Car wreck


New member
Jan 19, 2002
My car was wrecked and has been at Taller for over 2 months and they have not yet started work on it. The owner of the taller demanded 75% of the repair cost before he would start work. I gave him the 75% be he hasn't done a thing on my car. He has my car and my money''what can I do??

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"The Rules of the Game"

I wonder how long you have lived in the DR? 3,4 days tops? You NEVER pay in advance in the DR.,or anywhere else for that matter!You pick this "Taller" while walking past his house,and seeing him working on a car,"in the street",decided he was the "ONE" for you??? You have a "receipt" right? I didn,t think so. Got any friends with "Policia National"? Go to his "shop" with the police an "BUST-HIS-Balls"! How much did you give him? I need a good laugh. You must get "taken" on a daily basis here.Have a lot of Dominican "Friends" helping you ,cause they like you so much? Sorry I read your post "First" this AM. I must be "hypo-glysimic! You deserve better! You better go to the DR1 archives and start getting educated about "Life in the DR!"Criss Colon

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Assuming you have a receipt stating the amount paid and the date of delivery of the repaired vehicle, you have the right to file a complaint against the owner under the provisions of Law #3143 of 1951, Art. 1, which states:

"Toda persona que con motivo de una profesi?n, arte u oficio, reciba dinero, efectos u otra compensaci?n, ya sea como anticipo o pago total del trabajo que se oblig? a ejecutar o como materiales para el mismo, y no cumpla su obligaci?n en el tiempo convenido o en el que sea necesario para ejecutarlo, ser? castigado como autor de fraude y se le aplicar?n las penas establecidas en el art?culo 401 del C?digo Penal seg?n la cuant?a, sin perjuicio de la devoluci?n de las sumas efectos o materiales avanzados y de las sumas, efectos o materiales avanzados y de las indemnizaciones que procedan."

(Paraphrasing, any person who receives funds from another as payment for doing some work and who does not perform within the agreed upon time or within the time required for doing the work, will be guilty of fraud and punished as a thief - Art. 401..."


New member
Jan 12, 2002
Re: WC Fields/PT BArnum Maybe?

Hlywud said:
I agree with Criss Colon, how much did you pay and do you have a receipt. Not likely. You can get taken easily in the DR. Better hire Fabio and get some action.
As the infamous W.C. Field's said, " There's a sucker born every day.

Wouldn't that be attributed to Phineas T Barnum?



"Going for Gold"
Jan 1, 2002
yes, Barnum

I think it is Barnum; and I think it's actually "every minute" not "every day".