If you - your ts and ' your is, why not ~ your ?s?


Jan 1, 2002
For the non-initiated the ? seems like an unimportant letter, very far from the truth. The very name of the language wouldn't be the same without this, at times forgotten letter. Espa?a, the cradle of Espa?ol would have a silly name if we simply forget to put the ~ (called tilde in Spanish) on top of the n.

Important words like co?o --of even more importance in Spain-- would lose its wicked meaning and become an innocent word, that is totally useless as an insult, by virtue of becoming a geometrical figure. Or how about the sweet ca?a, to which our country owes so much? It turns into something totally inedible, and only useful for roofing, by a simple stroke of the eraser.

Forget the ? and pi?a will cease to be a fruit and become a common surname, pe?a will not be a rock but a sorrow, and a cu?a will not get you out of trouble, unless you just had a baby. Without this unique letter mo?o stops being the cute bow on a gift box and becomes a chimp; but it reaches catastrophic proportions when you forget it in wishing someone feliz cumplea?os.

Be nice to the e?e, and the e?e will be nice to you.

Brought to you by the Society for Protection of the E?e as an Endangered Species.

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Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
Here Here! Right on! Wooooh! Support the accents! They're important!

(Hey, Pib, I just saw a spelling mistake at Codetel's website - "reponder" - feel like tackling them too?)


Jan 1, 2002
Jane, word is all editors were tortured and murdered during the Trujillo Era. I suspect that there's a law that banned them from the country. How else would we have the stupidest mistakes on ALL newspapers?


Jan 3, 2002
I would use it if I could find it on my keyboard! I am challenged, computer-wise. That's why I try not to post in Spanish!


New member
Apr 10, 2002
I want to subscribe...

to the Society of Protection of the E?e as an Endangered Species.

Can I be a founding member? Please! Pretty Please!!!


Jan 1, 2002
Dear NoMoreSnow,

We at the Society for Protection of the E?e as an Endangered Species are honored to learn that you are interested in joining us. Our society strives in its pursue of humane treatment for our little friend the e?e.

The e?e, which biologists believe belong to the same family as the Emus, once roamed free, its importance known to the original speakers of the language. Today it has fallen victim to ignorance and careless typing. Poachers hunt the e?e for its ~, its use unknown since no other letter needs it.

Please send your check for US$75.00 to the address we will provide you and you will receive our splendiferous Membership Certificate. Thank you for your interest in the protection of the wild life.
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Jan 1, 2002
Pib, I've been told that the Chinese use the ~ to make a potion popular with rich, elderly men who wish to maintain their sexual powers. Apparently the ~ sells for a very high price, especially now that it is in danger of extinction.

Please don't ask me for a reference for this information.


May 7, 2002
I was one of the perps until my daughter showed me the magic trick (alt + 164) and I'm not really computer challenged, just that I didn't write in Spanish that much before, but oh boy, when I had to write a?o, that's when the meaning of the word really changed...in a very embarrassing way!!!

Words that loose meaning when you don't ~ the n:

Monta?a - Becomes a state
A?o - enough said
A mo?o - becomes a monkey

and so on...So I'm with you Pib, I'm joining the SPEES.

PS: By the way, the check's in the mail ;)


Feb 15, 2002
Sorry to burst everyone's e?e bubble, but there already is a society for the protection of the little guy, it's called the Real Academia, it's in Madrid behind the Prado Museum, and sorry, Pib, but I think there's already a Dominican representative. However, I must defend the gringos a little because on an American keyboard the whole alt whatever is a pain in the butt. Since I write so many papers and stuff for school in Spanish, I created a hot button type thing under 'character map' in Word. It's control +9, but you could make it anything you want.

Why don't they just make the tilde in the upper left under esc an ? instead of just the tilde? Where else would you use a tilde besides websites?


Jan 1, 2002
C'mon Bugsey

You are ruining the business! I checked the website of the Real Academia before posting the OP, there I learnt that ? and ~ had the same name in Spanish (I knew about ?).

Special Spanish characters:
? -- ? -- ? -- ?-- ? -- ? -- ? -- ? -- ? -- ? -- ?

Edited to add:
If they do as you say and put an ? where the ~ is they would be unfair. Next thing the French, the Germans, the Danes and just about everybody will be demanding that they put their weird characters in the English keyboard. We can't put them together without ending up wiht a keyboard that looks like a piano. The Spanish keyboard has the ? where the English has the semicolon.
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Feb 15, 2002
I guess it would be unfair to the other languages... what can I say, I'm biased! For American keyboards, it should be there since Spanish is the number 2 language here. The fact that it is not there encourages people to not use it.

