Monday funny!!!


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
Ok...the weekend has been kind of rough, with me still celebrating my b-day...Jan, Pib, Robert and Criss meeting on Friday...(wish I had been there!)...HB waiting on his beautiful newborn granddaughter...etc... start the week on a lighter note...

Please, girls...I hope nobody takes offense...This one is GOOD!!!

Finally....A Smart Blond Joke

A blond walks into a bank in New York City
and asks for the loan officer. She says she's
going to Europe on business for two weeks and
needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says
the bank will need some kind of security for
the loan, so the blond hands over the keys to a
new Rolls-Royce. The car is parked on the street
in front of the bank; she has the title and every-
thing checks out. The bank agrees to accept the
car as collateral for the loan.

The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a
good laugh at the blond for using a $250,000
Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An
employee of the bank then proceeds to drive the
Rolls into the bank's underground garage and
parks it there.

Two weeks later, the blond returns, repays the
$5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.
The loan officer says, "Miss, we are very happy
to have had your business, and this transaction
has worked out very nicely, but we are a little
puzzled. While you were away, we checked you
out and found that you are a multimillionaire.
What puzzles us is, why would you bother to
borrow $5,000?"

The blond replies: "Where else in New York
City can I park my car for two weeks for only
$15.41 -- AND expect it to be there when I return?"



On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Sounds like something I'd have done!!

But I'd have had to use my limousine!!! Hehehe.......

And before the comments from the peanut gallery start......Yes- I have white,one black and my favorite the grey!!
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El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002
Nuther funny

A young man excitedly tells his mother he's fallen in love
and going to get married. He says, "Just for fun, Ma, I'm
going to bring over 3 women and you try and guess which
one I'm going to marry." The next day he brings 3 beautiful
women & sits them down on the couch and they chat for
a while. He then says, "Okay, Ma, guess which one I'm
going to marry." She immediately replies, "The one in the
middle." "That's amazing, Ma. You're right.
How did you know?"

"I don't like her."