AAASosua Outreach - Santiago


Mar 12, 2007
The Team have been asked to post this on behalf of AAASosua.


Preparation for the Santiago Outreach.
Preparation work had begun a few days before the Santiago Outreach at AAAS HQ where food bags were made up, anti-parasite doses prepared in advance and little containers of medicated shampoo. Collars and leads were sorted for the outreach event. GARF – Global Animal Relief Fund sponsored the food , and the local company on the Zona Franca gave a sizable donation towards the event.
Thank you Vera, Wendy and Karen for helping with the preparation!
Thanks also for those who returned Cages,Cat Traps and Nets to AAAS HQ in preparation for this event.


Outreach at Santiago

AAAS had planned a Vaccination and Parasite outreach with Dr Frank Alfano and Dra Gisselle Santo Diaz to one of the Zona Franca north of Santiago to provide support to the local population in caring for their pets.
One of the companies on the Zona Franco coordinated the efforts with AAAS and arranged the location at Ingenio Abajo. This was the site of an old sugar mill and now is a small town of about 200 families. They had organised it through the Junta De Vecinos and the local church too.
Many thanks to Eduardo and to Rosaeta and Leoncio from the local company for all your efforts.

Over a 100 pets were treated. It was very comprehensive covering Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, Adnovirus, Parvo virus, Leptospirosis and various spot ons for Fleas and Ticks , Stomach parasites using Oral deworming paste and Shampoo too.



Many dogs came in without collars and leads having just bits of string. Thanks to the recent donors , collars and leads were given to most of the dogs which really pleased their owners.


Dr Frank , Karen , Wendy , Vera and Jim made up the AAAS Team with Dra Gisselle and Volunteer Iliana from Animales en Pelegro and of course Judy, AAAS President !


It was a great success and it showed the care and love local community feel for their pets.

AAAS is a charitable organisation an exists solely on donations and Sponsership. If you wish to make a donation you may do so by going to Spay/Neuter for dogs and cats | Dog Adoptions | Trap neuter release programs | Emergency medical treatment in Sosua, Charamicos, and Sosua Abajo in the Dominican Republic and click on the donate button on the home page.
Judy Liggio.


The team has noted much recent discussion about Rabies and it is good to know that this Charitable Organisation provides that vacine on its Outreach in Santiago

Two recent threads :

Olly and the Team
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