Extra military in streets?



Just got back from SD and I was in the area mentioned. I did notice some small groups of military personnel here and there, but nothing compared the large number of police on Cabarete Beach Saturday. A friend said he saw a vehicle with 6-8 military personnel, also.


Just got back from SD and I was in the area mentioned. I did notice some small groups of military personnel here and there, but nothing compared the large number of police on Cabarete Beach Saturday. A friend said he saw a vehicle with 6-8 military personnel, also.

There always out and about for major holidays, especially Semana Santa, where there is considerable partying going on in the streets and beaches.


There always out and about for major holidays, especially Semana Santa, where there is considerable partying going on in the streets and beaches.

I live here full time. I have been here for 13 consecutive Semana Santas as well as all other major holidays, so that is not exactly a "news flash" to me.

I was never in SD before on a holiday weekend, but the number of military personnel wasn't really a shcoking site and SD was relatively quiet on Easter Sunday. On the other hand, Cabarete was absolutely packed. Never saw so many people here nor as many police.

It set a record. More and more Dominicans are coming here on holiday weekends - especially from Santiago.


SD is one of the calmest places on the island during Semana Santa. Everyone is gone!!!!! Very little noise, no traffic jams etc YEA.


I recall one Easter Sunday or it could have been Saturday , they were in Las Galeras, Samana in full force, and there is absolutely NOTHING going on there in terms of Crime ...
Guess what they enforced .. NO BOTTLES on the Sand beach .. as if someone was gonna break a bottle and start stabbing people ? wtf ?
they seem to just have to find anything to justify their presence ...or they were just looking for a Free Beer .