Having a child ????

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Trying to understand the in and out of this if. If I should or should not put my name to the child. I have no Intention of being the child to the USA. And I would like to get insurance for the child medical insurance that is so I do not have to here the baby is sick and give me money. I also would like to know about child support but everything I have read says there is no set amount. I have a lot more questions but that is a starting point.


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
mil likes for AE am SantiagoDR. Not even sure why your asking yacht chef if the child is without a doubt yours. If you feel this way about the child should have listened to the rap.

Don put it ina pussy, put it in de trote, don pay no child supot.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
This is not at all going the way I had hoped. Yes I well get a DNA test done, things I was wanting to know is what would happen if I made the child leagle in the USA befor 18 verses doing it at 18th birthday and can I get insurance if I do not have my name on the papers. Also chiled a port is far cheaper in DR then USA ovisley. This info relly can only come from a person who has been down this road.... saying use a condom and man up is pointless info to me...

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Ship Shape Chef

Without your name on the birth .... no US passport
You can buy insurance for anybody you want ... no name on birth certificate is okay

Yes, cheaper to pay for the child here than USA

If you confirm the child is yours and want to register your name .... USA passport can happen

Insurance and child support do not need your name.
BUT if DNA is yours.... you may go to court and must pay

Follow your instincts.....


Apr 29, 2014
I don't think the insurances companies really care who pays the health insurance premiums. Getting insurance for the child and not the mother is going to make her brain spin and probably convince her to take you to the cleaners for child support and some of her living expenses if you aren't living together.

If you want to provide "the best" for your child, you'll get him/her out of the DR at the first opportunity assuming the mother consents. I don't think a very young child needs US citizenship right away but if you are inclined to do that, doing so sooner as opposed to later may be better. If anything happens to you that application becomes more difficult. If the child frequently travels outside the DR a US passport will be invaluable.

Unless you plan to never look back, you should probably get your name on the birth papers soon so that you can exert your parental rights if need be. It takes more than 1 at home parent to excel at child rearing.

You're right, it's cheaper to raise children here but look at what you get for your money.

Good luck. The north coast could use a McDonald's if you decide to give up the yachts and put down roots...

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Wish I had the money to franchise a McDonald's lol, yacht work is off and no not permanent that is why I put myself here in DR rather then in Miami. I well do my best to take care of my child. I have no family in usa anymore all pased on so there is no one to take care of a chiled there.
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yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
I already do take good care of this girl. That is why I can't get a McDonald's uuuuffff. And I relly never thought I would have a child I payed the birth control pills she wanted the baby. 2+2=4.... I am not leaving her I am just trying to cover my ass before I make a mistake. I know it can easily be said another mistake but try to look forward.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Ship Shape Chef

Without your name on the birth .... no US passport
You can buy insurance for anybody you want ... no name on birth certificate is okay

Yes, cheaper to pay for the child here than USA

If you confirm the child is yours and want to register your name .... USA passport can happen

Insurance and child support do not need your name.
BUT if DNA is yours.... you may go to court and must pay

Follow your instincts.....

Will do WW I don't think the Dominican court would make me pay more then I am now to her 90% shout it would be a good savings to me...


Jun 16, 2014
Insurance companies couldn't care less who is paying the premium, so it doesn't matter whether or not if your name is on the birth certificate.

Child support here is next to nothing. I'd be surprised if it's more than 3 or 4 thouand pesos per month.

If the kid is yours, by all means put your name on the birth certificate and go to the US embassy and claim it as your child and it will get US citizenship.

Then apply to Social Security for a dependent benefit. You will receive an amount equal to 1/2 the amount of your Socai Security benefit monthly until the kid if 18. That will be more than enough to care for the kid down here.


Feb 10, 2018
How could you guys make up whatever is it the OP is trying to relate?

I'm having a heck of a time following??


Feb 25, 2011

Then apply to Social Security for a dependent benefit. You will receive an amount equal to 1/2 the amount of your Socai Security benefit monthly until the kid if 18. That will be more than enough to care for the kid down here.

I believe you mean that if Yacht Chef DIES before the child is 18, then the dependent child may be eligible for a Social Security benefit ? (if YC has been paying into Social Security via payroll withholding?)


Jun 16, 2014
I believe you mean that if Yacht Chef DIES before the child is 18, then the dependent child may be eligible for a Social Security benefit ? (if YC has been paying into Social Security via payroll withholding?)

No, not at all. He will receive this dependent benefit while he is alive and the child will still get it after he dies.