Luggage/Aduana Problems At DR Airports


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Be careful out there, luggage ransacked, contents removed, luggage delayed, etc.

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Raining complaints from passengers at airports

Airport Las Americas. Dominicans who came to the country from different destinations abroad, complain about the delay in the delivery of their luggage, while others claim violations of their suitcases and bundles no removal of goods.

Most complaints delivering luggage behind come from Creoles who came to the country from the United States, Puerto Rico and several European nations, American Airlines, Jet Blue and Delta, which sold on their flights.

Also many travelers and families of those who come to Las Americas Airport to meet them complain about flight delays, especially those from New York, Miami, Atlanta, Boston, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

However, complaints Creole therefore flight delays, baggage drop behind and violations in some cases, is practically a tradition in December when hundreds of thousands of Dominicans come to spend the holidays with family and friends.

For this December, airport authorities have predicted a greater flow of travelers compared with previous years, taking advantage of the facilities provided Dominicans by the Directorate General of Customs (DGA) tax exempt items to three thousand dollars.

Agencies expect that this year will come readicados about 300,000 Dominicans abroad, so all flights from different airlines, arriving full of passengers, especially from the United States and Puerto Rico.

It was reported that due to the large amount of luggage that are coming behind the country, the company Aerodom, which manages the Las Americas Airport and five other terminals, had to have more deposits for airlines


Aeropuerto de Las Am?ricas. Dominicanos que llegaron al pa?s desde diferentes destinos del extranjero, se quejan de la tardanza en la entrega de sus equipajes, mientras que otros denuncian violaciones de sus maletas y bultos hay sustracci?n de mercanc?as.

La mayor?a de las quejas de la entrega rezagada de equipajes provienen de criollos que llegaron al pa?s desde los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico y varias naciones europeas, en vuelos de American Airlines, Jet Blue y Delta, que sobre vendieron sus vuelos.

Tambi?n muchos viajeros y familiares de estos que acuden al Aeropuerto de Las Am?ricas a recibirlos, se quejan de retrasos de vuelos, especialmente aquellos procedentes de Nueva York, Miami, Atlanta, Georgia, Boston, as? como San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sin embargo, las quejas de los criollos tanto por retrasos de vuelos, entrega rezagada de equipajes y violaciones en algunos casos, es pr?cticamente una tradici?n en el mes de diciembre cuando centenares de miles de dominicanos vienen a pasar las navidades con sus familiares y amigos.

Para este mes de diciembre, las autoridades aeroportuarias han pronosticado un mayor flujo de viajeros con relaci?n a a?os anteriores, aprovechando los dominicanos las facilidades otorgadas por la Direcci?n General de Aduanas (DGA) de exonerar de impuestos art?culos hasta los tres mil dolares.

Esperan los organismos que este a?o vendr?n unos 300 mil dominicanos readicados en el exterior , por lo que todos los vuelos de las diferentes lineas a?reas, llegan repletos de pasajeros, especialmente desde los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico.

Se inform? que debido a la gran cantidad de equipajes que est?n llegando rezagados al pa?s, la empresa Aerodom, que maneja el Aeropuerto de Las Am?ricas y otras cinco terminales, ha tenido que habilitar mas dep?sitos a favor de lineas a?reas.

Llueven las quejas de pasajeros en aeropuertos

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
many airports have these problems.... PHL, JFK, you name it...

checked luggage can be risky.... especially the x-rayed ones


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Thats why they bring soo much handluggage with them on board..I was shocked..flying with 80 % dominicans onboard is different..check in takes ages because of all the handluggage..3 hours before arrival the beauty preparations starts..ladies take off their tubi..change into some sexy clothes and block the bathroom for 30 minutes to put on make up. For the landing the pilot almost got standing ovations but this is nothing to what happens at the arrival hall..I thought we had a superstar aboard..people screaming..hollering and crying I have never seen so much emotion outside of the telenovela..on the good side..I got offered a pen to fill out registration forms without asking and the lady in front of me did not pull her seat back when she realized I am on the tall side..