Travel sickness


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I was wondering what we can do to avoid travel sickness

While staying at the coral hamaca. I would like to hear personal story

if you have experienced this sickness. Is it a concern? or should i look to vacation elsewhere.

Thanks for your information




My husband and I travelled to Punta Cana in February and visited our University's travel clinic prior to departure. We were advised and had our tetanus boosters updated and also received a vaccination for hepatitis-C. We were given a prescription for an antibiotic if we developed diarrhea for 3 days or more, which we did not need. We were advised to take Imodium AD with us, which we did, and each used it twice successfully. We drank only bottled water, including brushing our teeth with it. We avoided fresh fruit and undercooked meat (check it well - they don't cook it like Americans do). The resort was spotlessly beautiful and the staff were outstanding. However, of particular note the week we travelled to the resort was a significantly high level of gastric illness amongst the other guests. I cannot pinpoint a cause, but only advise you to be careful and you will be fine. We were advised to NOT drink pina coladas as they use coconut milk which serves as a laxative (we were also told 24 hours after our arrival NOT to drink the room water). We stuck to Presidente beer which is great, and my husband had screwdrivers. We both drank lots of bottled and tap soda, including ice from the bars which we were assured and reassured was purified.

Just be careful as you would on any vacation and you will have a great time!