Tension Between Domincans & Ricans

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Jan 8, 2002
I have encountered quite a few discussions about the tension between some Dominicans and Puerto Ricans regarding the international status of each state. I must, however, point out that it never got out of hand. It was always more of a joke between friends who never really cared too much about the issue, anyhow.

Now, I am aware of the fact that some Puerto Ricans take it to another level and that really aggravates the living hell out of me. Some tend to make empty claims of how much better they are then the rest of us. They feel they are better then us because they have something that was given to them. Let's think about that for a second. All I need now is for women on welfare to be proud (and not grateful) for the aid that they receive from the government. A lot of Puerto Ricans know for a fact that their non-independent country is the biggest puppet of the U.S and they would probably be worse off then we are if this was not a fact. Puerto Rico has nothing to offer the U.S other then (to put it in simple terms) a convinient military base. They want to ask me about my green card? Please!!! Puerto Rico cannot stand up and say this is ours or we have accomplished all this because everyone knows it would be to B.S. So, to bring this to a conclusion, I feel what most Puerto Ricans need to do is be grateful for what they have and stop taking credit for something that they know they didn't accomplish! Enough said!!


NOTE: By they way.....I have never had any major problem with Puerto Ricans due to this. I have tons of friends who are from there and most of the girlfriends that I've had are from there as well.
Mar 21, 2002
Arenas, to hell with the puertoricans. They have no country, no flag, no money and no verguenza. They are America's whore. A colony which got their butts kicked when the Dominicans took over all their areas up in New York. I went once to PR and cut my trip short. That place has no latin soul. I can tolerate the Cubans and make fun of Tony C but its all in fun. Puertoricans truly rile me up. They have no family structure and are a bunch of crack-addicted drunks. You have to look far and away to find any dominicans who have anything nice to say about puertoricans.


Jan 1, 2002
That my be, O&C, but there are an awful lot of Dominicans trying to get to Puerto Rico.

BTW, I have spent quite a bit of time in PR and have found that many don't have a great deal of respect for Dominicans, either. I have been told many times that the DR has gone down hill.


New member
May 22, 2002

I agree with you completely...what is there to see in americanized PR?? Our country is beautiful, people come on this board and say all this stuff happened to them in DR (sometimes bad), and yet THEY STILL WANT TO VISIT AGAIN. When is the last time you heard someone say they went to San Juan for anything...why don't we all take a trip to Rio Piedras...They are the first people to jump up and say they're americans, where is your star on the flag??

And lets face it, say what they want, but las boricuas LOVE Dominican men...prolly cuz most of their men are short maricones named Juan. They need tigres.

They have lost all control in NYC, we run up there, so now they're migrating down here to Miami, there's a ton of boricuas down here, but the cubanos run here....they have no home.

Tom F.

Jan 1, 2002
Give the Boriquas a break

I don't know what neighborhoods you guys have been hanging out in (maybe Bushwick or El Barrio). Just to begin this, the New York Times published an article about the number of Puerto Rican families who have moved to the suberbs and have mixed in with the larger community here in the US. I also see this happening with many Dominicans now. The Dominicans should look at the Puerto Rican experience here in the US to predict many of the same changes which will happen to the Dominicans over the next couple of decades. I have meet people here is NJ who are Puerto Rican or Cuban and I thought they were Italian by looking at them.

I also teach Puerto Rican kids in NYC and personally know quite a few families. There is so much that is the same between the two cultures that it amazes me to hear people talk like our previous posters. I also here Puerto Ricans refer to the island as mi pais. The US could of easily have taken over the Samana Penisula and turned it into a naval base (which they almost did). I really don't think the US found the DR to be of any real value to them around 1900. I also listen to Puerto Ricans speak fondly of the travels to the island and some who dream of going back (just like my Dominican friends). I also know some who have went back and/or go back and forth.

It is a shame that the US took control of Puerto Rico and imposes itself like it does in Viequez. It is also a shame that US culture has taken over in PR the way it has, but the DR is not too much behind them and expect the trend to continue. Instead of critisizing Puerto Ricans you should be grateful that the DR is independent and a proud people. Isn't fantastic that you have a dysfunctional government bleeding of corruption at all levels. By the way, the electricity rarely goes out in PR unless a hurricane comes through or something. I have also been told that they know how to actually put a good road down.


New member
May 22, 2002

I didn't really see the point of your post, that's great they refer to their island as mi pais...but ITS NOT A PAIS...its a commonwealth. They don't make their own laws, they don't have their own money, they're way of life is dictated by the americans...Dominicans live however they choose to live...thanks.

Tom F.

Jan 1, 2002
I think most people would want . . .

Some of the point was to show how Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are similiar in more ways than not. I would bet that the majority of Dominicans would approve of the US coming in a providing welfare to all the poor Dominicans. I'm sure most of it would be corrupted away before it ever reached the poor. But that would never happen because it would even get harder to find domestic help and even more Haitains would be needed to do the grunt work around the country.


Jan 1, 2002
Just for the record.....

DR_DEFENDER: you know darn well that the term "Rican" is very offensive to Puerto Ricans. Unless there are Puerto Ricans on this board to defend themselves, show some class and don't launch unprovoked attackts like that.



