I am not worried about kidnappings..Why?


Jan 5, 2002
I didn't want to say this, but it's time to come right out and say it. Contrary to other countries, where kidnappings are reserved for high society people, movie stars, celebrities and people born rich, every single kidnapping that has been reported in the annals of Dominican history are new rich "victims". It will surprise me a great deal if I ever hear that a member of Dominican high society is kidnapped. It has never happened. Why?

It's simple Sherlock. Have you noticed that every kidnapping in this country has never been solved? Sure, there have been a few arrests for public consumption, but the real perpetrators are living it off somewhere in a Copacabana beach. The police is forced to get involved in DR kidnappings because of public shame. Nobody wants the grey uniforms involved in this business, because it is a "family affair"

Kidnapping high society in DR does not pay, because kidnapping here is not a money crime. It is a "criminality" related crime. Let me explain. The reason these cases are never solved is because the "victims" or their families want to keep it to themselves. Why? What about..."I have something to hide"?. Like what? Well, for instance some the following: self-kidnappings, major drug deal problems, "suspect" vengeance related to dark business deals, "tumbes", scams and other dark side events. Notice that every kidnapped victim is either a Dominican York, a "comerciante" or "empresario" with no historical background in traditional business, a farm businessman(arroceros,plantation owners, cattlemen) and other Dominican professions that are unlike our traditional blue bloods. You will even see rarities like poor people being kidnapped. Chances are it is the family member of somebody who never paid you that loan or that cocaine. Poor people just don't get kidnapped either!!! Except in DR.

Those of you who fear this new trend of crime in DR, be cool. Chances are you will never be affected by this unless you belong to one of those aforementioned under the table money groups. I guarantee you that. The day you see a Peynado, Pellerano, Alfau, Bonetti,or Vicini kidnapped I will eat my own shoes!!

That's why I am not afraid of kidnapping.



Jan 1, 2002
I am not afraid, but for a different reason:

Kidnapper: Sir, we have your dauther here, we want 1 M to return her.

Dad: Would you take $10,000 and just keep her.



Mar 14, 2002
Things are not always what they appear to be. We may hear things on the street and read things in the newspaper, but these things don't necessarily give a full picture of what is happening.

Quite apart from that, I agree with Golo that the risks of kidnapping someone from that part of the ruling class are likely to far outweigh the potential benefits. In the end, it's a business and it appears to be one of the more efficiently managed businesses in the country.


Jan 1, 2002
However, Golo, until we shoot a few of these kidnappers, it will go on.
Capellans were long time comerciantes in Tamboril, long before Fernando became a Free Zone magnate; the Najris were businessmen for the last century, and while they are politically connected, I would have assumed that there would have been some interest in solving this one?? Oh well....shoot the phuckers and see how many more we get. It is impossible to cut wind in this country without someone knowing, so these are all, as Mr. Golo has said, very solvable crimes....



Jan 5, 2002

With all due respect to Santiago, being a Tamboril long time businessman qualifies you for membership to the Perth Amboy Chamber of Commerce, Puerto Rican section #2. What the hell is Tamboril? Only people from Santo Domingo who get lost on Duarte Highway end up in such dump. Money does not buy heritage. Capellan has always been a low class family tree.

As far as the others, I am not going to comment of Lebanese shoe shine boys just yet. Besides any family that gets a PRD membership qualifies for a Capotillo license.