Amercian killed in car crash


Jun 7, 2008
I just learned yesterday from a good friend Canadian who lives in PC that he and his best friend (American) were in a tragic crash. He was in a coma for a few and is still shaky and foggy on the situation.
It seems he was in his truck with his friend and sitting at an intersection when a large bus (tour??) came speeding down the cross street and tee boned the sitting vehicle. The crash was so severe both occupants of the crash truck were thrown from the vehicle. Both men unconscious lay dying on the street. The local bus driver drives away like nothing happened leaving the scene and the victims for dead. My friend after his coma and bad cuts bruises etc. thank god survived. His best friend 45 years, died leaving a wife and two kids.
The driver was caught eventually and now in jail. If he didnt flee the scene, my friend, because a gringo, may be the deemed the cause and would be dealing with not just the loss but the criminal case. This is what he was told by lawyers,why? pretty much because he is a gringo!
Bus drivers and truckers continue to drive in this country with complete disregard and reckless abandon, willing to cause accidents and even kill. this is done to help increase the traffic deaths of a country that is already the world leader. They do this as do many others because the only real rule of the road here is "if my vehicle is bigger I can do whatever i want and you better get out of my way or else!!!". Those who try to beat the drum that this is a developing country are the real fools for actually believing a twisted legal system that is at times almost a lawless society will ever accomplish this goal...