR.

This case is different from the case of another Polish priest who was accused of child molestation in Santiago.

P.S. This is not meant to open heated discussion about child abuse by priests, firemen or boy scout chiefs... so please refrain from it.


Dec 14, 2008
The Vatican Club

This reveals how helpless the pope is.
He is surrounded by a gang of hypocritical and greedy mafiosos and the old boys' club of pedophiles.
Those would not surrender one of the flock.



Sep 27, 2006
as a nuncio he has/had the same privileges as any other diplomat. diplomatic immunity.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Why ever would the DR want to extradaite a child abuser anyway????

There are too many here already!!!

"Home Grown" is always "BETTER"!



May 3, 2000
There are many international wires covering this. Summary below, and then some links.

Catholic World News reports that the Vatican will not cooperate with Polish authorities that have been investigating former papel nuncio Jozef Wesolowski.
As reported, the Vatican has refused a request from Polish prosecutors for the extradition of Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski.
As reported in Polish press, the Dominican judicial authorities passed to the Polish authorities the files on the investigation of sexual abuse of children in the Dominican Republic on Father Wojciech Gil to the Polish authorities and those on the papal nuncio to the Vatican. Both are natives of Poland, but the Vatican declined extradition of Wesolowski on grounds that he is a citizen of the Vatican and there is no treaty of extradition with the Dominican Republic or Poland. “Archbishop Wesolowski is a citizen of the Vatican, and Vatican law does not allow for his extradition,” the Vatican announced.
The archbishop served as apostolic nuncio in the Dominican Republic since 2005 until August 2013, when he was recalled to Rome after Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez informed Pope Francis that he had heard reports of sexual abuse by the Vatican envoy. At the time, investigative journalists had begun to air TV reports on his estranged conduct in the Dominican Republic and that of a fellow Polish clergyman, Father Wojciech Gil who was the parish priest in Juncalito, Santiago. Both were known as close friends. Wojciech is known to be living with family in a villag south of Krakow in Poland.
Shortly after Wesolowski’s departure, authorities in the Dominican Republic disclosed that several families had filed complaints against him. At the time, the Vatican pledged full cooperation with Dominican prosecutors.
The Polish authorities launched their own investigation into Archbishop Wesolowski shortly after the publication of reports about his alleged misconduct in the Dominican Republic and visited the Dominican Republic to investigate and meet with local judicial authorities. The files on the case were later passed on to the Polish authorities.
The Vatican has not disclosed the whereabouts of the Polish archbishop that is believed to be living in the Vatican or Rome.
Przemyslaw Nowak from the District
Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw, Poland has said the Vatican has confirmed that it is proceeding with its own investigation
concerning the archbishop.
The News of Poland reported that a deacon who worked for Archbishop Wesolowski has stated that he procured boys for the papal nuncio. Wesolowski allegedly had oral sex with boys, and took photographs of them while they were masturbating. Meanwhile, three children in the Dominican Republic have made allegations against Father Gil, and child pornography was allegedly found on his computer.
Vatican declines extradition for papal nuncio accused of abuse : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
Vatican refuses to extradite Polish archbishop accused of child sex abuse - Thenews.pl :: News from Poland


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I keep thinking about nail polish when I read the title of this thread. It's happier and doesn't molest kids.


Dec 11, 2003
What is really amazing is that the Nuncio was here for 8 years. Surely there were many people who knew about his proclivities? Perhaps now at least the Dominicans will know that they can turn in these perpetrators to their own criminal authorities.


Dec 11, 2003
Impunity for Polish papal nuncio?

Catholic World News reports that the Vatican will not cooperate with Polish authorities that have been investigating former papal nuncio Jozef Wesolowski. As reported, the Vatican has refused a request from Polish prosecutors for the extradition of Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski.

As reported in Polish press, the Dominican judicial authorities shared the information on its investigations into child sexual abuse in the Dominican Republic involving Father Wojciech Gil with the Polish authorities and those on the papal nuncio with the Vatican. Both are natives of Poland, but the Vatican is refusing to extradite Wesolowski on the grounds that he is a citizen of the Vatican and there is no extradition treaty with the Dominican Republic or Poland. "Archbishop Wesolowski is a citizen of the Vatican, and Vatican law does not allow for his extradition," the Vatican announced.