Jan 1, 2002
Oh the joys of generalizing.

Die darn harmster! Die!

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002

Might be the reason Dominicans try to get into PR is to try to assimilate, get identification and go to the States. Easier to go from PR than DR.
Mar 21, 2002
To any treacherous dominican who wants to defend the boricuas please take a trip to PR and see how they treat our people like garbage. If it wasn't for the americans DR would destroy PR in hours. We have a strong military force and all they have are fat security guards protecting their island. I was there. I have never met a more unfriendly group of people like the boricuas. Everyone has that suscipiciuos look on their faces. It reminded me of my trip to Managua. Man there isn't any place like DR. FYI for all those idiotic boricuas that want to return home they sure haven't read the papers. PR is extremely dangerous, more so than DR. I've been to Cuba and it reminded me of the DR. I would return to Cuba but never PR.

Tom F., FYI I stayed in Isla Verde in San Juan Hotel and Casino paying 800 a night for 2 weeks.This was about 4 years ago. Yeah the hotel was nice but the human condition sucked. People in and around San Juan were ignorant and only spoke English when I spoke Spanish. Those morons spoke English with a very bad accent and can't stand next to me with my Northern accent. I cut short my trip cuz I found the PR people to be quite tasteless and unfriendly. After 4 days I returned to the DR vowing never to touch that scummy land again.

Anyone coming to the DR only meets a friendly group of people that make all feel welcomed. Ask any foreigner if they would pick between DR and PR. Going to PR is like going to Oklahoma- dull,drab and deserted. People are as bland as dry potatoes. They are latin in name only. They are as cold as Canada.

Those puertoricans can't stand next to me in any way. All they are a bunch of American lambones who depend on US welfare handouts.

So don't worry Arenas they can all go to hell. I've seen those arrogant PR bastards when they arrive in AILA or PP. They think they are doing the DR a favor by coming. I wished they'd stay in shoebox of a colony.

Oh one last thing to my dearest Pib and Mondongo paesanos, don't forget que ustedes son DOMINICANOS, so remember where your loyalty lies unless in your advanced brains you forget the simple things .
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Jan 5, 2002
My experience with Puerto Ricans

First of...NewYorkRicans are not like Puerto Ricans. I always got along very well with PRs from New York. I learned salsa from them. Great bunch.

Also in the island, there are regular PRs and the blue bloods. The Blue bloods are the most anti-Dominican bunch in the world. I was sent there by my company in the U.S. for a very important promotion interview. I did not want to go, but the offer was too good not to be listened to. One of the enticements was that my interview would be just a formality, but that I would have no opposition. Well,,,surprise!!!

The executive board of the P.R. branch was made up of blue blood PRs and when they discovered that I was Dominican they turned me down. They did not even care that I was a blue blood myself in DR with born pedigree. Just that I was Dominican. I almost sued the bastards. But my pride did not let me. Plus the US branch to avoid a conflict promoted me to something bigger and twice the salary, plus the promise of a parachute if I was not satisfied. Ther parachute was good for five years. I worked the five years and took the shute. That is why I am in DR now living the good life thanks to Puerto Rican discrimination.

But who cares? No hard feelings guys. I love your music, your people, your culture. It is not your fault your blue bloods think they have a flag and a free country. By ther way, I ran into one of the blue bloods from that board at Casa De Campo one time and he was shocked to see me in the same villa he was attending a party. I told him..no sweat guy, I live better than you here. At least I dont have to work for a living like you. Plus I dont have to report to Uncle Sam on April 15.



New member
Apr 24, 2002
we are better than they are

puertoricans are moving into the suburbs because they've been here long enough to have had saved up the dough or to have sought out a college education and better jobs; dominicans are just getting here(some barely making it) and since the states are not as generous to us as they are towards puertoricans who reaped the benefits of welfare before the dominicans came along; we take from the scraps. I don't think dominicans are heading towards puertorico because they like the land so much or the people, or that dominicans are coming to the u.s. because they want to see snow and know what it's like to be locked up all day in a tiny apartment, maybe it's because P.R. and U.S. have mighty dollars. speaking of which, the p.r. dollar is not as mighty as many think. even after it's been receiving aid from the u.s. for more than 50 years and the fact that the D.r. is plagued with autocratic caudillos who think they deserve everything they don't have the p.r. economy is only twice that of the d.r.s

childish nonsense aside...they're good people and we should be happy that they came upon a pot of gold that keeps on giving, but if ever a puertorican asks to see my green card I'd want to know what they've been doing with all that extra money, electricity, food, medicine and culture that we don't have? the japanese took advantage of its 100 year contract, (afterall they're #2), what they hell is puertorico waiting for? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying they need to REPRESENT


Feb 15, 2002
There's no way Dominicans have 'taken over' the Puerto Rican areas of the U.S., in Boston the Dominican presence is secondary to the Puerto Rican one, at least in the political ways, as that is what I am familiar with.

And Ambiorix, Dominicans are brown and Puerto Ricans aren't???? I can't tell the difference between the two most of the time... they are pretty similar mixes.

