Fake news a la Dominicana


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Someone on my FB posted an update that a French army tank was approaching the border from Haiti to attack DR! I thought I was misreading it, so showed it to Mr. AE. Fake news is taking over the world!
Feb 7, 2007
Haven't seen the tank picture till now, but the copter was "famous" yesterday, it's one from Mexico news a few days ago.


Sep 27, 2006
on a related note, i had to google that but it turns out domincan army actually has few tanks. so i learnt something today. thanks, lousy hoy editors.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Someone on my FB posted an update that a French army tank was approaching the border from Haiti to attack DR! I thought I was misreading it, so showed it to Mr. AE. Fake news is taking over the world!

There was a news piece yesterday from Dominican channel SIN circulating through Facebook and WhatsApp regarding caches of military grade assault weapons that are on the Haitian black market, by the caseload. Many here even within government were calling for beefed up military patrols along the border to prevent a possible invasion. The weapons angle, sadly true. The invasion, not so much so. Regardless, it was enough of a story to fan some people's emotions here through social media.


Jan 12, 2010
There is absolutely no proper journalism in any newspaper in the DR ..they do not check out information and do not verify statements .Fake news here all the time ..seeing is believing ,unfortunately But by far the worst is Dominican Today which prints total false reports and can not translate .,,How they are not sued is a great surprise to me ..


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
There is absolutely no proper journalism in any newspaper in the DR ..they do not check out information and do not verify statements .Fake news here all the time ..seeing is believing ,unfortunately But by far the worst is Dominican Today which prints total false reports and can not translate .,,How they are not sued is a great surprise to me ..

That site is a farce.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Dominican journalism standards are generally low - spelling errors/typos, failure to provide the basic info Where, When, What, Why, How? At the same time some writers columnists are erudite and literate.

DT is directly translated from Dominican online newspapers in Spanish, so if there are any false reports they come from the source media.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Hoy has published an apology. The editor accepts responsibility but claims the photo was received from a reliable journalistic source - "una fuente periodistica solvente."

Este diario publicó ayer, en portada, unas fotos de equipos militares desplegados en San Francisco de Macorís para enfrentar el paro de actividades que allí transcurría. Pero ocurre que tales fotos no se corresponden con la realidad, porque nunca el Ministerio de Defensa envió esas armas a la ciudad norteña. Varios de los equipos militares exhibidos en las fotos no son propios, además, de nuestros cuerpos castrenses. Las fotos son falsas.
La responsabilidad de la comisión de este error corresponde directamente al director de este diario, quien recibió las fotos por Internet y las publicó. Algunos lectores preguntarán por qué las publicó y la respuesta es que las recibimos de una fuente periodística solvente que, lamentablemente, a su vez las recibió con la indicación de que las gráficas reflejaban lo que sucedía en San Francisco de Macorís.
Presentamos nuestras excusas al Ministerio de Defensa, implícitamente responsabilizado de este despliegue, y a nuestros lectores por haber recibido una información falsa como si fuera legítima.
Este diario hace todos los días grandes esfuerzos para presentar un contenido riguroso, serio y veraz. Pero en este caso es obvio que no alcanzamos nuestra me-ta. Nuestra promesa es continuar, acercarnos lo más posible a la verdad periodística, sin dejar de reconocer nuestros errores.
Los villanos suelen tener la inteligencia corta y no se dan cuenta que sus “triunfos” son pasajeros. Los mentirosos y los cojos no llegan lejos, enseña nuestra sabiduría popular.


The comments are also worth reading.


Jan 8, 2002
Makes you check information sources

Someone on my FB posted an update that a French army tank was approaching the border from Haiti to attack DR! I thought I was misreading it, so showed it to Mr. AE. Fake news is taking over the world!

This one also observed on a FB page post of a nationalist fanatic showing a photo image of US Sea Stallion helicopter. The fanatic was saying the Hatians were wanting to invade the DR and flying over the border zone in a French donated helicopter. Fact is only the US, Japan, and Germany have these types of aircraft. Fake news !

It makes you really check information sources.

Heaven help us !
