Using Canadian Drivers License To Get Dominican Drivers License

Big Friendly

New member
Aug 1, 2017
I just recently purchased a vehicle. It has temporary plates and valid insurance. I have a valid Canadian Ontario Drivers License. What is the procedure to get a Dominican Drivers License?

I read one post from a Canadian fellow who went to the Canadian Embassy to apothocate (?) the validity of the license but I cannot seem to locate the post now. It seemed to indicate that once the Canadian license was validated, it can be used to get a Dominican Drivers License.

Can anyone help me out on this?


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
I just recently purchased a vehicle. It has temporary plates and valid insurance. I have a valid Canadian Ontario Drivers License. What is the procedure to get a Dominican Drivers License?

I read one post from a Canadian fellow who went to the Canadian Embassy to apothocate (?) the validity of the license but I cannot seem to locate the post now. It seemed to indicate that once the Canadian license was validated, it can be used to get a Dominican Drivers License.

Can anyone help me out on this?

We are all in slightly different territory with the introduction of INTRANT.

Here is their recent Spanish for foreigners:

You do require residency of course.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
There is a lot of uncertainty over the new driving laws and implementation.

With the introduction of the Transportation Law (Ley 63-17) last year, the requirements for foreigners to drive appear are written as follows.

This is the requirement in Spanish:

Artículo 207.- Licencia de conducir extranjera. Los titulares de una licencia de conducir extranjera que residan en el país podrán solicitar la expedición de una acreditación nacional cuando el documento extranjero mantenga su vigencia, y previo cumplimiento de las formalidades que mediante el reglamento correspondiente establezca el INTRANT

Article 207.- Foreign driving license. The Holders of a license to conduct foreign nationals residing in the country may request the issuance of a national accreditation when the foreign document maintain their validity, and after compliance with the formalities by the relevant regulation set the INTRANT

What is a happening at car hire companies? Do they like other countries issue an authorization for one to drive on a foreign license for a period of hire?

Can't find any other reference and it may be a question to pose to Dr Guzman. Does the 90 day rule still apply?

For breach of driving laws the fine is as follows:

Artículo 210.- Violaciones a la autorización para conducir. Se considerará violación a la presente ley y será sancionada con una multa equivalente de uno (1) a cinco (5) salarios mínimos del que impere en el sector público centralizado y la reducción de los puntos de la licencia que determine el reglamento, los actos siguientes:

And your insurance policy is invalid if you drive without a valid license so the new laws are something that must be understood.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
When I got my DR license you had to be a resident. That was a few years ago and I went through the Consulate office here and it was still quite a process.
I am not sure what your requirements are now but I would bet you would have to get residency here before they will issue you a driver's license.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
I do not know about Canada but you used to be able to take your British licence to the UK embassy in Santo Domingo which they would authenticate and you could change it then for a Dominican licence - as long as you had residency. It may be the same for Canadians.

Here is the link you were looking for


The UK stopped doing that a few years back and so like Americans, we have to take the theory test and all then get provisional license and wait 45 days before taking the driving test. Longer process but straightforward and cheap. But will the testing become more rigorous with the advent of INTRANT as suggested?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I received my Dominican Drivers License in 2014. The process- went to Canadian Embassy with my British Columbia Driver License I paid I believe 50 dollars or equivalent in Pesos. They have a schedule of fees in front of the window. I received a letter written Spanish and addressed to both the Secretaria de Estado de Obras Publicas y Comunicaciones and Direccion General de Transito Terrestre Santo Domingo. The letter stated that the drivers license issued to Robert..., passport was certified and valid.
I took this to the cancilleria and had it legalized, then off to the DGTT and presented with my documents, residencia, cedula, driver license, and receipt from the Bank Reservas (950 pesos) for the dominican Drivers license, and receipt for the legalization of the diplomatic certification. Did a bool test, an eye-test and got my picture taken - approximately 1 hour for all that and 20 minutes later walked out with my Dominican drivers license. My wife did the same process 6 months later. She didn't need the blood test as her cedula already had her blood type.
The last thing you need to worry about is having a Dom license!  
I have had many accidents and have no valid license at all. Just get a good insurance company. No problem at all. Just show your Ontario license, if need be a pay then 100 pesos if they make a fuss if someone pulls you over and off you go. 

