Children born in DR to both foreign parents


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
I have two children, both born in the Dominican Republic, to foreign parents who have Dominican residency. They both have Dominican birth certificates and British passports which state place of birth as Dominican Republic, so when we travel with them, they never have to buy a tourist card or pay any overstay fees as we just point that out in their passport, explain they are born here, and never have any issue what so ever.

My question... do my daughters need to apply for residency? naturalization? leave it as it is since it is not an issue but may not be completely legally correct to do nothing? No need to do anything until over 18? Nothing needed now or even after 18+?

I know there won't be loads of people in this situation with neither parent being Dominican and the kids being born here, but hoping someone out there can help. I know there would be Haitians born here to both non-Dominican parents, but maybe not parents with residency so perhaps a bit different?

Thanks very much!


Sep 27, 2006
dominican constitution, capitulo 5, seccion 1:
Art?culo 18.- Nacionalidad. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:
1) Los hijos e hijas de madre o padre dominicanos;
2) Quienes gocen de la nacionalidad dominicana antes de la entrada en vigencia de esta Constituci?n;
3) Las personas nacidas en territorio nacional, con excepci?n de los hijos e hijas de extranjeros miembros de legaciones diplom?ticas y consulares, de extranjeros que se hallen en tr?nsito o residan ilegalmente en territorio dominicano. Se considera persona en tr?nsito a toda extranjera o extranjero definido como tal en las leyes dominicanas;


Nov 18, 2002
dominican constitution, capitulo 5, seccion 1:
Art?culo 18.- Nacionalidad. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:
1) Los hijos e hijas de madre o padre dominicanos;
2) Quienes gocen de la nacionalidad dominicana antes de la entrada en vigencia de esta Constituci?n;
3) Las personas nacidas en territorio nacional, con excepci?n de los hijos e hijas de extranjeros miembros de legaciones diplom?ticas y consulares, de extranjeros que se hallen en tr?nsito o residan ilegalmente en territorio dominicano. Se considera persona en tr?nsito a toda extranjera o extranjero definido como tal en las leyes dominicanas;
Never knew that! So children (born here) of legally in DR residing foreign parents are Dominicans!
Feb 7, 2007
Never knew that! So children (born here) of legally in DR residing foreign parents are Dominicans!

Yes, if the mother is legal resident (even temp residency) the child is issued a regular Dominican birth certificate and considered Dominican.

The problem with Haitian mothers is that most of them are illegal ("in transit" as defined by the law) so their Children can only be registered in Libro de Extranjeria.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Yes, I knew an American lady here, married to a Canadian - she used to post on DR1 - whose DR-born son has a Dominican passport.


Jan 7, 2016
I have two children, both born in the Dominican Republic, to foreign parents who have Dominican residency. They both have Dominican birth certificates and British passports which state place of birth as Dominican Republic, so when we travel with them, they never have to buy a tourist card or pay any overstay fees as we just point that out in their passport, explain they are born here, and never have any issue what so ever.

My question... do my daughters need to apply for residency? naturalization? leave it as it is since it is not an issue but may not be completely legally correct to do nothing? No need to do anything until over 18? Nothing needed now or even after 18+?

I know there won't be loads of people in this situation with neither parent being Dominican and the kids being born here, but hoping someone out there can help. I know there would be Haitians born here to both non-Dominican parents, but maybe not parents with residency so perhaps a bit different?

Thanks very much!

Oh, there are loads of people in that same situation. They are usually Haitians though. I would be sure her papers are all made correctly so as to have her arrive at adulthood in a totally legal state.
No I have no knowledge about how to go about it, but would seek Guzman and find out for sure.

Oops I should have read a few replies before posting my opinion.


Nov 16, 2012
What about a child born abroad to a foreigner father with valid permanent residency, who obtained Dominican citizenship shortly after the child's birth?


Sep 27, 2006
What about a child born abroad to a foreigner father with valid permanent residency, who obtained Dominican citizenship shortly after the child's birth?

dominican constitution, capitulo 5, seccion 1:
Art?culo 18.- Nacionalidad. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:
4) Los nacidos en el extranjero, de padre o madre dominicanos, no obstante haber adquirido, por el lugar de nacimiento, una nacionalidad distinta a la de sus padres. Una vez alcanzada la edad de dieciocho a?os, podr?n manifestar su voluntad, ante la autoridad competente, de asumir la doble nacionalidad o renunciar a una de ellas;


Jun 24, 2015
What about a child born abroad to a foreigner father with valid permanent residency, who obtained Dominican citizenship shortly after the child's birth?

Then as far as I know you can apply for the child naturalization since the child has not stopped been yours, the process begin inscribing the child birth certificate on the Dominican civil registry, the central JCE office should be the place to start that


Jun 24, 2015
Oh, there are loads of people in that same situation. They are usually Haitians though. I would be sure her papers are all made correctly so as to have her arrive at adulthood in a totally legal state.
No I have no knowledge about how to go about it, but would seek Guzman and find out for sure.

Oops I should have read a few replies before posting my opinion.

the MAIN problem with the Haitians on this very same situation is that THEY DON'T EXIST, they don't have Haitian Documents because their country does NOT provide people with birth certificates like trees born o a forest, THEREFORE the majority of Haitians can not prove to the Haitian consulate they are Haitians, unlike the author of this thread DID prove to the British one that they were british.