Hello... Um I have a question about school.

Mary Lyon

New member
Mar 9, 2014
I was a freshmen in high school the United States last year, but my parents decided to move us to the Dominican Republic, now here I kinda haven't been going to school and I'm pretty sure that i am failing.
Now we're planning on moving back to the states, but the school i want to go to won't accept me unless i pass all of my classes (which I'm not going to).
So the question is how can i get the school to accept me? Fake transcripts and recommendation letters? HELP me please. I don't want to repeat this grade.


Jan 21, 2006
You are still a freshman in high school in the US. As far as faking the transcripts its good to see you picked up a few things while living in the DR.


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
Ask around, most Dominicans can buy the answer keys from the teachers. Its a way of life.

lando calrissian

New member
Mar 10, 2014
Yup, you are an embarrassment. Go ahead and cheat, life will only get easier. If you don't work hard and for yourself how can you ever claim to be a fulfilled person?

You should take the hard medicine, repeat your year and try and overcome the obstacles before you. I have a niece who I am teaching how to read and write because her mother doesn't give a rat's behind. Trust me, your young just repeat the year, with dignity and humility. Accept that you were wrong and shortsighted and do it right with more perspective, plus foresight. You WILL thank yourself in the long run.



Dec 27, 2010
I was a freshmen in high school the United States last year, but my parents decided to move us to the Dominican Republic, now here I kinda haven't been going to school and I'm pretty sure that i am failing.
Now we're planning on moving back to the states, but the school i want to go to won't accept me unless i pass all of my classes (which I'm not going to).
So the question is how can i get the school to accept me? Fake transcripts and recommendation letters? HELP me please. I don't want to repeat this grade.

I am sure you can get a fake copy of transcripts... And on a side note, blame it on your parents if they ever find out. Say, " What the fuc were you thinking moving your children to a third world Country, you selfish baztards"...

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
If you didn't want to repeat a grade you should have worked at passing the damn thing. Welcome to the school of life and hard knocks, which is where you'll be if you don't buckle down and put your lazy behind to work. School will be the easiest part of your lif.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Um,,I think you should be looking at 6th grade,,never mind scamming you way thru 9th
who writes um anyway? another ignoramus.. any restaurant owners need someone to wash dishes?


Feb 17, 2010
geez, how hard can school be in the Dominican Republic. You madam, are a loser!

Mary Lyon

New member
Mar 9, 2014
The reason I stopped going to school was because I was suffering from depression, before that I was an excellent student, but due to so many absences I'm afraid of not passing and not being accepted to a good school in the states because i hate it here.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Look. You have learned stuff that none of the other kids back in the US have learned. You gained, or should have, experience that is unteachable. For that you are going to have to pay a price. I would be willing to bet in 10 years you will look back and think it was a cheap price to pay for an experience that is priceless. Dont worry too much. One year extra living with the folks and going to school is cheap. Trying to cheat your way is for losers. So the choice is yours. Take your medicine and be much better because of it or cheat and then one day you will realize the only person you cheated was yourself. I dropped out myself, took a couple years off. When i returned to school i was so far ahead of the curve it was ridiculous. I ended up doing three years of high school in less than three months. Not GED either, a go at your pace high school program at the local community college. And college was a breeze when i finally decided to go, well, except spanish. Now 20 years later i could take the Spanish classes and actually learn the little bit that i dont already know. You know, the details not the vocabulary. Anyway...suck it up and dont stress about it.

As a side note, i have already prepaid college for both my daughters. One of them is special needs, she wont be going to college. The other is gifted, as in mensa smart. I tell her all the time, dont worry about expectations. Go screw off for a couple years after high school, then when you decide to go to college you will have a better frame of mind to decide what you want to study. And you can go screw off without the worries of family and kids. Anyway, that is my two cents worth.

Tom F.

Jan 1, 2002
If you are finishing out the school year in the DR, there may be time to start going and making up the work. Have a parent speak with the school administrators. Being a former high school teacher in NYC, it is not too difficult to obtain 4 years of high school credit in three years in NYS. It depends on what the State you will live requires. Some extra work and maybe summer school.

lando calrissian

New member
Mar 10, 2014
I can understand depression, it is something that eats away from within, slowly and uncontrollably, leaving you hollow :(, until you find that ray of sunshine or that helping hand that will lift out of the darkness and make your heart feel alive again!!! :)

You really should start reading self help books from now on, (no more telenovelas) to stave any future bouts of the damn thing.
Confucius, Budda, Rumi, Jesus, Dear Abby, Dwayne Dwyer, Aristotle, Plato and a plethora of authors are out there that can reinforce your corroded sense of self respect, honor and integrity.
Hopefully you can add an exercise routine to your life, be aerobics, cycling, tai-chi or some martial art.

