What happens to the DR when Cuba opens?

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
I think that it is in the best interest of the DR
to swallow it's bitterness, hatred, racism or for that matter what ever your politically correct
adjective of the day is. The Cuban gang in Miami
Castro refers to them as the (Miami Mafia). The
Cubans in Miami have to be amongst the richest
ex-pats in the world who have a strong congressional lobby and lots of money. In opinion
when Castro falls and Cuba opens this will spell
trouble for the DR I think that the prevailing view will be that Cuba is a better value it is the
largest nation in the Carribbean and the least
developed commercially in the region it has
an educated and cheap labor force. The DR needs to
build as many bridges as possible with as many nations as possible especially with Haiti to blunt the rise of Cuba and it's impact on the DR.

I know that some of you old birds self appointed
gods of all that is Dominican will demur but that is ok I'm used to it after the slings and arrows
of todays session. The DR and Haiti have far more in common than not.

I only hope that those of you that are stuck in the past ar do not favor change do not prevail over those of us that harbor a more progressive
view of where the DR should be heading.

Funny that a subject with a rather outlandish caption gets so many hits and one that really seeks to explore a matter of great exigence only
receives the typical cadre of whinning mouths
that have grown to completely accept their surroundings without desire to make change thru
active engagement.

(My spell check is not working, So I hope that you all are able to understand my spelling or mis-spelling of the biGG words that might be contained in this post).


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Isaac....Stuff it!!

If I've ever seen an attention grabber it's you!! You're the type of person that shi*s on the pile and then stirs it to make it stink more.
Why not "get real" like many of us who have lived in the DR for many years and are genuinely trying to make it a better place?
What have you done for this country?
Do you bring medical supplies like I do for the poor?
Have you sponsored homeless orphans (Dominican or Haitian) so they may have a place to sleep. ameal to eat and education to help them out of the mire??
It sounds to me like you have the proverbial "CHIP" on your shoulder because you're black!!!
Get over it!!!!!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The authority

Tell me Issac, what make you such an authority on the commonalities that Haitians and Dominicans have. Other than being on the same island. It's like comparing Mexicans and Americans. Perhaps you could enlighten us on how you got your vast store of knowledge and tell us obtuse whities about all the similarities. DR Denfender is correct in his assessment, regarding whites, except if they were Euro-savages( your term) as backward as the Haitians, I'm sure they wouldn't be welcome by Dr either. Trash whether it's white or Black is still trash.
Cuba would have opened years ago if the American Goverment was a little less pariniod. Notice they didn't hesitate to invade Panama or Grenada. Why not Cuba. Sorry a little off topic.


New member
Feb 13, 2002

You keep beating this drum about how the DR owes Haiti,or should be doing more for Haiti.My question to you is:why do you care?You are not a citizen,or a resident of the DR.You don't pay any taxes to the DR.Why do you feel as though you are entitled to tell them how to run thier country?Every country has the right to determine who can and cannot enter.Who are you to tell them otherwise?You seem to think that building bridges with Haiti will somehow save tourism when Cuba opens up.How?I don't see Haiti being a hotbed of tourism in my lifetime.The bottom line is it's up to the DR to determine thier own policy toward Haiti ,not you.If you really care so much about Haiti and thier problems,why don't you do something about it,instead of dumping the problem on the DR's doorstep?You could join the peace corps,and go do some good in Haiti YOURSELF!

Isaac G

New member
Jan 19, 2002
And Momm C its sounds to me like you cannot engage in positive discourse without using profanity.

What I do is this spend my tourist dollars which stimulates your government, I spread the word to my friends and encourage them to do the same. I don't use profanity when making an intelligent argument and I don't think it necessary to engage in stereotypes.

As far as being an attention getter who has placed more posts on this sight me or you? Let the answer reveal the true attention

Chip no chip just self confidence that I will always have to contend with those self appointed creators of virtue who will always be closed minded.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002

Just by you quoting Fidel in describing the Cubans in Miami tells me much about you and your Mindset.
How would the DR building more "Bridges" with Haiti help it in anyway in battling with Cuba over tourism? There is no logic to that thought. Are you suggesting that they work together as a destination for US tourist? That would not be good.

Tony C.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Stick a Fork in Isaac,He,s done"!

Isaac,You have become the "Biggest Bore" on DR1,and frankly,that is MY position! So stop searching the "archives" for :"Old Wornout Topics"to resurrect! If Haitians were all "White" they still would not be welcome here! Have you smelled a "Haitian" lately? They have more than the "CULTURE" of France,they smell French! "Que Grajo"!"Pit Check Everyone"!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
I never said I was an expert I am a novice

I again for the millionith time want a conversation on 1.what is the problem between DR and Haiti 2.why does it exists? and 3.what can be done to solve it.

Those of you that want to trun this into a personal attack on me should just GROW UP I have
never personally attacked anybody on this web site
so why do some you attack me?

