Se fue la luz - 24/7


May 1, 2005
I live, for the past three years, in a grid rated "A" meaning I should have electricity 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am learning, nothing you read or hear to take it as the gospel truth. I installed a couple of UPS for my TVs, computers, and routers. One of the UPS monitors what time the electricity goes off. I am averaging loss of electricity twice a day and sometimes for as much as 4 hours. No big deal really cause the full planta kicks in and keeps everything going as normal.

Just curious what does 24/7 mean Dominican style...............

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I live, for the past three years, in a grid rated "A" meaning I should have electricity 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am learning, nothing you read or hear to take it as the gospel truth. I installed a couple of UPS for my TVs, computers, and routers. One of the UPS monitors what time the electricity goes off. I am averaging loss of electricity twice a day and sometimes for as much as 4 hours. No big deal really cause the full planta kicks in and keeps everything going as normal.

Just curious what does 24/7 mean Dominican style...............

that means it goes of 24 times every 7 days.


Sep 27, 2006
power zones can slip down too. few years ago the area where we had the pharmacy in POP was upgraded to 24/7. the happiness was short lived as not many forked the bills and there were issues with stealing power and so on. slowly apagones came back and 24/7 became a distant memory. it happens. where we live now is also theoretically 24/7 but street power goes off about once a week anyways. recently we had to change our batteries and we replaced entire bank of 8. not giving up this setup, nope.
Feb 7, 2007
24/7 circuits are on the best effort basis.
This does not include frequent aver?as and demand programming. As of recently even 24/7 circuits (category A) are on a demand programming, but frequently are not interrupted, or better to say interruption is then conducted on as -need basis - sometimes yes sometimes no. But there is a backing of having an interruption schedule programmed (even if not executed later on).

You can check your circuit at


May 1, 2005
One thing I haven't figured out is when the power company electricity goes out and the full planta turns on am I still being billed for the electricity? I pay a monthly rental fee but have seen posted the monthly maintenance costs and I can easily use that up just running my A/Cs when the 24/7 goes out.


May 1, 2005
No the power company does not bill you for the consumption from planta, the planta operator does.

Still confused on this. I pay monthly rent. My electric bill has been basically the same depending on consumption and whether or not I was here a full month. Three years of electric billing and to the best of my knowledge I get billed for what I use from Edeeste only.


Nov 18, 2002
24/7 means you don't get blackouts due to 'not enough generated power', you do still get an occasional blackout because of a problem somewhere or scheduled maintenance. I live also in a 24/7 circuit and have an inverter for these moments. It doesn't happen often , but when it does in happy to have one.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Nothing in this country works 24/7. Anyone who tries telling you otherwise is lying.


Jan 12, 2010
I also have 24/7 and it really is almost that..the only times I am without power is when there is maintenance work in the local area but I am happily surprised how they can isolate the area where they are working and keep power to other nearby areas . The power is dirt cheap but ,only one problem, I receive my accounts by email and for some reasons these do not arrive some months so I must hot foot it down to Ave Independencia to find out how much I owe ..or get cut off .


May 3, 2000
Register with, or to view your bills online. You can also pay online with a credit card.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Still confused on this. I pay monthly rent. My electric bill has been basically the same depending on consumption and whether or not I was here a full month. Three years of electric billing and to the best of my knowledge I get billed for what I use from Edeeste only.

sounds like you are not surpassing your monthly minimum consumption,
so there's no difference on your bill to have power outs or not.
many connections show a "minimum consumption" limit,
means you have to pay that sum/consumption wheter you really used the amount or not.
if you consume more/pass the minimum amount, then that addy will add up on your bill.



May 21, 2010
I live, for the past three years, in a grid rated "A" meaning I should have electricity 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am learning, nothing you read or hear to take it as the gospel truth. I installed a couple of UPS for my TVs, computers, and routers. One of the UPS monitors what time the electricity goes off. I am averaging loss of electricity twice a day and sometimes for as much as 4 hours. No big deal really cause the full planta kicks in and keeps everything going as normal.

Just curious what does 24/7 mean Dominican style...............