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The last thing you need to worry about is having a Dom license!  
I have had many accidents and have no valid license at all. Just get a good insurance company. No problem at all. Just show your Ontario license, if need be a pay then 100 pesos if they make a fuss if someone pulls you over and off you go. 

So illegal and disrespectful to the country you are residing in, and even worse advice. I'm sure you must have been drunk to get in " many " accidents.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
So illegal and disrespectful to the country you are residing in, and even worse advice. I'm sure you must have been drunk to get in " many " accidents.

Agreed very bad advice.

Apart from being highly irresponsible (along with many others apparently as article below), with the new law and INTRANT, to drive without a valid license and insurance cover could well lead to very serious consequences as this recent article in Nuevo Diario points out.

Transitar sin seguros o sin licencia va más lejos de una simple multa de tránsito

En República Dominicana tenemos más de un 40% de vehículos transitando sin el seguro correspondiente y muchos de los conductores que presentan un carnet de seguro a la Amet no tienen cobertura porque no pagan sus pólizas a tiempo.

Cada vez que nos toca renovar el marbete el cual otorga el permiso de transitar por las vías de la RD, surge este caos; y es que es tan evidente la falta de responsabilidad de algunas y muchas personas que se hace urgente una revisión más seguida.

El transitar sin licencia de conducir adecuada, sin marbete o sin seguro es penado por la ley, sin embargo, el delito es menor por lo que el infractor lo resuelve pagando una multa, que según la nueva ley de tránsito 63-17 asciende a la suma de cinco mil ciento diecisiete pesos.

Pero ¿cuáles son daños colaterales que pueden ocurrir por transitar sin los requisitos anteriores?

Si usted no renovó el marbete a tiempo y lo atrapan, aparte de pagar los mil pesos de recargo tendrá que pagar una multa; y esto es un juego estúpido, ya que va en detrimento de sus bolsillos, entre otros asuntos que lo ponen a pasar.

El transitar sin licencia o con una no adecuada al vehículo que usted conduce, podría ser objeto de demanda y/o perder la cobertura de su seguro en caso de que su vehículo se vea involucrado en un accidente y por los daños del mismo quiera usted reclamar a la aseguradora, ya que las pólizas con daños propios o full excluyen las coberturas por conducir desprovistos de dicho documento.

Podría ser objeto de demanda ya que el artículo 152 de la Ley de Seguros 146-02, dice que la responsabilidad civil causada por un conductor que transite sin la debida Licencia será pagada por la Aseguradora, sin embargo ésta podrá recobrar a dicho conductor en caso de que carezca de este documento.

Transitar sin el seguro de ley o con un seguro cuyas coberturas sean limitadas a cien mil pesos para daños a terceros, o con una fianza de 200 mil, es el escenario más peligroso de los tres mencionados anteriormente, por las siguientes razones:

Si en una sentencia de la cosa irrevocablemente juzgada usted es condenado a pagar una indemnización y carece de las coberturas que le otorga un seguro o las coberturas que tiene no son suficientes, tendrá que vender todo lo que tiene para honrar dicha sentencia o sino, podría pagarlo con la cárcel.

Si usted no quiere verse en este panorama, les exhortamos a orientarse con algún experto en seguros

It may have not been noted by some on the North Coast, but the new authorities are making and impact with much higher fines being levied in the cities now and their agents don't take bribes like PN.

The existence of so many irresponsible people driving without valid license and insurance is all the more reason for everybody to take out fully comprehensive insurance on their vehicles.