Leo Diaz Exhibition In Sosua Casa de Arte


Jan 1, 2002
From today's Sosua News:

The artist Leo D?az, living in Sos?a, exhibits from Friday, September 19th his work in the cultural center (Casa de Arte) of Sos?a. The exhibition will be officially opened on Friday with a conventional snack and drink, by Mayor Ilana Neumann. Leo D?az was born in 1977 in Puerto Plata. He dwelt at a young age in this port city between the artists and started painting himself at around fifteen years of age. So he was initially self-taught. Afterwards he studied at the art academy Bellas Artes of Puerto Plata and in Santiago where he perfected his technique. The painters who influenced him the most are Italians from the time of the Renaissance, most notably Michelangelo and Tintoretto. But Dutch painters like Rembrandt and Van Gogh inspired him too. These influences are obvious in Leo's current work.

Leo's latest work is figurative and colorful with great contrasts. His work has been exhibited in Sos?a, Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Santiago and Santo Domingo. So now the people of Sos?a have another opportunity to get acquainted with the work of Leo.
Web: leodiaz.net


Jul 10, 2004
If Michelangelo and The Dutch Masters influenced him, I am not seeing that in any of his work on the web site.


On Vacation!
Jan 2, 2012
I live in Santiago
I was inspired by Einstein and Steinmetz.

I am interested in seeing some of the artist's work an will go to Sosua this w/e. Santiago seens to me pretty limited to printed reproductions.
Aug 21, 2007
Leo is a really nice, likable guy. No, he is not a fine artist, but he is a good, local artist with a definite style. We had him do 2 large paintings for us with a specific theme and colors. Both those paintings are hanging in our home in Pittsburgh, PA. We would not have commissioned them, nor hung them in a place where we have friends who DO know art, if we didn't think Leo had some talent.

Leo is just one of the many working in Sosua to bring alternate activities to the community. I hope you give him a break. Go to the Center of Culture, see the facility, have them tell you what they do, meet Leo and see his work. I don't anyone, but the most negative who could walk away without giving a little credit to those trying to do something for the families of Sosua.

~ Lindsey


Sep 27, 2006
i couldn't care less about families of sosua. leo's paintings are nice, thou.