The archbishop served as apostolic nuncio in the Dominican Republic since 2008 until August 2013, when he was recalled to Rome after Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez informed Pope Francis that he had heard reports of sexual abuse by the Vatican envoy. At the time, investigative journalists had begun to air TV reports on his misconduct in the Dominican Republic as well as that of a fellow Polish clergyman, Father Wojciech Gil who was the parish priest in Juncalito, Santiago. The two men were known to be close friends. Wojciech is now living with his relatives in a village south of Krakow in Poland.

Shortly after Wesolowski's departure, authorities in the Dominican Republic revealed that several families had filed complaints against him. At the time, the Vatican pledged full cooperation with Dominican prosecutors.

The Polish authorities launched their own investigation into Archbishop Wesolowski shortly after the publication of reports about his alleged misconduct in the Dominican Republic and visited the Dominican Republic to investigate and meet with local judicial authorities. Przemyslaw Nowak from the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw has said the Vatican has confirmed that it is proceeding with its own investigation concerning the archbishop.

The Vatican has not disclosed the whereabouts of the Polish archbishop who is believed to be living in the Vatican or Rome.

The News of Poland reported that a deacon who worked for Archbishop Wesolowski has stated that he procured boys for the papal nuncio. Wesolowski allegedly engaged in oral sex with boys, and took photographs of them while they were masturbating. Meanwhile, three children in the Dominican Republic have made allegations against Father Gil, and child pornography was allegedly found on his computer.

The statement is issued on the eve of a 16 January visit by a Vatican delegation to a hearing at the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva as part of an investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy around the world and an alleged system of cover-ups by the Holy See.

'This is the first time the Holy See's been pressed on child sexual abuse by the world's children's rights body and that's of international significance,' said Veronica Yates, director of Child Rights International Network (CRIN). 'We know child abuse happens in other closed institutions, but what's unique about the Catholic Church is the Holy See is a UN State that's voluntarily signed up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a legally binding document that includes, among others, a child's right to protection from violence and sexual abuse.'

She added: 'Child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is a global problem affecting thousands of children. Some of the "techniques" employed by the church indicate its disregard for children's rights and the law. An example is the "geographical cure", designed to relocate, forget and sweep under the rug cases of child abuse to protect the institution. There are numerous examples of priests accused of abuse being transferred, usually from Europe or North America to Africa or Latin America. The Holy See's given no indication these practices have stopped.'

Vatican declines extradition for papal nuncio accused of abuse : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Vatican refuses to extradite Polish archbishop accused of child sex abuse - Thenews.pl :: News from Poland

Vaticano: Wesolowski no se encuentra desaparecido y est? a disposici?n de sus superiores - DiarioLibre.com

Vaticano comparecer? ante la ONU el 16, por sacerdotes que violan ni?os - Acento

Doctor Sarita sostiene que asesinos quer?an

So now Poland itself is requesting extradition.. which will at least be more powerful than the Dominican Republic.. But then why are they not prosecuting Gil or sending him back here, I wonder?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Women's groups in the DR have submitted the cases to the United Nations investigation into child sex abuse, accusing the Church in the DR of repeatedly covering up such cases:

La Colectiva Mujer y Salud record? que en los ?ltimos 10 a?os se han denunciado 6 casos de abuso sexual perpetrado contra al menos 19 menores de edad a manos de 7 autoridades de la Iglesia Cat?lica, como lo son: el caso del Albergue de Hig?ey (Cirilo Antonio N??ez y Ram?n Antonio Betances) (2003); el caso del padre Espinal (2006),el caso del sacerdote Juan Manuel Mota de Jes?s (Padre Johnny) 2009, el caso del cura de Bonao (sacerdote Alberto Zacar?as Cordero Liriano) en el 2012, y en 2013 el caso Juncalito a manos del sacerdote polaco Wojciech Waldemar (padre Alberto Gil) y el caso del Ex -Nuncio o embajador del Vaticano en Santo Domingo, Jos?f (o Joseph) Wesolowski. Wojciech Waldemar y Joseph Wesolowski huyeron de Rep?blica Dominicana. El primero se encuentra en Polonia, y el segundo en el Vaticano.

