Isaac Green Haiti-Defender

Mar 21, 2002
Dominicans genereally dislike Haitians for a number of reasons. I was born in Valverde, Mao. This is in the Cibao region , the Northwestern province of the DR. We are farmers in the coffee, plantain and rice products. My grandfather has a number of Haitians working for him. To put it bluntly he treats them like cattle. Yet most farmers in this area do the same thing. Yes it is about color, race, religion and any idea your mind can conjure up.

You're a smart guy and want to know WHY. Well when dealing with these highly emotional issues there are no answers. Yeah you can state the 1822-1844 occupation, the incendiary speeches of Duvalier,Aristide,Namphy and all Haitian leaders since Toussaint L'overture. Yet these have been the catalyst thru the centuries that cemented this fervor of hatred and bigotry. People hate for so long that it becomes an automatic response in their minds. TW, AZB and most Dominicans feel this way. Then you the moderate Dominicans like myself that follow the majority cuz well they are also Dominicans.

In Spanish ,"we say pa mejorar la raza". Everyone wants to be lighter , more European looking ad infinitum. Another reason why the DR hates Haiti.

So what is my point. In the DR they hate first and find any excuse to support their ideas. When Pena Gomez came to Haiti people where chanting Go to Haiti and No monkeys for Pres..

That is the DR reality.

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
Thank you for your copious thoughts.

Thankyou, however I made a promise that I would not discuss the H_ country this week I will respond after my self imposed deadline has expired.


Jan 5, 2002
It took a mention of your name

and you sprout from the dead....Welcome back wonderous Mao peasant, the one and only Onions and Carrots, native of the boring and forgottent town of Valverde, the land of nothingness. The land of laughingstock Senator Dario Gomez, a nobody who is now a hero to the uneducated and the "limpiasacos". A man who lived in deceipt and modern political family patronage at the expense of the Dominican people. A man replaced by his sister as a Senator, because Mao is a town of "lambe nalgas". A town that now wants us to pay a $5000 a month pension to every son of Dario Gomez six wives and or concubines, something contrary to our constitution, plus handing over his seat in Congress to an inept family member, plus a pension for his wife and god knows how many ex-wives.

Yes Onions, your favorite town that has no aqueduct, no water and yet, its own people and political leaders held up to ransom the recent proposed construction of the Northwest Aqueduct. You see, some Mao people wanted their commission. Among them you know who in that community. And people still talk about Trujillo...heheheheh.

Are you also in support of the recent anti-nationalist and unconstitutional move made by Hipolito of relegating our immigration laws to foreigners? Did you know that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, a committee made up of Dominican haters like Solange Pierre and Father Ruquoy got a piece of candy from the PRD traitors? For instance, a treaty signed, article 2.5 describes how we have to guarantee their safety, as if we guarantee anybodys safety in this country. That article 2.6 states that we have to inform these nobodies about the situation of illegal Haitians in our border bateyes in situations where they are subject to deportation, expulsions or repatriations. That our "sovereign" nation has to report to Haitian Rights Coalitions, the University of California Berkeley, which has allowed police abuse by the LAPD without much consternation, the Columbia Law School, which for years has discriminated against Dominicans and Blacks in the East Harlem community, and the Center for International Justice, which has said nothing about brutality by the likes of Sadam Hussein. But even worse than that, we the taxpayers, have to pay for the infrastructure needed by this committee(office space, secretaries and funding).

Why dont we have a committee to supervise the United States deportation policies against Dominicans? But no. Our political and military leaders are a bunch of cowards who carry weapons only to defend the land and buildings they have acquired thru corruption, but not the Dominican territory the people have given them the responsibility to do so.

And we are still wondering why Trujillo wiped out 23,000 invaders. Did you know that 126 of every 1000 inhabitants in the Dominican Republic are Haitians? How many more must we have before we are considered a friendly nation? Why is the USA, Canada and France still allowing mass criminals to remain in power, while condemning our small little nation?

Mar 21, 2002
Nada mas ni nada menos que TW

Cheers TW,

The last time we spoke you gave some recommendations for restaurants in SD. Took you up on them and they turned out to be pretty good. For those things you are right on the money. Yet for other things you sound like a badly tuned harpsichord.

What is the problem TW? It seems like they don't let you talk in your own house. As for recent events in Mao, I've been in England for a bit. Now I'm in Miami. So I am not up to date, actually.That's quite interesting. I'll be heading back to Mao around the summer time and I'll ask my gramps.He's personal friends with the Governor of Valverde.

No aqueduct, yes but no water. Now come on, this ain't Monte Cristi. You're the usual comedian. To be honest, I'd rather live in the land of nothingness than live in a crime-infested, smog-ridden complex like SD. I think you're veins and arteries are so clogged with carbon monoxide that its affecting your judgement. Its causing you to rant and rave.

But all kidding aside, personally you live quite well as I do but you are a stonethrow's away from any major social upheavel that is bound to happen.Large numbers of cibaenos and haitianos are leaving by the truckloads to your backyard.Its good for us -more open space and less congestion.

What are you going to do when you are having your cappucino in La Bricciola and these people are staring in your face for food and money? Aren't you ALARMED and somewhat FRIGHTENED by the recent crimewave of abductions,home invasions and violent crimes taking place in the capital?

I live on the prairie with my family surrounded by hundreds of acres of prime farmland. No concern of any types of crimes like you do. When I get the urge to see you big city folks I head on over there for a while and enjoy those places you recommended.

Your solution to the Haitian crises borders on Stalinist. Have you lost your mind? The DR must remedy this problem within Haiti or your next door neighbors are going to be camping out in your backyard cooking cabrit,pol and legumes.


