Cardiologist and other hostages


Apr 1, 2013
San Pedro de Macoris
Anyone following this story? Haitians held a doctor and many Dominicans hostage today. I heard the doctor speaking on a radio program, some of the Dominicans who were there told him to be quiet and not speak at all......they told the Haitians that he was an American doctor, and they let him leave

That says a lot about this country is a ****, we are not protected even in our land.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
The worst part of this is that the Dominican military was right there, watching all this. They said they have been directed not to intercede with Haitians at the border. They did nothing. How ludicrous is that??? What the hell are they doing at the border then???

Unless I misunderstood, which is possible, this was all because the police confiscated a motorcycle. They held the hostages until it was returned. Mob rule at its best.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
The worst part of this is that the Dominican military was right there, watching all this. They said they have been directed not to intercede with Haitians at the border. They did nothing. How ludicrous is that??? What the hell are they doing at the border then???

Unless I misunderstood, which is possible, this was all because the police confiscated a motorcycle. They held the hostages until it was returned. Mob rule at its best.
Somebody has some 'splaining to do...


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Damn thats my cardiologist. Great Doctor!

My niece says he’s the best cardiologist in DR. She sent me his radio interview today on WhatsApp, if you want to hear it, send me your phone number via pm and I’ll forward it to you.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
WTF are you saying..Are you aware some folks will take you serious ?

Somehow I don't think we have many local Dominican vigilantes reading this forum. LOL!

When faced with Haitian mob rule in your country, what would you do. Negotiate? Offer some apple juice and cookies?

You take out the RAID and eradicate the problem, simple!


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
I've seen videos where the Haitians through stones to the Dominican military posted along the border and they does nothing.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Somehow I don't think we have many local Dominican vigilantes reading this forum. LOL!

When faced with Haitian mob rule in your country, what would you do. Negotiate? Offer some apple juice and cookies?

You take out the RAID and eradicate the problem, simple!
I would let the military, who were there, take action and hopefully not shooting people, but certainly not propose mob-lynching.

Innocent people get hurt or murdered when mob rule occurs, because it would be just dark brown attacking black and most likely attacking none of the people involved.

Look we can agree illegal immigration most often is detrimental to a country, without proposing hanging people.

Sent from my SM-A530F using Tapatalk


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Today’s DR1 news

Kidnapping at the border
Media in the Dominican Republic exploded yesterday with the news story that well-known cardiologist Pedro Ureña had been held up for several hours by a crowd of 50-100 Haitians armed with stones, knives and machetes on Saturday, 11 November 2018. He was traveling with a group of motorcyclists along the Carretera Internacional (“no man’s land”) that divides Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He was traveling on the Dominican side of the mostly dirt road. He said they frequently had made the same trip and this was the first time he had been assaulted. They were making their way from the south to Puerto Plata along the border roads. They had started in Pedro Santana.

Once released, the physician contacted El Sol de la Mañana and reported on the scary incident. He said the Haitians created a fire obstacle on the road and then assaulted them taking their motorcycles, keys and cell phones. The men – Dr. Pedro Ureña, Oscar Valiente, Dr. Luis Cordero, Diego Cordero and Oscar Valiente, Pedro Ureña, Luis Andrés Cordero, Diego Cordero, Yoni Aquino, Gilberto Ureña and Juan Manuel Anico.-- were retained with other Dominicans that had been assaulted for around three hours.

One of these told them not to speak, to keep their helmets on and pretend they were Americans. The Dominicans then told the Haitians that the new group was one of Americans and hence they were let free. Urena said the Haitian assailants returned their belongings. The Dominican urged that the doctors tell the story when they got back to Santo Domingo. Apparently, this is a frequent situation that has not been addressed by those responsible for border security.

Dr. Ureña said he felt sad and indignant. He was especially perplexed that two Dominican army men observed but did not do anything to help them. The men argued they could not use force by themselves and in the area there was no telecom signal to request help. They argued the Haitians committed the theft because one of them had had his motorcycle confiscated in Dajabón, a main border town. Dr. Ureña said the event took place in La Palmita, around 25 kilometers south of Restauración.

Dr. Ureña says this is an unacceptable situation. He said the other Dominicans had been there for hours, waiting in resignation, suffering these same experiences every now and then. In none of the situations do the military intervene, he said. "We were lucky that we passed for Americans, and they returned all our belongings and let us go," says Ureña. "But, and those who live there? Why do they have to give up everything, why do they have to accept their cow is stolen, their vehicle taken, their motorcycle stolen?” he asks. With indignation, he said the Haitians only have to cross to the other side of the border and there is no way they can be reached.

"Here things have to change. Our border has to be a real border. There must be a military presence," explains the cardiologist. "You have to do something different, what is happening does not work," says the doctor.

Back in Santo Domingo the physician said: “What is most shameful for me is that I had to say I was an American to be let go, because if I said I was Dominican I would have been kept. In my country I had to pretend to be a foreigner to get out. That was the drop that made the glass overflow,” he said. He said he left another 10 Dominicans, including one who was transporting cows in a truck, and others in a pick up. He said when they got to Dajabon he heard the group was also let go.

Defense Minister Rubén Darío Paulino Sem has ordered an investigation into the kidnapping of the group by the Haitian mob on a border road within the Dominican Republic.

He said that he had called the doctor to hear his version of events and to understand the circumstances leading to the lack of assistance by Dominican soldiers stationed in the area. He told the press he had spoken with Dr. Ureña to hear his version of the events and to understand the circumstances leading to the lack of assistance by Dominican soldiers stationed in the area.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Another article today claims that the border road curves in and out of Dominican territory into Haiti at that point. (Anyone know if that’s true?). The writer claims that they were held on the Haitian side, and that is why the Dominican military could not intervene as they’d have had to cross the road into Haiti.

All the other articles say this all happened in Dominican territory


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Another article today claims that the border road curves in and out of Dominican territory into Haiti at that point. (Anyone know if that’s true?). The writer claims that they were held on the Haitian side, and that is why the Dominican military could not intervene as they’d have had to cross the road into Haiti.

All the other articles say this all happened in Dominican territory
I'm not sure anyoine knows exactly where the border is in that area. The section where they were detained has a river that many think is the border. However, in one section the road crosses the river in what could be thought of as Haitian territory when it it not. You can see it on a map.

I read there was one soldier with an M16. But there were 100+ angry young Haitians. One guy with an M16 may not be able to hold off 100 angry Haitians with rocks and machetes.

Wanna bet there will be a significant military presence in the future?

Coming soon to the DR: "Build. The. Wall."


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
My niece says he’s the best cardiologist in DR. She sent me his radio interview today on WhatsApp, if you want to hear it, send me your phone number via pm and I’ll forward it to you.

No I will ask him when I see him. He is one of the best. Has patients from all over. not just the DR. been going to him for years.