I am passionate about this - in my high school if I forgot a tilde on a test the whole frase was wrong! :(


Jan 1, 2002
It isn't hard.

I used the International setting on my keyboard (control panel->keyboard). the ~ on my keyboard is up by the !/1 key. I just type ~ and then the n, and get ?

Also in your caracter map you can find the ?....My way is easier...

That Academy in Madrid sux! Artificial gender. Gender bias!...

I hate "el"" y "la" ! Los y las!! Pox on them! I like "the" the all inclusive article....

Apr 26, 2002
And Y

What does the Academy say about the letter "Y"? Like in "Neyba" or "El Seybo".

As for all of the editors being tortured and killed during the Trujillo era, all I can do is long for the good old days.

Any chance that the lawyers bought it too? I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?
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Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
Confusing linquistic details

Can someone please post the general rules for El and La?

I'm always asking stuff like "Cual es: El Mar o La Mar, El Ley o La Ley, Cuantas Cervezas - Uno or Una?" and my darn Dominican friends always miss what I'm trying to ask. Is it La Mano Frio or La Mano Fria (does the adjective follow the rule even if the definite article is an exception)?

When I say "Buenos" as short for Buenos Dias, why does the girl in reception answer "Buenas"?

How does one distinguish between we write (often used to mean we WILL write) and we wrote (or any other IR verb)?

What about all those varieties of pico? Every menu seems to use a different version for comination plate.

What is the proper way to say "Medium Rare" (I've been using "bien rojo" - or should I be saying roja)?

How about the other subtle and often misused stuff. Este/Esto/Esta, Le/La/Lo, Subjunctive (Quiero que tu sepas), ...


Jan 1, 2002
You want a freaking Spanish lesson in 500 words?!

C'mon Jim, I don't do THAT for free ;)

Ok, I am not qualified to teach Spanish, being that I am still learning. An easy language it isn't, the grammar is a bitch.

[B]Jim Hinsch[/b] said:
Can someone please post the general rules for El and La?

I'm always asking stuff like "Cual es: El Mar o La Mar, El Ley o La Ley, Cuantas Cervezas - Uno or Una?" and my darn Dominican friends always miss what I'm trying to ask. Is it La Mano Frio or La Mano Fria (does the adjective follow the rule even if the definite article is an exception)?
The article should be the same gender as the noun. As a general rule that I just made up, most nouns ending in a are feminine whereas most nouns ending in o are masculine.

For example:
La jarra
El vaso

The most noted exception is agua, which is feminine, but since its first letter is an a it would sound bad with the article la (cachophony). In this case the article el is used, but agua remains a feminine noun, so the adjetive acompanying agua should also be in the feminine form.

For example:
El agua est? fr?a.

Nouns not ending in either a or o you have to learn case by case.

La ley
La cerveza
El mar
La mano (another exception)

A short note on el: This is an article, singular, masculine. The pronoun, equivalent to the English he is ?l. Please notice the difference. It IS important.

When I say "Buenos" as short for Buenos Dias, why does the girl in reception answer "Buenas"?
Buenas is equivalent to the English "Hi". The correct way is Buenos d?as/buenas tardes/buenas noches

How does one distinguish between we write (often used to mean we WILL write) and we wrote (or any other IR verb)?
Verbs in the infinitive form in Spanish all end in ar, er, and ir. This is the tour de force in Spanish, because unlike English the verb changes when the tense/gender/pronoun changes. Just one verb will take a couple of pages to list all its forms (present, future, past, past participle, conditional, etc.). This is where a book or a teacher comes handy. BTW, escribir is a regular verb, that is supposed to make it easier. Yeah, right!

What about all those varieties of pico? Every menu seems to use a different version for comination plate.
Pico: beak, peak or slang for "and then some more". I don't see its relation to a menu.

What is the proper way to say "Medium Rare" (I've been using "bien rojo" - or should I be saying roja)?
T?rmino medio, as opposed to bien cocido (well done).

How about the other subtle and often misused stuff. Este/Esto/Esta, Le/La/Lo, Subjunctive (Quiero que tu sepas), ...
In the next lesson I will explain that, and how to use the verbs estar and ser. Now send me money.

edited to correct my own stupid grammatical errors :rolleyes:
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Jan 1, 2002
Who appointed me the Spanish Expert?

[B]Porfio_Rubirosa[/B] said:
What does the Academy say about the letter "Y"? Like in "Neyba" or "El Seybo".
Neyba and Seybo are Taino names. You cannot apply the Spanish grammar rules to a "foreign" name.

My best shot at it