The truth is in my humble opinion is that I have hit a nerve with some of you for better or for
worse hopefully it will motivate many to do whatever they can to help bring about a change
in the Dominican/Haitain relation.

Some of you don't ponder much about about who "SQUEEZES YOUR ORANGE JUICE" but do you sometimes
think about who picks the cane that goes into so many things that you like to eat?

"I am sure I would be more "interesting if I told
you all that I saw Elvis in drag last nite but I
rather like the lively discussions that we are having." Oh and for the those of you that have
some imaginary gripe with me GET OVER IT!!

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
This is not the forum for personal attacks.


I once thought that you were very different from
what I currently see you as being, never mind
it's not worth the effort.

I'm sorry if you feel as though you must take your
marbles and leave the sand box it won't bother me a bit.

My thoughts are my own I'm not consulting the archives are you?

I'm not going to attack you because that is a sure
fire way to get Robert or Delores to feel that
this is becoming to personal so you lose on that

You have eyes, hands, a brain and I imagine the ability to choose what you wish to observe
if you don't like what you are seeing than DON'T LOOK. It must be hard for you to accept that right
now we are not interested in seeking your advice
on what came first the orange or the mentality
that one doesn't care who squeezes my orange juice
mentality. Oh also are you offering a braod generalization about Haitians and their habits of
cleaniness? That sounds very inappropriate for an
adult conversation.

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
Cuba is not open to every American that would like to visit.


Welcome to our forum I mean to say that unless the
US Government has changed it's policy it is still
illegal for Americans not of Cuban ancestry to spend US currency in CUBA thus limiting most US residents citizens from going. I would like to visit Cuba one day please tell me what it is like

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002

You say you want to know the answers but when told the answers you do'nt accept them...quitting time...


Vettehead from Buckhead
Jan 16, 2002
Why is it that certain people must post three boring times in a row? Can't they get their boring point across with one post. Maybe they trying to get the treasured "silver status" quickly? by the way,, I am getting close.. need a name... Criss I like your new name I just noticed it..fits you good.

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
Eric you are right I do not pay taxes in the DR
and I am not a resident of the DR. However as an
American I do pay taxes and a portion does go to amongst other places US AID the Peace Corps. the
IMF and the World Bank which if it is not too scholarly of me to say I believe that they all have some presence in the DR. I like the DR
very much I would like to see it mature to it's fullest potential with or without the followers
of political themes from yester-year. I agree
I do not believe that Haiti will be a top tourist
haunt for some time to come, my point is that
much in the way of Industry could exist between
Haiti and the DR for example the DR is big in Agricultural exports, manufacturing and tourism
what else? The DR could use all of the cheap labor
that it can find (cheap labor) not (slave labor).


New member
Jan 2, 2002
Excuse me if I don't respond to this current line of thought. I have better things to think of , like....Theresa....we'll certainly have to throw a big party here in Atlanta when you reach 100.


Santo Domingo Sammy
Jan 2, 2002
Just a question do you personally know any Hatianos?Have you ever gone out to the country and gone to ther sugar fields and seen or talked to any? Have you ever been to Haiti? Im just curious?
Re: Cuba is not open to every American that would like to visit.

Isaac Green said:

Welcome to our forum I mean to say that unless the
US Government has changed it's policy it is still
illegal for Americans not of Cuban ancestry to spend US currency in CUBA thus limiting most US residents citizens from going. I would like to visit Cuba one day please tell me what it is like
US government policy is likely to change soon, Bush is seeing the light, when Jesse Helms is gone, Burton will reconsider his part in stupid legislation. Talks are currently underway to change the current policy. The underground $ is pushing for change beleive me.

The last flight I was on Dec. 2001 there were 150 Americans on board out of Toronto heading for Cuba, so they spent their money in Canada to go, where there is a will there is a way.

What is Cuba like:
Cuba is very relaxing,nothing to do, no real tourist traps out there, no rum runners, safari's, no tours available to speak of, a little dancing and mingling with the locals in the town square.
Beleive it or not Fidel is likened to a god by the populace and will never die, they have a big shock coming.

A cheap vacation with decent food and drinks, relaxation and sun is all some look for.
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New member
Feb 12, 2002
Bush seeing the light?


Last time I heard something about this was maybe 2 weeks ago, probably on CNN. The way they were talking about it, Bush wasn't about to change his mind at all.

Americans travelling to Cuba via Canada is of course a well-known fact. In the same report, they talked to an American lady who had just done that. Upon returning to the USA, she was asked if she had been to "any other country" while she was out of the US. She couldn't say "no", because the immigration agent had her passport opened at the page where there was a Cuban stamp. Several weeks later she received a fine for the amount of $7500.00.

To me it looks like the US government is trying to crack down on the "dissidents" rather than to soften the legislation. Or is this an isolated case?