DR Marriage from Quebec


New member
Jun 2, 2014
Hello. Desperately in need of some actual true information!!!
I am looking to get married in the Dominican Republic to a Dominican women. I first went to the Sosua ministry office for info, but felt they were very unclear on how to proceed. So I hired a lawyer in the Dominican to help with all of my paper work. My layer brought the below documents to the office in Santo Domingo and they refused saying that my birth certificate was no good.

The documents I had:
- my original Quebec birth certificate
- a translated copy of my birth certificate done by the Cancilleria Dominicana in Puerto Plata and stamped (which I thought was notarized because of the stamp)
- a declaration of never being married done by my lawyer in Spanish, notarized by my lawyer
- a copy of my Canadian Passport
- copies of the passports of our witnesses (non-family)
- my fiance's original birth certificate, and a copy of her passport and cedula

All of this was submitted to the office in Santo Domingo, which every website and office I visited told me that is all I needed, as well as a few different Dominican lawyers. But it was still refused in Santo Domingo, saying that my original birth certificate was not good enough.:mad:

They are saying that I need to have my original Quebec birth certificate stamped by a Dominican Embassy in Canada. If it is not done in Canada, it is not valid for the wedding.

I know of a friend from Quebec that got married about a year ago and he did not have to do anything at am Embassy in Canada. Did the rules change in the last year? Has anyone heard of this. Is this just another "rule" to get more money from me? Wedding is coming up in January and I hate to have to get a return flight to Canada just for this.

I keep hearing different things, so I am hoping that someone can provide me with some actual legit info.
Thanks in advance!!


Apr 29, 2014
Cdn Govt documents need to be apostilled by foreign affairs in Ottawa and perhaps stamped by the DR embassy in Ottawa as well. Birth certificate = a legit birth certificate (long form not the wallet sized card) and not a Quebec Baptismal certificate. Birth certificates should not have been issued/apostilled more than six months before submitting it here in the DR.

For a fee, the DR embassy can also translate your documents into Spanish.

The previous advice to contact the DR Embassy in Ottawa for clarification is good advice.


New member
Jun 2, 2014
@Matilda - thank you for your info....the MIREX are the ones that said I need to have my birth certificate stamped/legalized by Embassy in Canada...Ottawa/Toronto/Montreal. Which is strange because the MIREX site says that they will legalize documents. So I have to get it legalized in Canada only to get legalized again by MIREX. This is very strange.
@KateP - I called the Canadian Embassy in POP, they said they do not know the process and I need to contact Dominican office. They did say they offer a service to provide a "certified as true copy" of my birth certificate. Don't know if that will suffice.

The Embassies I contacted in Canada said I need to do all my documents through them, the single declaration as well as the birth certificate translation. they said anything done in Dominican is not valid. So you can see how I am getting different info from everyone I talk to.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
The embassies want the money. I have helped several Canadians marry here and they have all had translations done here by a legalized translator. To be honest the only person who matters in this is the judge who is going to marry you. Ask the judge what he or she will accept, show what you have and ask if they need anything else.

It is only Canadians who need the legalization done at MIREX as Canada is not part of the Hague agreement in as far as apostilles are concerned so Canada does not issue apostilles. To get the latest info, join and ask your question in the Dominicano Spouses FB group = full of Canadians including Quebecois who have recently been through the process. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DominicanoSpouses/
