i bid a fond farewell


New member
Dec 24, 2013
Tomorrow morning may 13th, i take on the arduous task of departing this fine Island.

I personally arrived in the beginning of december for the daunting task of remodeling a property that needed some work and helping with the hospitality of Guests.

i have learned quite a bit ( some i dont even need to know) i have met only 1 DR1'r that i am aware of (frank12)

I have had a few contacts that have helped me immensly in my journey and with the business end of things.

I get the pleasure of experiencing a Caribe Tours bus bright and early to venture to Santo Domingo for a $pm flight to Ft Lauderdale, then a connecting flight to Detroit and my lovely daughter picking me up at 11pm for the ride home to Toledo, Ohio.

CCCCCCCCCC you keep these kids in line and i will return in june for another stint of helping and learning.

i am pretty sure i will be checking in but i already have a few odd jobs hooked up from people wanting my unique brand of repair in the states LOL.

I hope everything keeps moving foreward here on the north coast while i am gone, and sincerely hope to meet more of you on my return.

fair winds and following seas my great Dominican internet family.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Tomorrow morning may 13th, i take on the arduous task of departing this fine Island.

I personally arrived in the beginning of december for the daunting task of remodeling a property that needed some work and helping with the hospitality of Guests.

i have learned quite a bit ( some i dont even need to know) i have met only 1 DR1'r that i am aware of (frank12)

I have had a few contacts that have helped me immensly in my journey and with the business end of things.

I get the pleasure of experiencing a Caribe Tours bus bright and early to venture to Santo Domingo for a $pm flight to Ft Lauderdale, then a connecting flight to Detroit and my lovely daughter picking me up at 11pm for the ride home to Toledo, Ohio.

CCCCCCCCCC you keep these kids in line and i will return in june for another stint of helping and learning.

i am pretty sure i will be checking in but i already have a few odd jobs hooked up from people wanting my unique brand of repair in the states LOL.

I hope everything keeps moving foreward here on the north coast while i am gone, and sincerely hope to meet more of you on my return.

fair winds and following seas my great Dominican internet family.

i hope for a fair wind in your sails.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I KNEW I liked YOU!!!!!!
I went to "DeVilbiss High School" in Toledo, Class of "65", It's now a Condo building I think!
I lived at 2319 Drummond Road, in front of "TU"!
I left Toledo in "66" to join the US Navy, and "See The World"!
How the "F*#K" did I end up HERE?????????
More snow in Toledo!
That must be it!

My "BFFE" who went to "DeVilbiss" with me now lives in Santiago!!!

I took that ride from Detroit MANY TIMES!!!!!!


Jul 29, 2013
I used to go to the Chessie Cat in the late 60"s from Windsor to drink when they raised the age for 6 months in Canada. But it was 3.2 beer if I remember correctly. Canadien was 5%. Love Toledo.
May 5, 2007
WE'll miss you

Fish, don’t leave. If you go we will have only your wife, your 5th, 8th, 12th, 13rd and 16th ex-wives your Sister, sister in-law, Mother in law, 131 people you once knew from Kentucky, 4 sons, two cats and your brother (The Neanderthal) and his favorite goat (That he refuses to share)

Happy trails s1mpleton, not to worry Wherever you end up Fish will be able to hook you up:surprised

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
3.2 it was!!!!
I just drank MORE!!!!!!!!!
My "Hang Spot" was the "FaBa"!
We didn't need to "Get A Room", we all had "VANS" back then.
I got one here for the same reason!


May 22, 2004
I KNEW I liked YOU!!!!!!
I went to "DeVilbiss High School" in Toledo, Class of "65", It's now a Condo building I think!
I lived at 2319 Drummond Road, in front of "TU"!
I left Toledo in "66" to join the US Navy, and "See The World"!
How the "F*#K" did I end up HERE?????????
More snow in Toledo!
That must be it!

My "BFFE" who went to "DeVilbiss" with me now lives in Santiago!!!

I took that ride from Detroit MANY TIMES!!!!!!

Is that school named after the DeVilbiss who invented the atomizer?

Granfaloons pop up in the strangest places. :D

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
It WAS,..."Ol' Thomas A. to be exact!
We were called the "DeVilbiss Tigers".
We were not good at "Sports", because most of the students were Jews, and couldn't touch, "Pig Skin"!!!!!
When we got enough "Goys" to play football, our favorite "Cheer" was, "Get The Quarter BACK"!!!!!!!!!
I loved it, lots of "Extra" days off!
I converted on the SPOT!

AND, "JAPs" are EASY!
Just ask "FISH"!