Tendency Towards the Feminine in Dominican Spanish?


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2014
retired English teacher (30 years)
It would seem that ?vaina? and ?vagina? are cognates, for ?vagina? in Latin is a sheath, the same as "vaina" when the denotation references the sheath of the seed. Of course, in the Dominican Republic, vaina is used in the metaphorical sense. Recognizing that a knife goes in a sheath, the metaphor is complete. Anyone have access to a Spanish etymological dictionary to confirm same?

I'm wondering if there's not a tendency to the feminine in Dominican Spanish. ?Vaina? would be one example and ?Co?o? would be another. In Mexican Spanish, on the other hand, one would say, ?A la verga!

My examples are limited. Can you think of more to support my hypothesis?