Jan 3, 2002
Muy bien, gracias. I hope England is treating you well, and glad you're back with us.


Feb 15, 2002
i can?t believe it!

No he did not just write all that stuff about Valverde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again the people on this board shock me and I am left dumbfounded by their convoluded opinions. Go Onions and Carrots!
Mar 21, 2002
Idiotic ways of TW and elite Dominicans

This guy TW is an ostentatious,pompous guy who gets off by ridiculing a simple life. You know he's the stereotypical Dominican by the way he talks. Dominicans are never wrong and they never admit when they are wrong. Its all about arrogance and they never have an iota of HUMILITY. They constantly like to put each other down.

That's why my country the DR is such a blazing failure. A complete failure socially,economically and politically. When you have guys like TW who are part of the elite and utter stupid statements. This guy once said that SD is a world class city cuz it has more Mercedes per capita. Wha the hell does that have to do with anything significant?

DR people will lie and lie and lie ad infinitum.

I got this, I went here, I do this and I bought this I,I I, -oh brother

I get sick to my stomach when we visit other elite DR people. I feel like I have been transported to 15th century Spain inside the regal court.

Isaac Green

New member
Jan 28, 2002
They might be the Jefe in the DR but in the real world much is to be desired!!

Again I do not make broad statements about the
entirety of a race of people without first having benefit of meeting all of its members. However for
those Dominicans who claim to have it all do you
really? I loved to see you in Washington D.C.
or its surrounding areas where annual salaries are
often more than the entire Family wealth of our
duly noted Dominican elite. Lets see what happens when Senor Yo Tengo mucho pesos, Conoce Senor
Greenback whoyouthinkaisgonnawin? Please spare me the pretense of your granduer besides if you were
all so very shall we endowed you'd be more concerned with the susutained rape, and exploitation of your helpless slaves,right?

O&C go gettem.
Mar 21, 2002
Isaac, its the haughty attitude of these clowns

People can own and enjoy whatever they can afford. My dilemma is their eternal pontificating with a supercilious attitude

In the DR those that have i.e. power and money, truly believe based on their money that they actually have valid opinions on all subjects.

Balaguer wrote a book "La Isla al Reves" which emphatically states how the Haitians are subhumans from different perspectives. I am an avid supporter of Dr. Balaguer yet this book is a Dominican version of Mein Kempf or some other Nazi propaganda.

Attitude getting confused with cold hard facts is superimposed on the DR masses. Look at any DR news channel when they are interviewing some gov't or business official. They stand with erect outward facing chests as they utter nonsense and gibberish. Its more of the pomp than the actual message. They look like gallos in a cockfight.

No true desire to remedy any problems. They only desire to be seen publicly talking crap.

Mucha espuma y poco chocolate

Emerson had it right when he said " A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds"


Jan 5, 2002
Onions And Carrots

I will let you speak all you want, pending your next trip to DR. In the meantime, you have to defer to my knowledge and expertise about DR and even your own town. By your own admission, it is futile to discuss with you even your own neighborhood, since by your own admission you have to check in with your family to bring you up to date on things.

Just rely on me my friend. I got the scoop on everything that goes on in this funky land, and much more. By the way, where are you? Are you brave enough to let us know your location? Or are you going to join the DR1 Forum of Most Sought Fugitives, who refuse to give their whereabouts for fear of getting ripped by ?
Mar 21, 2002
Golo- I give you a reason to post

GOLO- that sounds like one of the bad guys from Mortal Combat.

If Golo is representative of Capitaleno elite, pobre de SD. Its no great wonder why we are still in the Dark Ages. When people like you spend their time counting how many high-rises and Mercedes-Benz are in SD.

Like that commercial says, " You can learn alot from a dummy."
Let's see I have learned from TW alot of things. Do the opposite of everything he does and I'll be loved and appreciated by all.

To all the good expats on DR1. Please don't judge all Dominicans by this guy.


Jan 5, 2002

You have definetly turned into a Santo Domingo basher. Now you are asking everyone to follow your knowledge and expertise on DR.

Well, it would be interesting to know if your parents were smart enough to send you to a school in Santo Domingo, because if they didnt, god forbid anyone who tries to get information from you on any subject, if you were educated in the high mecca of cowhand education of MAO.

Tell me, are there any bilingual schools in Mao? Do they teach World History? Can a MAO student read and write fluent spanish? I wonder what the National Tests would say about the ratings of MAO schools?

Tell me, where did you learn your English. What school did you go to?

Mar 21, 2002
You're an artist

Interesting, I checked the website and it looks cool. I'll answer all your questions once you have answered my questions from the other post.

Isaac G

New member
Jan 19, 2002
O&C tiene razon

As for GOLO,


Se puede aprender de un monigote. My little separtist I belive this fits you perfectly!


Jan 5, 2002

Hey Little Sam? Is that what Lilsam is? Was your question if I was from the Capital or Capitol?

Well, I am from La Capital of Santo Domingo, Primada de America. Dont confuse me with the Capitol. That would really be scary, because that would assume I am from the Capitol area or crummy, cold and crime infested Washington, DC, the city that has lost two major league teams to little money on the streets. You see, all the money there is in one place, but 90% of the city are destitute ghetto people without much future. In fact, most good jobs are held by outsiders, and now that Bush Jr. is there, I bet real Washingtonians have a hard time understanding that Texan drawl. Does anybody remember the greatest baseball player from the Washington Senators? Did Killebrew ever played there? Hell, even Michael Jordan is having a hard time keeping basketball alive there. For the sake of the big round ball I hope he can take them to the playoffs. Otherwise, besides crying for Dominicanitas, we are going to have Issac(Hayes) Green crying for "another bites the dust".