This is actually a great opportunity for yourself, it's not going to be easy. Yet if you face the facts and the music. Hunker down and show enough resolve you can bounce back from this adversity stronger and better.
I'm sure you are a brilliant young woman. You don't have to explain anything to anyone, other than your parents.

You should never hate something unless it's pure evil, you will look back at your time in DR and chuckle and not even recall how bad it was. That will of course come with time.

So now, take the time to think. Think and meditate about your next move. This scam that your thinking about will not rehabilitate you.
Strength comes forth from pain. We as humans are adverse to pain, because of what it implies. Yet without pain there is indeed no gain.
IF you take the tougher route you will achieve what is called virtue and that is a magnificent state of real bliss. Where you are neither judged nor judgmental.
You will transcend the pettiness of things around you. Which will help you mature. You will nor longer "hate" but will discern and reason. Clarifying things in terms of likes and dislikes, positives or negatives, ying and ying....But never just black or white.
Make a decision young woman and rise out of the gutter and choose which path in life you would rather take, tigeraje en la selva o un ser humano con principios?
Estas joven comienza a vivir de verdad.

It's all about starting with small steps, small, small steps (like a dancer, a boxer or a runner) which will lead you to where you want to go, be it greatness, be it mediocrity.

Aug 6, 2006
The point of school is to learn. If you have a clue as to what you want to do with your life, then you are ahead of 95% of the kids your age. It really does not matter if you repeat a year so long as you are learning.

I fail to see why anyone needs to call you names here. It serves no real purpose, ever.

Chart your course and follow it.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The reason I stopped going to school was because I was suffering from depression, before that I was an excellent student, but due to so many absences I'm afraid of not passing and not being accepted to a good school in the states because i hate it here.

Sorry to hear that moving to the DR with your parents caused you to have depression. I have two students that moved back from the USA because they were suffering depression from being forced to move to Long Island. You can say you were unable to adapt to the Dominican school system and lifestyle and do as Tom F says, do the summer school thing and negotiate with the school you are going to attend. If you have to repeat is isn't really that big a deal.
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Nov 21, 2004
Mary Lyon,
The first several responders were, as Derfish says, arrogant. I could add several other expletive adjectives but I'm too well-mannered. Ignore them. There is something about DR1 that brings out the worst in some sorts of people. I suggest that Derfish, Xavier_O and bob saunders have it right.

But also I advise: Don't be afraid to tell the truth to the next school. If you can get some counsellor to understand then that may work well to your advantage. And if nobody cares? Hey, you'll cope and catch up I'm sure.

You might consider coming back here (or sending us few sympathetic souls private messages) to let us know how t worked out.

Good Luck.



New member
Nov 22, 2012
Mary....you have been given an opportunity that others pay a fortune for...you were an exchange student, you learned another culture and whether you realize it or not, people should not make fun until they have walked a mile in your shoes. I suffered from depression and moved here with no expectations and love it. This is not for everyone...I taught at the International School the year we arrived (2012) and believe me you are not alone!...We had two foreign exchange student back in Michigan, one from Spain and the next year from Sweden...they came to the great USA and paid a lot of money to do it and their year in the states did not count as a grade in school so when they went home they were behind a grade. Their friends, real friends, thought it was cool! If you are not going back soon I can help fill in some learning gaps for you (I sent you a PM) This is a life experience that years from now you will for good or bad realize what a great experience it was. Good luck, don't let depression win...kick some *** girl! Now I sound like I am from the states. Best wishes for you!
Mary the most important thing is to deal with your depression, I don't know if it is chronic or just situational bc of the move but I hope you have been honest with telling your parents about your depression. Hopefully you will get appropriate counselling and meds if needed!
I was really depressed when I moved here, can't imagine moving at that age!

It sucks at your age to learn a lesson like this, but you have to take responsibility for your mistakes. Do you want to be a honorable person or a lying sneaky person?!
You could regret your decision later if you take the sneaky approach.

Sosua Sonny

New member
Dec 30, 2013
Um,,I think you should be looking at 6th grade,,never mind scamming you way thru 9th
who writes um anyway? another ignoramus.. any restaurant owners need someone to wash dishes?

You really should be embarrassed talking this way to a minor. I hope dealing with any human being in this manner makes you feel better tough guy.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
i'm not a tough guy, just trying to make the writer realize how unintelligent she looks. dont go getting you panties in a bunch there pal, neither one of us knows this person or if the poster is real,, relax take a deep breath. its the internet
Aug 6, 2006
So your theory is that unintelligent people can be made more intelligent by calling them stupid?

And you enjoy looking like a bully because the person you appear to be bullying might not be real?
How does that even work?