Lo que reclama la Colectiva Mujer y Salud

En virtud de que la Santa Sede ratific? la Convenci?n sobre los Derechos del Ni?o el 20 de Abril del 1990, es que tenemos a bien solicitamos al Comit?las siguientes diligencias urgentes para que sean requeridas ante el Vaticano:

Que se investiguen las acciones de encubrimiento por parte de la Iglesia Cat?lica dominicana en beneficio de los sacerdotes acusados de abuso sexual en el pa?s;

Que se esclarezca el paradero del Ex Nuncio Wesolowki, y a la vez, solicitar con car?cter de urgencia la entrega de este ante las autoridades dominicanas para que sea juzgado seg?n la legislaci?n penal nacional;

Investigar urgentemente el v?nculo entre el sacerdote Wojciech (padre Alberto Gil) y el Ex -Nuncio Wesolowski, y sus posibles v?nculos a una red internacional de pederastia y corrupci?n de menores;

Que el Vaticano informe si existe dentro de los expedientes que tienen en su poder, informaci?n detallada acerca de los hechos ocurridos en Juncalito perpetrados por el sacerdote Wojciech y detallando la fecha de esta informaci?n;

Que se haga p?blica la informaci?n por parte de Vaticano acerca de la fecha a partir de la cual tienen conocimiento sobre los casos de abuso sexual ocurridos en R.D. y la manera en que ocurrieron los hechos;

Que se haga P?blico el informe enviado al Vaticano por las autoridades dominicanas de la jurisdicci?n penal acerca de estos casos, especificando las fechas y detalles de cada hecho, teniendo en cuenta lo establecido en el art?culo 13 del Concordato entre R.D. y la Santa Sede del 1954: ‘’En caso de que se levante acusaci?n penal contra alguna persona eclesi?stica. o religiosa, la Jurisdicci?n del Estado apoderada del asunto deber? informar oportunamente al competente Ordinario del lugar y transmitir al mismo los resultados de la instrucci?n, y, en caso de darse, comunicarle la sentencia tanto en primera instancia como en apelaci?n, revisi?n o casaci?n. ’’;

Que se esclarezca d?nde se encontraba el Padre Espinal, y si sigui? ejerciendo sus funciones de sacerdote entre los a?os 2009 y 2013, recordando que fue sentenciado en el a?o 2009 por abuso sexual y que fue privado de libertad en el presente a?o;

Solicitar al Vaticano que exprese las medidas que ha implementado para evitar que estos casos sigan ocurriendo y para reparar el da?o hecho contra las v?ctimas;

Que se haga p?blico si ser? abordado el grave problema de los sacerdotes pederastas durante el s?nodo del pr?ximo a?o, ya que la oficina de prensa del Vaticano confirm? la decisi?n del Papa Francisco de organizar un s?nodo de car?cter extraordinario del 5 al 19 de octubre de 2014;

Solicitar de manera urgente que de haga p?blico el paradero de los sacerdotes del caso de Hig?ey (Cirilo Antonio N??ez y Ram?n Antonio Betances) , y si siguen ejerciendo funciones de sacerdotes, si es as?, que se especifique en que condiciones;

Que el vaticano establezca p?blicamente si tiene en su poder otros reportes, informes judiciales o comunicaciones directas sobre otros casos de pederastia perpetrada contra menores por sacerdotes en R.D. que no han salido a la luz p?blica;

Pedir al Vaticano que haga p?blico el informe emitido por el Cardenal Nicol?s de Jes?s L?pez Rodr?guez acerca del caso del Ex - Nuncio Wesolowski;

Preguntar si el Vaticano realiz? alguna investigaci?n acerca de las circunstancias en que fue incendiada la c?rcel de Hig?ey donde fallecieron varios imputados del caso;

Dada la magnitud de los hechos solicitar ante el Vaticano una comisi?n de investigaci?n acerca del involucramiento de otros cl?rigos en estos y otros posibles casos;

Que se publique si el Vaticano ha dado respuesta a la comunicaci?n que les fue enviada por parte de los familiares de la v?ctima del caso de Bonao.



Jul 10, 2004
The Catholic Church remains a good old buys club where they talk about reform yet protect their own.


Oct 29, 2010
The new Pope gets accolades all over the world for being different, but what's changed? Nothing it seems.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Wesolowski featured in the Geneva hearings yesterday:
One expert asked specifically about the Vatican's handling of two cases that have caused particular embarrassment to the church: one from the past, that of the sexual scandals of the disgraced Legion of Christ founder Marcial Maciel, and another, which is ongoing, concerning Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, the former apostolic nuncio (ambassador) to the Dominican Republic. Wesolowski was recalled to Rome this summer after facing accusations of abusing teenage boys.
UN panel grills Catholic hierarchy on handling of child sex abuse by priests | World news | theguardian.com