Funny you posted this, at this moment I'm connected to my UPS. The power has been going off more frequently lately. Now the planta is turned off. Don't know if it's to save some fuel ( it's been running since 5pm yesterday). Also the entire area was without lights yesterday. What UPS will give around 4 hrs of power for a modem and a laptop?


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Funny you posted this, at this moment I'm connected to my UPS. The power has been going off more frequently lately. Now the planta is turned off. Don't know if it's to save some fuel ( it's been running since 5pm yesterday). Also the entire area was without lights yesterday. What UPS will give around 4 hrs of power for a modem and a laptop?

depends what UPS you use.
he cheapies are just a emergency backup and a puffer to compensate unstable incoming voltage, some last no more than 30 minutes for a PC and screen and router, meant to be enough to save your actual work and shut down the computer properly.
others give you a few hrs of backup for a low consumption connection with just a computer, Screen and Router.
a Planta running constantly since 5PM yesterday,
they may have shut it down to give it a break of a couple hrs.



May 21, 2010
depends what UPS you use.
he cheapies are just a emergency backup and a puffer to compensate unstable incoming voltage, some last no more than 30 minutes for a PC and screen and router, meant to be enough to save your actual work and shut down the computer properly.
others give you a few hrs of backup for a low consumption connection with just a computer, Screen and Router.
a Planta running constantly since 5PM yesterday,
they may have shut it down to give it a break of a couple hrs.


That's why I asked about a 4hr one. Of course a cheaper one is not going to give you alot of time. So do you know a brand that would meet my needs or is it that UPS are not designed for long periods of use. Once again just connecting a modem and laptop. Really just the modem because the laptop can run on the supplied battery for 3 hrs.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
That's why I asked about a 4hr one. Of course a cheaper one is not going to give you alot of time. So do you know a brand that would meet my needs or is it that UPS are not designed for long periods of use. Once again just connecting a modem and laptop. Really just the modem because the laptop can run on the supplied battery for 3 hrs.

can't tell you a certain brand/model, i don't use any since years and the ones i used before, been only meant as backup units and circuit protection for the PC.
luckily where i live, powerouts are the 2nd rarest thing behind #1 beeing snowy winter nights.
in my PC is with the power unit a piece installed that should work as protection for power instabilities. i am not the pro for the stuff, it is a friend of mine who assembles my computers for me and recommends what has to be in and for what purpose.
as of lately, with 2 big and sorrily expected longer lasting constructions of hotels on both our sides, electricity get's "weak" at times, i assume those construction sites alone consume alone the power which would have been estimated for the whole village all together, so i am thinking about installing a inverter system in the house to stabilize the connections for Computers, TV's and the Fridge, as those appliances can be very sensible to power-ups/downs over time, but still not sure. a friend of mine works with that stuff, so i let him evaluate what kind of backup would be apropriate. sure also thinking of installing it bigger than usually needed, to stay on power for a while in case next Hurricane Season brings some Outings.



May 1, 2005
Funny you posted this, at this moment I'm connected to my UPS. The power has been going off more frequently lately. Now the planta is turned off. Don't know if it's to save some fuel ( it's been running since 5pm yesterday). Also the entire area was without lights yesterday. What UPS will give around 4 hrs of power for a modem and a laptop?

I am a ten minute walk from where you live and things have been crazy last couple of months with not only the electricity but water. My building has been without water several times. Lack of water doesn't last long because the Yipetta, Benz, Lexus driving tenants raise Hell right quick and a water truck shows up.

Back to the UPS, all depending on how much you want to spend but you can go with an APC 1500VA or larger to keep modem and laptop running. Not sure why the full planta is not running. The planta at my building has been churning seems like most of the day every day.


Jan 21, 2006
If you live in one of those gated and guarded deals with their own planta you are being bled out the nose for the planta supplied electricity. Gotta pay for the planta, diesel fuel and the opportunity for profit.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
If you live in one of those gated and guarded deals with their own planta you are being bled out the nose for the planta supplied electricity. Gotta pay for the planta, diesel fuel and the opportunity for profit.

but they can be assured to have electricity and water all the time.
of course such comfy thingy comes for a price, specially in a developing country where the vast mayority of the population would not know what constant elec/water supply would be, as they don't know about such.