And O&C, maybe Pib and Mondongo are saying what they think is true. Should they deny what they think is true because they are Dominicans and aren't allowed to say anything negative about their country? They are not basing every single thought on the fact that they are Dominicans, they are judging the situation from a neutral, educated point of view, not a blind nationalist one.

That kind of mentality drives me nuts, and I think that is why problems of racism and prejudice still exist. You have to look at situations and people on an individual level. You can't complain about Puerto Ricans merely because of the fact that you are Dominican, and there is a rivalry.
Have you really thought about it? Do you know what you're fighting for or are you just blindly defending the DR because it's the DR? Not allowing others to criticize your precious country is scary nationalism. :angry:


Jan 5, 2002
To be fair

I have no grudge against the Puerto Rican government and their people trying to control "illegal" immigration. The invasion of unskilled workers and people seeking fortune thru the usual easy schemes such as drug dealing, counterfeiting, selling untaxed merchandise, and illegal activities are causing problems not only in P.R. but all over the world where booming or sound economies are.

We got the same problem here with illegals from many countries, specially Haitians, Chinese, Cubans and South Americans seeking bridges to the U.S. or staying here. These people are a burden to us. So are many Dominicans in Puerto Rico, Curazao,Venezuela, Panama and other countries.

Mar 21, 2002
The line has been drawn. It might be scary nationalism but the PR folk are as nationalistic as they get. Dominicans are treated as garbage in PR. PR folk treat and physically abuse the DR folk in ways that we would never even dream of treating the Haitians. PR have beaten,immolated,tortured and drowned our people in their scummy little island. Since i don't appear

It's unanimous. All the Dominicans who have posted have nothing good to say about the ricans. Even the neutral posts don't praise them in any way. It makes me happy to see all the Dominicans on DR1 unite where it counts.

Arenas, I like that one where you wrote that the boricuas don't have a star on the flag. Ambiorix don't sweat it, we have plenty of white dominicans to counter those wannabes. We have the addded benefit of what Criss termed HYBRID VIGOR. From the purest white to the darkest black and everything in between. Golo you're a riot. Even during times of national unity you must remind us of your blue blood status. Well that's good so that the boricuas can see we can also stand on equal terms.

I was naive that time I went to PR. In SD I was told how anit-DR they are in PR. I didn't believe it until I got the cold shoulder over there. When I went to Cuba I got treated like a brother. The Cubans and Dominicans have alot in common. They are a friendly outdoors bunch like us. It's a shame with all that communism and poverty. Now the boricuas are a different story. When I was driving about the island and would ask for directions the response ranged from apathy to getting me lost on purpose. Once they sent me into La Perla. I could have been killed.

About 2 days ago some mick cop from NY hurt a Dominican. I was told that the Dominicans up there all took to the streets. Man I love unity. Bugsey, Pib and Mondongo know where to stand when the line is drawn. Bugsey you can criticize all you want. Personally, I have never met a decent PR. I know there must be some but I have never met them.


"everyday is a holiday"
Jan 27, 2002
to hell with them

I don't have anything agaisnt Puerto Ricans personally, but I do resent the fact that they look down upon Dominicans and DR. The way I see it, I rather have a country I can call my own than be the United States b*tch.

Puerto Rico is where it is today because of the United States. If the US were to leave PR today the Island would crumble. How would they support themselves, I don't even think they would know how to. Puerto Rico has no industry, no military and jobs come in the form of American and foreign companies thanks to the tax breaks. Puerto Ricans do nothing but protest against the Navy in Vieques, they want protection but they don't want to pay for it. Those that protest are probably living on US assistance yet they carry anti-american sentiments with them. I say to hell with them. They want protection like the rest of us but they're not willing to pay for it...screw them! let them build, pay and train their own military with their own money. Puerto Ricans call Puerto Rico "mi pais" yet they won't work for that either. A large percentage of the population favors Statehood but I bet you they don't favor having to pay taxes like everyone else.

I can go on and on about this the whole day. But my point is that Puerto Ricans need to get off their high horse. They haven't worked for Puerto Rico, the US has given it to them. As a Dominican, I am proud of my country. We may not have much as compared to them, but what we have we have worked for! and to me, that's true pride!!!!!!
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Jan 1, 2002

I hate bigotry, and I hate generalizations. I firmly believe that generalizations about gender, race or nationality are caused by ignorance or stupidity... or both.

I was well treated in Puerto Rico, I didn't feel anyone offended me or targeted me, (I could explain it by saying I am charming ;), but I am sure it wasn't only because of that) I liked the people. I may disagree on some things they've done, but it is none of my business, it's THEIR country. Being a good Dominican doesn't require one to be anti-Haitian, anti-Puerto Rican or anti anything.

If you go to a country and *everybody* treats you like garbage, then go outside and check the sole of your shoes then sniff your armpits; if none smells, then chances are you are just an a**hole.


Vettehead from Buckhead
Jan 16, 2002
Question for the respondents of this post. I would think that the fact that Dominicans have to go through so much anguish for a visa to the US and PR's can come and go as they please add to the general sentiment of a "we are better than you" attitude towards Dominicans? What do ya'll think?
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