Maybe this this is a good idea for Hip?lito . . .

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New member
Jan 1, 2002
Maybe this is a good idea for Hip?lito . . .

Is there some way that Hip?lito's entire regime could be placed in a bunker? Do you think the country would function better without the antics of their "commander- in- thief"?


. . . CES"

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By Bill Press

Tribune Media Services


-- This is a test.

How gullible are you? How big a sucker are you for spin? How willing are you to believe everything your government tells you without thinking for yourself? You're about to find out.

George Bush says we have to have a bunker government up and operating at all times because Osama bin Laden is about to drop a nuclear bomb on Washington and wipe out the federal bureaucracy.

This is a test. If you believe him, you flunk. You are a born sucker. On a gullibility scale from 1 to 10, you score an 11. You probably also believe that Ken Lay knew nothing about Enron's problems when he was dumping all his company stock and urging employees to buy more.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, man your bunkers!" According to the Washington Post, that was the order given by President Bush in the days immediately following September 11.

In a sense, this was nothing new. Ever since the Cold War, we have wisely had a few secret locations on standby. The first was a huge cavern near the famous Greenbriar resort in West Virginia, and its two premier golf courses, where top federal officials could flee and conduct business in case of nuclear attack.

What's different about Bush's plan is that he didn't just make sure the bunkers were ready in case we needed them. He's already put them in operation. . . . . . .

Now, aside from the bad news that the IRS can no longer be wiped out by a nuclear bomb, Bush's shadow government does make you scratch your head and wonder.

What the hell do these people do all day? While the real government still is in operation, they aren't making any decisions. So what do they do? Just sit around, watching CNN, waiting for the bomb to drop?

. . . . . If we weren't so gullible now, we would see Bush's bunker plan for what it really is. It has nothing to do with national security. It is all about politics. Like John Ashcroft's monthly terrorist alerts, it's all part of the White House attempts to scare the public, keep the focus on the war and enable Dubya to keep his favorable ratings high by playing commander in chief.

One final note about the bunker government: Only members of the Executive Branch have been assigned to the bunkers.

George Bush has already decided that, if nuclear war comes, he won't need Congress or the Supreme Court.

[ Click on link to see complete article --->

? 2002 Cable News Network LP, LLLP.
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Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
That Bill Press guy sure is an idiot. He has trouble understanding even simple ideas.

Bush never claimed the bunkers were new. Bush never said Osama is about to drop a nuclear bomb.

Bush took the precaution of making sure we have an operational bunker government, a prudent decision considering the times.

A terrorist nuclear attack is just one example of a threat that is more real today than yesterday, according to intelligence reports (you wouldn't want to ignore intelligence reports, would you?). Biolgical and "dirty bomb" threats are also high.

Bush is trying to scare the public? I'd say the 9/11 attack did all the scaring necessary to justify the war.

I'm glad we have an honest thinking man in the oval office.

How does this relate to the Dominican Republic? Placing a snide comment the DR president at the beginning doesn't make it DR related material.
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